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canidmajor's avatar

If you decorate for the seasons, what do you do?

Asked by canidmajor (21824points) October 9th, 2021

My little neighborhood is suddenly full of harvest themed front stoops and spooky Halloween front yards. My neighbor walked by with her dog yesterday, who had a skeleton’s forearm and hand held proudly in his mouth. (Plastic, I assume!)

I don’t do more than hang a wreath on my door in December, but I love love love that my neighbors go berserk with decorations at every opportunity.

What about you?

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11 Answers

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rebbel's avatar

In the Netherlands you rarely see Halloween decorations (although the department stores are trying to push it) in or on houses.
Christmas is celebrated quite rich.
Lights, inside and outside, decorations, trees, ‘snow’, Santa’s, reindeers, the whole shabang.
I put some candles on every day (during the whole winter), but that’s about it.
I used to hate Christmas.
Not any longer, but I’m not a fan.

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Inspired_2write's avatar

Used to decorate my employers lawn for Halloween as I had so many deorations left over.

Christmas is my favorite and I used to always have a tree..didn’t matter about gifts just a well decorated tree.

Every year I would try a different theme:

Wild animals ( National park) theme

Simple pine cone and small homes ( craft store has them to paint and or paste on extras),
Blue and silver colored bulbs one year.

Red and gold bulbs and items that matched ( ribbon, sparkles etc)

Unique themed lights that danced with any sound in the room.

( later I rolled up thse lights and place it in a light ceiling glob and put it beside my stereo witht he music on. Lights flicked different colors according to the sounds).

One theme was completly a winter them lots of fake snow,birds,stars etc

Clear bulbs with pictures inserted( family ) as a family tree theme

Clear srystal like ( plastic) ornaments flat and round ones with clear lights that reflected of them.

In short every year I did this until I pared everything down by giving away all my treasetrove of oranments ,tree,lights etc in order that others may enjoy a better Christmas without going broke in decorating.

Cut down to only deocrating my apartment door as so many do so in our senior building anyways.
Every year I hand craft themed wreaths and framed wide ribbon around the door frame( glued on large pine cones to that ribbon every 12 inches.

One year I saw online tiny houses to cut out and glue together so that I bout a cheap spruce wreath and added those tiny house strategically around and added a messege to have a Merry Christmas plus the year on it. ( of course I always photograph each year to make note of what I made the year before…I later drop off these creations to the local thrift shop for others.
Another pare down was to use an old acquarium to make a minature winter wonderland with tiny worling battery operated lights as well.

canidmajor's avatar

@Inspired_2write, I love all the different ideas! I change my tree theme from time to time, what a treasure trove this post is! Thank you.

chyna's avatar

I like fall decorations the most. I put out a little wagon with pumpkins and fall people in it and a wreath on my door. Inside I decorate my hearth with pumpkins, pine cones, fall leaves and a large cornucopia with all fall items.
Christmas is hit or miss with me. Sometimes I’m in the mood to decorate, sometimes not. This sounds silly, but I did decorate last year and I’m glad I did since it was Jessie’s last Christmas with me.
Quick story: when I first moved into this house I bought a bunch of decorations because I was so excited to have a new house for Christmas. I bought a set of a lit doe and buck that their heads bobbed up and down. So cute!
But apparently the neighbor kids thought it was funny to mount the male deer on the female deer with their heads bobbing up and down. It looked quite x-rated. I’d pull them apart in the morning, they’d be back at it every night.

smudges's avatar

I don’t do much for holidays, but I have one decoration for each holiday: a ceramic ghost that you put a candle inside of to glow out of his face, an old fashioned santa that is made to sit on the mantle, a ceramic easter egg, and a few others. Plus, I bead, so I make specific jewelry to wear.

dabbler's avatar

In an apartment, we decorate for Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, with lights and other decorative doodads. We have big plastic tubs to store re-usable decorations by holiday, although the Halloween and Thanksgiving overlap (e.g. autumn leaves).
When we remodeled a decade ago, we installed outlets to accommodate holiday lighting that aren’t used for anything else.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Your welcome, have fun creating.

dabbler's avatar

Just now got Halloween decorations and some of our old costumes out of storage… the old costumes are re-used again and again, we haven’t made new ones for a few years. Bats and rats are the faves for re-use.

jca2's avatar

I usually hang something on the front door for Halloween, and put out some pumpkins (various sizes) on the deck. A few years ago, I made an elaborate Halloween wreath using floral pick decorations from the craft store. It’s really nice but I am not sure where it’s stored now. That’s the problem with elaborate decorations, for me, it’s the storage space issue.

For Christmas, I usually do some tabletop trees. I have a ton of Christmas decor, but it’s so much work to take it out, put it up, take it down, put it away. I have a small house so limited space as far as where to lay stuff out. When I first moved here, about 20 years ago, I did the whole fireplace with lights and garland and stuff. It was beautiful.

For Christmas, outside, I put a wreath on the front door and maybe some stuff on the deck.

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