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JLeslie's avatar

Do you think all of these people moving to Florida will make the state more red or more blue?

Asked by JLeslie (65850points) October 6th, 2021

Red for Republican and Blue for Democrats.

Initially, I thought all these Californians and New Yorkers would give Florida some more Democrats, but now I am not so sure.

Recently, I have heard a few Californians who have moved here say things like “I hope Florida stays Florida and doesn’t turn into another California.” I am on a California to Texas facebook group where the Republicans are very vocal and want to “keep Texas red.”

We could look up voter registration, but just wondering what you are hearing or what you guess. A lot of people register Independent, so then it is more difficult to know what is happening anyway.

Do you think we are going to have any big surprises on the electoral map for the 2024 presidential election because of so much domestic migration across state lines?

Nashville, TN, many parts of Texas and Florida are receiving a ton of people every day.

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23 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sorry I won’t move to a DeSantis therefore backward state !

Zaku's avatar

I don’t know. However, I used to live in Washington when people complained about the Californians moving there. Then they started complaining about the New Yorkers moving there. But after talking to the people moving there, I realized many of them were coming there because (it was cheaper and…) they were attracted to the place, and so they appreciated it and weren’t so much changing it as were more people that liked it… at least until some time around 2000, when it got really overpopulated and too expensive…

But Washington is the opposite of Florida in many, many ways. Weather, climate, flatness, education, culturally, politically, etc… so… I’m thinking the people coming to Florida are probably coming there because (it’s cheaper and…) they’re attracted to the place… but that would tend to mean they’re attracted to what’s there… which is the opposite of Washington… so people who LIKE something about Florida… could be coming because they like that it’s “red” as you say. In fact, that’d tend to be my guess (apart from the cost of living, and for the New Yorkers, the weather). As someone who can’t stand “red” US culture and politics, I would never want to move to Florida.

JLeslie's avatar

@Zaku I’m not trying to argue, but I want to say people call Florida red because of the electoral map and the news saying it constantly, but it’s red by the skin of the Republicans’ teeth. It is extremely purple. Here your vote would count and affect the entire country. Florida voted in Obama and most likely voted in Bush, but we know the Bush fiasco.

Having said that, Florida does have the problem of congressional seats and some local government, not just the presidential elections. A lot of the state is red, but it could easily change.

The thing about FL, TX, and TN is no income tax. Plus, the weather.

I love my state.

jca2's avatar

New York is largely a Republican state. The city and metro area are Democrat, and I’m not saying there’s not a powerful Democratic party here, but don’t kid yourself – a lot of upstate is Republican.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Yeah, I know. New Yorkers from all over the state come here. I happen to know a lot from The Bronx and Brooklyn though. I’m not sure what part of the state has been moving here lately.

Illinois it’s the same thing. Chicago and the surrounding suburbs are more likely to be Democrats, but Southern Illinois is the Bible Belt full of Republicans. I’ve met three people in the last year who moved from the Chicago area to The Villages. In Nashville the realtors are all saying they have a lot of clients moving from IL.

It just happened the Californians I talked to we’re very quick to go right into politics even if it was said in a way that I had to read between the lines. The other states didn’t talk about the politics, we just talked about other small talk.

zenvelo's avatar

My personal observation is that red folks are moving to Florida to get away from blue state democracy.

As far as Texas is concerned, last year there were a ton of articles on Californians fed up and moving to Texas. Over the last six months, there have been a lot of articles about “I made a mistake moving to Texas” because of the lack of concern over Covid, the increased restrictions on voting rights, and medieval laws passed restricting abortion rights.

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo That’s interesting. I wonder if the people who have regret will move back to California or try another state? On the east coat some people were calling North Carolina the half back state. I haven’t heard the term lately though. People move from the North to Florida, don’t love it, and go halfway back settling in NC.

Lately, I hear more people who state they want to move because of politics. I hear Democrats in Florida say they hate the politics in the state, and I hear it coming from people living in Palm Beach County, which is overall extremely blue! Makes me role my eyes honestly when people in South Florida say it. I tell them to stay and vote if they like everything else about living here.

20 years ago people voiced wanting to move for the weather. Sometimes cost of living. I really think weather is the biggest draw for people moving to Florida.

People leaving California going to Texas I would assume it’s cost of living or some fantasy that life is really that much different in other states. Every state we can find a niche of people who think similarly to ourselves if we live in a decent sized metro area. I have friends in Dallas who are extremely liberal. Texas was closer to purple than people imagined it would be the last election.

Zaku's avatar

@JLeslie You may be right. I’ve only been to Florida twice. I quite like no state income tax – that’s one thing Florida has in common with Washington. I’d certainly prefer FL to TN or TX.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve heard many Reps are moving because some liberal states are getting rough. I only know one personally who chose Florida.
My cousin moved from Sacramento to Pennsylvania. Her employer moved his main office out of Cali but she was thrilled.

tinyfaery's avatar

Most Californians who squawk about moving are definitely Republicans and/or Republican lite (Libertarians). And since I don’t see California changing anytime soon, I imagine they wouldn’t ever want to move back.

kritiper's avatar

Bluer. Or greener. It depends on what color the ocean is.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@tinyfaery Agreed, none are liberals that I know have moved.
I do enjoy comparing gas prices with them. They get so mad!! Haha.

JLeslie's avatar

Lol. Gas prices. I just fueled up $2.95 a gallon.

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Pandora's avatar

I think in 20 years it won’t matter. Florida will be reclaimed by the ocean. So it won’t be blue or red.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora That is something we need to worry about in Florida, but a lot of states have weather related concerns and other natural disasters. I know two people personally who left California to move to Oregon. One, my cousin, moved when her house burned to the ground in California. I see Californians dealing with electricity blackouts.

California is not the only state having water shortages. States need to get better at recycling water or people will be migrating to escape water restrictions.

Texas had that horrific cold blast last winter, let’s see if something like that happens again in the near future. It affected TN and MS and some other states also, but TX had the power failure related to it.

seawulf575's avatar

Many people moving away from California are doing so because of the idiotic leftist ideals the Dems have pushed into mainstream for decades now. When you have a situation where you have literally dozens of city blocks of nothing but homeless people and people that have solid jobs are among them, it is not a good thing. When you have needles and human feces on the streets and no one in authority is doing anything about it, it is not a good thing. And NYC isn’t much better. I specifically say NYC because much of NY state has common sense. They just can’t the voting strength to beat the fools in NYC. The only oh-by-the-way of New Yorkers moving to FL is that there is no snow in FL. It makes a huge difference.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“Many people moving away from California are doing so because of the idiotic leftist ideals the Dems have pushed into mainstream for decades now. ”

at least you could say, ”. . . in your opinion.”

In my opinion I think it is all the forest fires caused by Jewish Space Lasers – - – - J.K.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie It is my opinion. But it makes sense. If the weather is good, the cost of real estate is good, the taxes are good, and living conditions are good…there is no reason to move. If they are moving away, there is something driving it. Since they can’t control the weather, it falls to real estate and taxes or living conditions. The Dem leadership pretty much impacts all of these..

Tropical_Willie's avatar

” . . . idiotic leftist ideals the Dems have pushed into mainstream for decades now.” Is your opinion ?

JLeslie's avatar

Lots of people seem to have the same opinion as @seawulf575.

@seawulf575 I mostly blame Californians for the outrageous real estate prices happening in TX, FL, and TN now.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie You may be right on that count. It is human greed that drive housing prices up.

WhyNow's avatar

A sunscreen with high spf should take care of all that redness.

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