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mazingerz88's avatar

(NSFW) How was that experience being intimate inside cars?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) October 28th, 2021 from iPhone

If not you personally but stories you may have heard. And not just cars, all kinds of vehicles are included.

Why do some people do it while others don’t. Thanks.

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24 Answers

rebbel's avatar

The tail pipe?

zenvelo's avatar

The damn shift knob kept getting in the way.

It was never my preference, especailly once I got a place to myself. Since I generally had access only to smaller cars when I was younger, it probably leads to my preference for smaller (under 5 foot 3) women.

I only got interrupted by the police once, and that was because Goleta Beach closed at sunset and we were there at 3 in the morning.

Inspired_2write's avatar

When I was in high school my boyfriend took me to “lovers lane” which was just a camping spot a few miles out of town.
He took me there in the daylight first to get an idea of the surroundings and so on.
However when we went in the late night hours it was packed with others that had that same idea.
We just got started kissing when the cops came with blaring sirens, and bright spot lights on everyone.
We were interviewed (?) had to give Id’s all the while those blaring lights ( hand held huge flashlights as well as headlights from there cruisers).
Some where caught naked etc

We were all rounded up and talked too about a criminal on the loose was spotted there the other night and told NOT to come here again!

First and last time that we went to unfamiliar unsafe places ever again.

We were 18 years of age, stupid and oblivious to dangers .

Boyfriend wanted to go there because “ALL the guys and gals went there”

Most likely its to show the other males that they had someone?

rebbel's avatar

We really want to hear @filmfann’s story…

ragingloli's avatar

Well, there was this candy van I used to frequent…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Tangled, twisted and cramped. But we got the job done.

Forever_Free's avatar

(NSFW). I must have a thing for cars because I have many experiences that were amazing. I will type out a little of one.
Many years ago I was invited to a Broadway Play Matinee production of M Butterfly by a woman I had recently met.
It was pretty obvious that we were each attracted to each other intellectually and physically.
We parked in a ramp near the Theatre District in Boston on a warm Saturday afternoon. I was driving a Nissan 300Z at the time. I had on dress pants, shirt and tie. She worn a summer dress.
We started kissing after we parked. It wasn’t the first time we had kissed, but it was by far the most intense yet. It proceeded to checking that we were in a quiet corner of the ramp and then coming over to her side. The seat went back as far as it could go. We were in all sorts of positions that I have no idea how it was possible in such a confined space. Needless to say it was pretty crazy hot.
In the theatre during the show she unbuttoned my shirt and slipped her hand in. It is all very vivid to me even now. She motioned to the bathroom just before intermission. It was much more than an intermission.
We had a great dinner and went back to the car that evening. When we got in the car it carried to aroma of sex still.
Best damned Play I ever went to.

gorillapaws's avatar

I was surprised that it was difficult to enjoy receiving road-head. I was terrified of wrecking and killing us, or getting my penis bitten off.

omtatsat's avatar

I pushed the accelerator pedal instead of the brake!

filmfann's avatar

@rebbel I am surprised you remember that…

A week before we married, my fiance drove up to the park to make whoopie. We parked in a secluded spot, and did so.
Afterwards, we were hugging and kissing (mind you, this is in the front seat of a Subaru), and I saw out the back hatch window that a cop car had stopped, was shining a light on us.
I rolled over, back into the drivers seat, and furiously tried to put my sweat pants back on, but somehow got both legs into one leg of the pants. The officer was at my window, knocking, and asking me to open the window.
I rolled down the window and, honest to God, the only thing I could think to say was “How fast was I going officer?”
The policeman just looked at me, and told me he would be back in 5 minutes, and I shouldn’t be here.
I wasn’t.

TJFKAJ's avatar

Must recuse.
Never did it in a car.
Sounds confining

smudges's avatar

In the back of a VW bug – cramped, steamy, satisfying.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Just put the back seats down and have at it. I never had any complaints. The movie probably sucked anyway. Unless you had a baby or toddler along. In which case just eat some popcorn, buy them a Coke and chicken nuggets, and enjoy the cheesy “B” western.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

The hatchback my car had when I was 19 you could lay down the back seat and it would fit a twin sized mattress. Those were good times. My G.F. then was adventurous. If
I could relive just one of those days now…

Demosthenes's avatar

Not my favorite thing. Only gonna do hand stuff or a beej in a car. Haven’t done it since college, feels like something you do when you’re young and can’t get privacy anywhere (which was the case for me).

cookieman's avatar

My 1982 Buick Skylark was roomy enough, but it was a death trap held together by duct tape (literally), so it was like the seediest motel room ever.

After that, I bought a 1994 Honda Civic new, so it was very nice, but very tiny. I’m 6-feet, 200+ lbs. — so it was very cramped.

Cars are not my favorite place to get intimate.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mine was a VW and my Buick.

mazingerz88's avatar

Mine was in Greyhound bus. From Minneapolis to Chicago to Michigan. lol

jca2's avatar

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

65 Mustang. Bad to the bone.

zenvelo's avatar

^^^^ Ouch! Those Mustangs were so damn uncomfortable.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Got the job done though.

smudges's avatar

Ummm…bad to the boner? Yes, yes, I should be ashamed. >8^*

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Well, that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but. Lol They were some pretty girls and we were usually pretty tight. We worked around the inconvenience. Unless like I said, the girl had a baby. But I usually got on well with kiddies too. They actually like me for the most part. I was always trying to get the mommy to cut them some slack if they went poo or pee, kiddos do that. I’d just hug him or her and tell them, Oh what him matter is? Or her matter? Mommy mean, him not know. Babies ate it up but the woman generally got miffed. I like kids, what the hell?

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