Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Have you seen people wearing “Save America” hats and t-shirts?

Asked by JLeslie (65977points) October 10th, 2021 from iPhone

I just noticed this new slogan Trump is using. Are people really spending their money on that?

I haven’t noticed anyone wearing it, but I also don’t pay much attention. Thankfully, much fewer people are practicing politics in your face right now where I live, although we do have some standouts.

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10 Answers

omtatsat's avatar

And from what are they going to “save America”?

gondwanalon's avatar

I haven’t seen “Save America” hats and t-shirts.

@omtatsat Perhaps the meaning behind “Save America” is save capitalism.

Inspired_2write's avatar

No, but if its Trump who will gain advantage again, then I hope that people realize what his main goal ( for him), is and avoid purchasing any more designed products to garner support a despot.

chyna's avatar

No, but then I don’t really look at people.

jca2's avatar

I haven’t (yet) but where I do most of my shopping and traveling (state of CT), there are not a ton of Trumpers. Maybe if I head down to the County that I worked in, there might be some. Some people at work sometimes wore MAGA hats.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I haven’t. But whoever runs his advert depart just left him wide open to derision with that slogan.

JLeslie's avatar

I saw the slogan this morning on the podium he was standing behind on a clip on TV. Then I googled and saw hats for sale.

I see both Save America Again and just Save America online.

May be now I’ll be more aware If someone is wearing it. I’m like @chyna I’m not paying attention much to what people wear. Plus, i think If it looked like a Trump or MAGA hat I’d just assume it is without reading closely.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie The rubes will buy anything, MAGA hats at $15 are out of fashion, new ones a $14.95 are in; for Trump’s profit and bottom line.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Not so fer, but shure’s shootin’ gotta got me one. Cletus done got one already. Gotta save Amurca fer our great leader. ‘Fore them Antifee folks blame us fer more stuff. Got to go drink some bleach now so’s I don’t ketch Covid.

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