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GCHIC's avatar

Howdy, Anyone interested in Native American Rockart?

Asked by GCHIC (7points) October 13th, 2021

Howdy, My hobby is hunting rocks…do show and tell for schools have exhibit at Coke County Library Robert Lee, Texas.

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12 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I collect crystals. I remember once when I was a child I found a smoky quartz. It was very beautiful.

kritiper's avatar

Around 1960, when my grandfather was operating a open pit uranium mine in central Wyoming, Dad helped around the pit and we kids had the run of the place. I remember walking back down the entry road and picking up small bits of colored rock.

Mimishu1995's avatar

What kind of rocks have you collected so far? Do you have any pictures?

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gondwanalon's avatar

Are you referring to petroglyphs?

bob_'s avatar

Nah, I’m good, thanks.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’d be interested if you post on imgur or somewhere accessible for sure.

Here in SW Missouri we have found game balls, tons of arrowheads, we have native ‘stoves’ built in caves, all kinds of interesting things. The Trail of Tears runs through my town as well.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m fairly certain this was a spamming attempt at this point.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Meaning native American-rock art, using rocks as a medium?
Or Native American rock art, created by Native Americans?

Is it spam when it’s shilling for a public library or museum?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay you are asking what the OP means, which is a red flag. It’s not clear what kind of things they are talking about. The wording also sounds suspicious too.

JLoon's avatar

I am for sure!

I think petroglyphs (rock carvings) and petrographs (rock paintings) left by native people are amazing – And they can connect to so much knowlege: Culture, geography, art, even science.

But as an amateur achaelogist I can tell you that too many of these treasures have been lost, or are in danger of disappearing forever. Vandalism, theft, and natural erosion are taking away more every year. So-called “collectors” do the most damage by robbing artifiacts that have been in the open for thousands of years for profit, or for their own private trophies. And lately the massive increase in wildfires has burned and cracked some rock art in even the most secret locations beyond recovery.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

This is astounding.

The Conversation – September 29, 2021 – Ancient Americans made art deep within the dark zones of caves throughout the Southeast

”...we have cataloged 92 dark-zone cave art sites in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia. There are also a few sites known in Arkansas, Missouri and Wisconsin.”

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