Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What’s the top three things annoying you lately?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) October 8th, 2021 from iPhone

Mine are:

1) People who want to hug me during the time of covid.

2) People who cough and don’t at least turn their head away. (Someone just coughed on me).

3. The price of real estate.

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20 Answers

smudges's avatar

1. I went on a crafting retreat this past weekend and I gotta say, I was never so relieved to listen to nothing as when I left there. There were only 8 of us, but 3 had decided to be official silence-fillers. There are two kinds of people who don’t say much: those who are quiet and those who talk too much.

2. The constant barrage of the media telling us how we should be – makeup, weight loss, hair improvement, eat better, take supplements, what to wear/not to wear, cars we should drive…and the list goes on endlessly. It’s a wonder anyone feels good about themselves.

3. I know many of you will disagree with me, but I just have to say it – I’m sick of hearing about covid and all of its minutiae. It is what it is.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

1Antivaxxers with these idiots we wont ever reach herd immunity .
2My blood pressure it’s through the roof.
3 tech,right now we have cars that will do the damn dishes, but we can’t seem to get a handle on C19 or cure cancer that has been around like forever.

Brian1946's avatar

1. Mosquitoes. Although once it’s cool enough outside for me to wear at least a t-shirt and pants, they’re either still biting but I’m wearing too much clothing for them to try, or the weather has cooled to the point where they’ve become dormant.

2. The allergenic fallout from my Dutch elm tree. Because of it, I usually have to wear a mask when I’m outside, for about 2+ months each year. That period is from about late August to early November.

3. The pest control service that I’m “using”. They supposedly use plant extracts to combat fleas, and I haven’t been bitten or seen any since I hired them.

However, they don’t send or leave me a bill, and if I don’t pay, they won’t service my location.
Consequently, I have to ask them to verify their billing address every time I pay.
I have more issues with them, but rather than post about them here, I’ll save my time and typing to post my complaint to the owner at Yelp.

cheebdragon's avatar

@Brian1946 If you contact vector they will set up mosquito traps in your area to monitor them and determine the best method to get them under control.

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve already contacted VC twice.

Each time they investigated, the tech found and eradicated the infestations, but it takes 4 weeks for the pre-treatment mosquito population to die off.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

My daughter. My grand son. My grand sons wife’s family. My wife had generously volunteered us to have a baker’s cake made for great grandsons first birthday. The damn cake they ordered is so elaborate that it is costing us 110 dollars. Rediculous. And his wife’s family never pays for anything.

Mimishu1995's avatar

1. Online marketing. They are nothing but heartless scums who prey on people’s fear and hope for monetary gain. At this point if they had to commit mass genocide just to make a product viral, I’m convinced they would be more than willing to. I hope one day they will go out of business and people will speak of their name the same way as the devil.

2. Online courses, especially courses for entrepreneurs and self improvement. No thanks, assholes, I don’t want to waste 3 hours of my life entering your should-have-worth-$5000-but-is-now-free-because-a-celebrity-is-hosting course just to learn how to be happy that is an actual course being marketed for me right now and it’s happening tomorrow. They aren’t really “courses” at all in many cases. They are just a platform for vain people from nowhere to boast about how great they are at this point. I’m paying you to learn something, not to hear you boast about how you grew up poor and became the best student in your city.

3. Actual scumbags who bash about how woke people are. I don’t like overly worked up people who are absorbed in their perceived unfairness myself, but it doesn’t mean those scumbags are right. You are just uncomfortable with people raising awareness of their problem because you are a racist, homophobic assholes and you want to be regarded as the sane one in the insane world. No you aren’t.

kneesox's avatar

Annoying—not downright angering or infuriating. That would be a different list. Annoying:

1. Spam phone calls
2. Spam emails
3. Street noise and other ambient racket

canidmajor's avatar

Let’s see…
1. Mosquitoes. I tick every box on their fine dining list.
2. People who expound with great confidence and absolute ignorance on subjects with which they have no familiarity or experience.
3. Phone spam. Every time the phone rings, the dog goes nuts.

This list is subject to change without notice.

filmfann's avatar

1) Anti-vaxxers who assault my wife when she wears a mask in public. They actually harass her, asking why she wears a mask in public when she is vaccinated, and claiming the virus is an elaborate hoax.

2) People who claim the January 6th insurrection was anything less than treason. The insurgents belong in jail.

3) Those little network advertisements in the lower corner of your television screen. You’re watching some dramatic show, and suddenly the ad for some witless comedy shows up, distracting your attention.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

1) Being itchy from top to bottom.
2) waiting for a eReader that works properly in Canada
3) My bathtub not being designed for 6’5” me.

flutherother's avatar

1. Street litter
2. Advertising
3. Cars.

Zaku's avatar

1. Excessive medical bills

2. Blatantly insurrectionist, criminal, corrupt and/or terrible Republicans not being thrown the *%#@ in prison, and instead continuing to obstruct Congress passing election reform and other needed legislation.

3. Technical annoyances (computer stuff, car stuff, other stuff that doesn’t work well and/or is complex and annoying)

smudges's avatar

@filmfann Those little network advertisements in the lower corner of your television screen.

Oh yes! Even worse is when those little network advertisements in the lower corner of your television screen block out the closed caption writing or subtitles!! And some of those ads run across the whole bottom of the screen! grrrr

omtatsat's avatar

-aggresive vaxxers
-dumb politicians
-smokers throwing their shit everwhere

KNOWITALL's avatar

1 Work
2 Inflation
3 Politics
4 Humans vs environment
5 Unhappy people en masse

SQUEEKY2's avatar

To day it has to be people number one.
2 antivaxxers ( oh wait they are people to.
3 Fright wingers.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Today for me, it is: The local 911 peeps / my boss/ the damn rattlesnake. I found a rattler in the club house of the apt. project we’ve been patrolling. Got the hell out of there pronto. Called 911 and explained the situation they said an officer with animal control would be out shortly. No one showed up. Called and texted boss, he treated like a joke. “Well someone has to get bit don’t let it be you”. Texted job superintendent as well and told him to have his guys excecise caution. All he said is they locked it yesterday and hopefully it found a way out. They can keep it locked, I have done everything I can do. Fug it.

raum's avatar

1. Still haven’t received PCR results from Wednesday or Saturday. I’ve been obsessively refreshing my inbox.

2. Allergy season + wind advisory = no bueno.

3. I’m annoyed that having [common first name][common surname] means I get a ton of wrong emails in my inbox.

jca2's avatar

Living in a small house can be annoying in a multitude of ways.

I’m annoyed because today, someone rear ended my car. I was at a light and she was driving a work van and hit me.

Number three, I’m annoyed that two summers were screwed up as far as being able to take a good summer vacation, due to Covid restrictions. I’d love to go to Scotland, I’d love to go to Canada, I’d love to go to California. California would be possible except that I don’t want to deal with being in the airport for hours with a mask on, on the plan for hours with the mask on, etc.

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