Social Question

rebbel's avatar

God is almost done with making animals, only two to go. With the following parts, what can he make?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) October 19th, 2021

12 legs, 2 eyes, 4 wings, dozens of teeth, 1 beak, 2 mouths, 4 massive ears, 1 tail, 1 brain (walnut sized), 1 brain (football sized (and shaped)), guts, 1 spine, 1 exoskeleton.

You may add max 3 parts of your own choice.

What are the two last, and new, animals we can welcome to the beautiful planet of ours?

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3 Answers

janbb's avatar

I can’t quite describe them but I think loli is already in love!

JLoon's avatar

Looks like SHE may have enough to construct two parasitic, ugly, hovering, blood-sucking, US politicians – One for each party.

Probably won’t really need the brains for that project though… or the spine.

kritiper's avatar

Whatever I make, one of them will get a penis. Because whatever they are, they deserve to screw just like everything else.

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