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SQUEEKY2's avatar

What does inflating Covid deaths gain?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23626points) October 2nd, 2021

Ant-vaxxers claim the Covid deaths are over inflated to what they really are?
Who, or what benefits from over inflating the death numbers?

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22 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

This morning this website said the states were just under 720,000 deaths.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just more proof to the paranoid that they’re being lied to.

kneesox's avatar

I think the antis must view that possibility as proof that the risks are being exaggerated and that covid isn’t as serious as claimed.

I don’t know if the numbers are inflated or not, but certainly the higher the numbers, the greater the threat to everybody.

rebbel's avatar

Anti-vaccin people say the darndest things.

JLeslie's avatar

People are dying from covid. People who don’t believe it are practicing wishful thinking.

flutherother's avatar

John Hopkins University has been counting world Covid deaths since the pandemic started. There have been 700,775 deaths in the United States. The highest in the world. Anti-vaxxers are just guessing.

Zaku's avatar

It’s the all-in denial thing. Having bought in to Trump B.S., they’re going to be going through more and more bizarre rationalizations before they admit what the rest of the world understood long ago about Trump. Meanwhile, if they can do anything to avoid admitting they were conned, they’ll try.

JLoon's avatar

No one, and nothing.

But trying to mix politics with public health does cover up the other epidemic of brain dead cases.

Jeruba's avatar

Johns. Johns Hopkins. With an S.

flutherother's avatar

@Jeruba I’m sure that “s” wasn’t there yesterday. It’s an unusual first name. John is a common name in my family but I’d never heard of Johns. Anyway thanks for pointing that out.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

To be fair, I am just a human living through this pandemic. I have little medical training. I read up on a variety of sites that may be reliable.

After sincerely listening to those that said “God created COVID and I’ll accept what he has in store for me”, to “I’m going to wait it out until I know the vaccine isn’t bad”, and “”I am getting the vaccine ASAP”, I made my decision.

It’s the roll of the dice. History has taken us through other pandemics before, yet each one is different. Let’s face it…life is messy.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

If you are trying to keep society in a state of constant fear, they must be convinced that catching this virus means an automatic death sentence.
I’m just glad our government would never want us in a state of fear. It’d be very scary if they did.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@elbanditoroso…good to see you! But the antivaxxer’s agenda is just the opposite.

Dutchess_III's avatar

(I meant @SquirrelEStuff…good to see you!)

omtatsat's avatar

Because many of the deaths, especially of the elderly, were not due solely to Covid. They would have probably had other health problems going on in their body ( serious health problems ). But it’s recorded as death from Covid. Which is basically distorting the truth!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@omtatsat Who or what benefits from distorting that truth?

omtatsat's avatar

They are not showing the whole picture. If someone who is healthy suddenly gets Covid and dies then it would be reasonable to say ” Covid death ”. But for someone who gets Covid and has other serious health problems and dies, it would be inaccurate to say ” Covid death”. Who do you think gains? The pill companies. The investors in vaccines.Governments that seek more control over the people. You name it . Many gain.

gorillapaws's avatar

@omtatsat ”...Governments that seek more control over the people…”

I hear this a lot. What the fuck is it supposed to mean exactly? What’s the secret agenda?

Step 1: Convince people to get vaccinated against a global pandemic
Step 2: Dictator for life!

Is that the idea? Because it makes no fucking sense.

omtatsat's avatar

Well maybe no secret agenda. But distorting the Covid numbers is hardly honest. And using these numbers to create some sort of ” panic ” is also not honest. And when you take peoples freedom away it’s like saying ” you have no rights”!

gorillapaws's avatar

@omtatsat ”…when you take peoples freedom away it’s like saying ” you have no rights”!

Limiting SOME freedoms in a pandemic, is NOT the same as removing ALL freedoms.

Belittling the seriousness of this fucking thing is dangerous and moronic. That kind of thinking killed my uncle, and put my other uncle in the ICU after getting COVID from attending his brother’s funeral, he may not survive. Neither were vaccinated.

JLeslie's avatar

@omtatsat What should the cause be? COVID caused them to die at that time.

If you had high blood pressure and died from a heart attack, should the death certificate say high blood pressure?

There was probably some under reporting of covid deaths early on. Some have been adjusted from being counted in regular flu and pneumonia over to covid, now that we know what covid does, but it still was likely under recorded in December, January, and February in America.

I heard about someone dying from covid where I live every few days at one point, the death rate was very high for a while. Now, we are very vaccinated, we still have hospitalizations and deaths, but the death rate has come down.

If where you live took more precautions and that’s why you feel stifled in your freedoms; that might also be why you think covid is bullshit, because the governments and businesses saved your people from illness and death.

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