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JLeslie's avatar

Did you simplify or downsize your life at some point?

Asked by JLeslie (65974points) October 11th, 2021 from iPhone

At one point simplifying and downsizing was being written about a lot in magazines and talked about by many. Did you ever consciously simplify your life? What did you do? How did it work out? Did it stick?

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5 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

It’s a work in progress. I have (admittedly very slowly) been getting stuff out, and trying to only bring in consumables, and a few things that help with organization,
Having a ereader helps enormously, not only are very few books c9ming in, but hundreds of titles have already found new homes somewhere else. Only a couple of thousand left!

Some days I look at my surroundings and think that napalm would be a pretty good solution.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have been for a few years. Selling the house really busted a move on that.

Cupcake's avatar

We got rid of our furniture and a lot of our belongings to move across the country. We are not minimalists by any stretch of the imagination and have replaced our furniture. But I am trying to be more mindful of what I buy and what I surround myself with. We have more bare walls, unfilled cupboards, less unnecessary things. The kids have a few less toys, which makes less of a mess. We pared down to our most favorite books. And it genuinely makes me happier. Less clutter, more meaning. We’ll see how it goes.

Forever_Free's avatar

Yep. Filed for a divorce many years ago. aIt was the best simplification and downsizing of my life EVER!

jca2's avatar

I really love when I go to a hotel and there’s a minimum of stuff in the room – every horizontal surface is bare. The resort that we like has a full kitchen, and that has 8 plates, 8 bowls, 8 cups, all matching, and a minimum of kitchen utensils and appliances. That’s not the reality in my house. I have a lot of stuff in a small space. I try to keep it organized but a lot of it is overflowing. I also have stuff that I like/love, stuff from my childhood, stuff that I think is charming, that I have emotional attachment to. Plus there’s a lot of stuff that I admit without shame can easily go. There’s also stuff I bought thinking I’d use it “one day” and 20 or 30 years later, that “one day” has never come – stuff like pretty tableware, for example.

It’s a work in progress.

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