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JLeslie's avatar

What do you love and hate about your house or apartment?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) October 11th, 2021 from iPhone

Location, furniture, view, the color paint you chose for your walls? It can be anything.

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9 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I love:

1) How quiet it is at night.
2) My bed. It’s the same bed from when we first married, platform, low to the ground. I’ve changed the mattress once, it really is due for a new mattress i guess.
3) My covered and screened in back patio. It’s large for the size house I have.

I hate:

1) My narrow walk-thru laundry as I come in through the garage.
2) I hate that my kitchen sink is so far from my stove. It’s not a huge kitchen, just a stupid design.
3) My current refrigerator, it has never worked well.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I love:
!) The neighborhood and area
2) The space to do anything I want. A n y t h i n g !
3) The acres of trees surrounding the house
4) My pond with the happy fish that greet me.
5) The house and basement with lots of room.

I hate:
1) All the stuff I need to maintain all the equipment I need to maintain the outside.
My barn is loaded with belts, oils, greases, tools, clamps, more equipment, drills,... all needed to keep itself running. Sometimes I feel like I’ve reached the Equipment Singularity – I spend more time fixing or maintaining the equipment than using it. For example: I need to trim some grass around a pole. I have a nice gasoline powered weed whacker. the job would take 1 minute max. However, I am willing to bet the weed whacker won’t start. or the line or wires are chewed. I will likely spend ½ hour fixing it. So I end up using old hand shears to do the job. Another example. The right rear wheel on the 54 inch mower deck broke off when making a tight turn around a tree. I need to weld it back on. I have a welder. But, the welder had not been used in a decade. It likely needs to be cleaned. Mice are probably living in it. The weld rod has crumbled. So now I need to fix the welder before I fix the deck. But before I fix the welder I need to fix the 220V line that broke when the barn was damaged. and so on.
2) I hate constantly having to deal with animal control. Traps for mice, chipmunks, red squirrels, grey squirrels, etc. that get into the barn and chew on the equipment wires.
3) I hate all the stuff I believe I need in my life. Everything has a memory or supposed value associated with it.
4) I hate having to protect my happy fish from all their natural enemies bent on destruction. Algae, herons, mink, raccoons, heat, cold, decayed leaves,... Every day there is something.

jca2's avatar

I love the location of my house, as far as where in the state it is and the proximity to NYC, shopping in CT, the beautiful Hudson Valley, etc.

Great health care is in NYC or Westchester or New Haven (Yale), so I have great choices for that.

I love that the neighborhood is safe and rural with horses and lakes and a lot of natural beauty.

I love that the house has a big deck which is like a room in the warm weather. I can lay on the deck, under the umbrella, and I have potted plants out there which are really gorgeous.

I can walk outside any time of day or night and it’s totally safe.

At night, it’s really quiet.

In the summer, on the lake, it’s like being on vacation.

I love that I have storage in the basement and attic.

What I don’t like:

The house is small. It used to be a summer house so it’s got not a lot of storage space as far as closets.

The house has one bathroom.

The neighbor’s house was small and the previous neighbor was never there. About five years ago, the house was rebuilt by a contractor and is now huge, and they can look right down into my house, into the kitchen and dining area. That makes me self conscious. At night, I am very aware that if the lights are on, they can see through the sheer curtains into the kitchen. If the blinds are up in the dining room, they can see right into the dining room.

The rural route, which is up the hill, and is one lane in each direction, is now a cut through from one highway to the next, thanks to the Waze Effect. In the morning during rush hour and the afternoon during rush hour it’s like a highway almost. Trucks, luxury sports cars, motorcycle groups, all speed through on weekends.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


1) House in size and it is energy efficient

2) Neighbors and neighborhood, we live on a loop with no through traffic.

3) Weather most of the time (hurricanes and tornado happen too often.)


1) Fake Southern “belles” (they gossip and talk behind your back) not just females.

2) Distance to my kids and grand-kids (nine hour drive to closest).

3) No basement

Cupcake's avatar

I hate:
– the absurdly high rent
– having an un-updated mid-1950s kitchen with an old electric cooktop, tiny in-wall stove, no dishwasher, and old wooden cupboards that have an odor to them
– the swarm of a thousand ants in the front window (we had exterminators come and put a gel in the window that has attracted them, as it is supposed to, but gross)
– sharing our backyard (which only our specific unit opens to) with our neighbors
– that you can’t get a house in this neighborhood for under a million dollars, but almost all kids at the neighborhood school are low-income
– how we are across the country from my loved ones
– can’t say I hate it because the weather here is amazing, but there are no ceiling fans or AC and it’s gotten pretty warm a couple of times

I love:
– location
– the used mid-century modern furniture I bought, mostly off facebook marketplace
– my houseplants
– my comfy, comfy bed and the soft, soft duvet cover (especially after being in FL and never needing heavy blankets… I missed them at night!)
– the local culture
– the many restaurants
– proximity to public transportation (and that I almost never drive anymore)
– proximity to highways and ease of getting around and going out of town
– the slight sound of cars and trains with open windows, but the silence with closed windows
– the nearby cats, squirrels, and chickens
– walkability and bike-ability
– proximity to elementary school
– the size and layout
– hardwood floors (upstairs)
– the (updated) windows and views
– fruit trees in the backyard (peach, orange, lemon, lime)
– the weather
– the hot water and high water pressure
– the neighbors seem nice
– there will soon be a grocery store within a few blocks
– attached (spacious) garage
– our front steps/door are not visible from the street and there do not appear to be concerns about packages being stolen from our front steps

longgone's avatar

I strongly dislike:
– the sound of the neighbour’s rooster, who crows randomly throughout the day
– same neighbour’s screechy voice when she calls to her kids
– random motorcycles
– the boxes still sitting around from our move
– the lack of furniture: we need some upgrades, but don’t have time to search
– the (possible) mold in a closet

I love:
– the kitchen wall colour (teal)
– some furniture, like the table and a china cabinet
– the hardwood floors
– the backyard, especially that it’s fully fenced, very private, and full of old trees
– the layout, and how every room has two doors
– the quiet
– our landlord, who is a character, funny, and kind
– the walkable neighborhood, especially cafés and ice cream parlours
– the forests and fields about five or ten minutes away
– the church bells and trains

smudges's avatar

I love that a lot of the things you guys hate are things that I don’t have or don’t have to deal with, so it makes me more grateful for what I have.

I hate that I’m envious of many of the things you guys love, but it’s ok because I appreciate what I have all the more because of the things you hate.

Make sense?

Pandora's avatar

I love that I am within a mile of supermarkets, my doctor, my dentist and a medical facility that is open 7 days a week from 8am to 10pm, bus and gas station and car repair shop. Also tons of restaurants and pizza places. Small park to walk my dog also only ¼ of a mile and lots of poop stations. Within 2 miles I have the big stores, like lowes and Walmart, Cosco’s and a shopping mall, and an interstate highway. And lots of walking paths that are never overly crowded. The neighborhood has plenty of trees that all tend to bloom at the same time and it’s beautiful in the spring. (Don’t love the allergy part of that.) And my neighbors keep everything pretty tidy.

Now as for the home I love it’s a townhome and the sun rises in the front and falls in the back and I have 3 skylights. What I don’t love is that it’s 3 flights with bedrooms on top and laundry room on the bottom.
I love my small little backyard. It’s easy to maintain but what I don’t like is that it often doesn’t get enough sun to grow plants I really enjoy. Nor do I get really good breezes because of the tall fences that separate my neighbor’s yards.

My neighbors are pretty great but I only know one pretty well and they are hardly ever home. They have a home in Florida and stay most of their time with their daughter in another state.
Its a 2 master bedrooms with private bath and a finished basement that is an office/ workroom and storage.
The kitchen cabinets could’ve been designed better so I would have more storage but the layout is fine. Only two corner have useless wasted space because it’s not easy to access and you have to move a lot of stuff to put anything back there.

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