"Squid Games", yay or nay?
Asked by
rebbel (
October 10th, 2021
Do you (even) know what I’m talking about?
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Do you know what it is?
Have you seen it?
Are you binging it?
Would you recommend it?
Do you feel the peer-pressure (to give it a go)?
Will you stay a non-watcher?
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33 Answers
Nay. It’s actually a really cliche movie if you think about it. The concept has been done before, like Saw, and the movie doesn’t really add anything new to it. Just some people with tragic backstories only to be killed later. There is also this plot with a police detective who poses as a gamemaster to investigate the whole thing, but it just goes nowhere. Overall, just a mainstream movie that tries too hard to be dark and deep but ends up looking ridiculous instead.
- So the detective finds out one of the organizers is his own brother, and then gets killed. And that’s the end of it, no one knows about the game outside of the island. That’s how the story of the detective goes nowhere. It ultimately adds nothing to the plot whatsoever. And why did the brother joined the organization? What was the relationship between them before this? No explain either.
- The ending is so stupid. So the entire thing is organized by an old man who is just so bored he wants an exciting game to play. That’s it. Then what do people have to die for? His own sick pleasure? Why can’t he just make the game non-lethal then? Was he a serial killer in the past? Is he just a psychopath for no reason? We don’t know because the guy dies soon after.
- The movie ends with the main character refusing to go on the plane and just… goes somewhere? Where is that place? What is he planning to do?
Yay. It took a minute to get used to that much graphic killing but I liked the concept.
To me it’s in the Kill Bill genre, which we enjoy. Interestingly the take away is more hopeful than not.
@Mimishu I’m surprised you didn’t enjoy it. And the old man was the epitome of ‘humanity’ of most of the show, helpless in a violent place, which was otherwise brutal. The dichotomy of that character was moving.
Nay, that show is dumber than a rock.
Nay. At one place I worked, the branch manager’s name was Gideon, or Gid for short. We called him Gid the Squid. NOT a nice person!!! I don’t need to be reminded of him.
Hoping to start watching it tonight. I love Korean films!
Eh. I have no interest in any of those “Saw” or “Battle Royale” type shows or movies.
@ragingloli Battle Royale is great!
I’ve started watching it. I am disappointed it’s dubbed.
Nay. I heard what it is about and most certainly not interested. I think I have other better things to watch and time is gold. lol
@KNOWITALL I’m so glad you can enjoy it. I wish I could too. The movie almost had me, and I was really sorry for the old man too. But then the grand revelation happened and all the other loose threads came up and I became disappointed.
And I’m glad that you can find the deeper meaning of the movie too. The movie tries to make a statement about humanity though it kind of fails, but I don’t think many people see part the “violent game with helpless people” surface. I’m playing a Sim-like game and they are selling costumes of the gamemaster and the player. And all the Squid Game challenges on the Internet really make me wonder if people really get the movie at all or they are just in while it’s hot.
I see now there is an option to have the original voice track.
My mistake.
I actually really liked it. Though I watched it early on before too much of the hype hit.
I think once something gets so hyped up, you go into it with a bias.
@Mimishu1995 It’s not a movie. It’s a series. And there’s talk about there being a second season that will go more into the front man story line. And what happens after the main character decides to not board the plane.
@raum oh yeah, series. My bad.
I hope that the second season will change my mind.
@Mimishu1995 You’ll watch the second season, even though you didn’t enjoy the first season?
@raum I can see the series has potential. I hope that the second season will give a satisfying explanation to all the strange things in the series and convince me to like the series.
I am enjoying, about 5 episodes in so far.
Finished 4 episodes. It’s terrific!
Yanay- I haven’t seen it yet. ;)
Apparently Squid Games is to @Mimishu1995, as mayo is to @raum. :p
Willing to try it, even though we’re mostly sure it’s going to suck?
Sounds accurate.
@Brian1946 @raum I’m giving it a second chance on the assumption that the later season(s) will explain things nicely. If season two does nothing to keep me hooked and leave me with even more confusion then I’m going to chart it up as mayo category and stay far away.
“Willing to try it, even though we’re mostly sure it’s going to suck?”
This also applies to me and mushrooms.
I hate them, but I was willing to try psilocybin. ;-o
Oh, on second though, that may not be the kind of mushroom I’m thinking of :(
watched one episode. MEH!
My daughter’s school sent an email that it’s violent and sexual. Does it have overt sexual content?
@jca2 Your school sent out an email about Squid Game? How is that related to school?
Yes, the series is violent and sexual. And has overt sexual content.
Though I actually watched the whole series on 1.5x speed and fast forwarded to screen it before letting our 12yo watch.
We watch a lot of gorey anime together, so wasn’t too concerned about the violence.
Ended up fast forwarding through two scenes. One in episode four. And one in episode seven.
@jca2 I only recall a few sexual instances but the violence warning is appropriate.
@raum Agreed, strange.
@raum: Every week they send a newsletter type email out to let parents know and/or remind them of anything going on as far as school-wide testing, early dismissal, holidays where school is closed, events, sports tryouts, and issues. Also to let parents know of guidance counselor stuff, Covid stuff, college prep stuff – all kinds of stuff.
A recent issue was the TikTok challenge related to destroying school bathrooms, for example.
Today they mentioned Squid Game, that kids are downloading it and watching it at school, and it has sexual and violent content and kids that are watching it at school will have their phones taken away until the end of the school day.
@jca2 Yeah, they had to lock down the bathrooms at a bunch of schools because of the TikTok challenges. :/
Now 8 episodes in, with one left.
This is a great and intense series!
@filmfann Definately keeps you guessing until the end. Somerimes for me, I predict plots and lines, which is boring, but not this one.
I have now finished it, and it is worth the hype!
There is a lot of Battle Royale in there, mixed with They Shoot Horses Don’t They? and The Hunger Games.
Several plot turns surprised me, and on reflecting, will probably amaze me on rewatching.
@ilmfann Yay! Yes we will re-watch, too!
The only thing that surprised me was the Front Man revelation. But I’d say that predicting things didn’t ruin the show for me. In a way, it just built up the anticipation. :)
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