Do you prefer your bacon crispy or chewy?
I’m crispy all the way. I had a bacon, egg and cheese crosaunt from a convienience store. I forgot to request crispy bacon and I found my self munching on chewy bacon. So gross. I couldn’t finish it.
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37 Answers
Crispy. If I see white fat I won’t eat it. Baking it is my preferred method.
Not to be hard to get along with, but really somewhere in between crispy and chewy.
A crosaunt?
Is that the American mash-up of croissant?
I’m with @chyna. Not so crispy that it hurts my mouth, not so soft that I can feel the white fat in my mouth. {{shudder}}
Crispy, nearly burned.
Reminds me of my father having breakfast.
Got to be crispy for me. Chewy bacon? Pahtooey.
On the crispy side. Not burnt. I guess that is medium well bacon? I like thick bacon that has some chew to it, but still done.
Chewy bacon is underdone to most Americans. Plus, it’s so fatty.
@KNOWITALL: Me too! Here’s my method:
Preheat oven to 400°F
Line a baking sheet with foil
Place cooling rack on foil covered baking sheet
Neatly lay bacon strips on cooling rack
Place in center of oven until desired crispness
Bacon is super tasty. Doesn’t sit in its own grease (as it drips through the rack onto the foil). Clean up is easy.
Raw, and still part of the poor pig from whom it was ripped off.
I like baked bacon also. I make bacon both ways, just depends on how much I’m making.
@cookiemen Yep. I’m curious about air fried, have you tried it?
I also go thru the bacob packages obsessively for less fatty packages. Such a weirdo. Ha!
I cut away some of the fat before cooking.
Chewy. Thanks, now I want bacon and I don’t have any. I’m so sad now.
@Pandora Perhaps enjoying the gratitude of your circulatory and gastrointestinal systems, will alleviate your sadness. ;)
@cookieman got it going! I discovered that process only recently. I can get CRISPY bacon consistently that way.
@RocketGuy: Mmmmmm.
@chyna: Depends on the thickness of the bacon. Maybe 15–20 minutes. I honestly just check it regularly. You gotta be careful because it can go from crispy to extra crispy to burnt pretty fast.
This post makes me want some bacon now. I almost never buy it for home.
^ Heck, I can’t afford it now!
@chyna: Usually when I have it, it’s in the rare occasions I’m ordering breakfast in a restaurant. At home, I heard it’s really crazy expensive now.
@jca2 – “can’t afford bacon” ought to be a good reason for a raise.
Generally I catch it on sale once a month. 1.99 a 12oz package last week here.
^!!!! 9.99 here for a 12 oz. package.
I have half a 12oz package in my freezer. Guess I’ll save it to retire on.
@RocketGuy: I never said I can’t afford it. I don’t buy it at home for several reasons – one being I tend to be somewhat spend-thrifty. Two being I tend not to eat a lot of meat. Three being that bacon is not really good for you.
@jca2 – that was supposed to be one of the points to present to your boss, come review time. Everyone is a fan of bacon, right? ;)
@RocketGuy: Oh, haha! I just retired! No more bosses for the time being.
@chyna Holy Moly!
We do have the thick and fancy kind for like $7.99 a package, too. I just needed some for my crockpot crack chicken…haha!
I switched to Hormel Black Label thick cut. It’s so good. $6.98 for 16 oz here, no tax on groceries.
@JLeslie Interesting, you aren’t on my list. How does this affect your state budget, if at all?
Eleven of the states that exempt groceries from their sales tax base include both candy and soda in their definition of groceries: Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, South Carolina, Vermont, and Wyoming.
@KNOWITALL I think maybe soda and candy are taxed here. I know there are a few items. I rarely have tax on my receipt, and when I do it is just a little bit of change. Also, prepared food from the deli I think is taxed like a restaurant would tax. The hot food for meals, not the sliced deli. That’s the way I remember it.
Edit: I found this
My food bill went down a lot when I moved from TN to FL.
Taxes on groceries – is that to discourage people from eating?
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