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Ltryptophan's avatar

What are this type of scissors called?

Asked by Ltryptophan (12091points) October 30th, 2021 from iPhone

There are scissors for the kitchen called “clever cutters”. The concept is the blade is essentially just a kitchen knife. The handle acts to lever the kitchen knife down onto a slim perpendicular cutting surface instead of a traditional pivoted dual blade system.

I’d like a similar design except smaller.

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4 Answers

rebbel's avatar

They are, indeed, called clever cutters.
I had never heard of them, but now that I checked them out, I can see their appeal.
That’s because recently I bought a pair of scissors to cut my chicken fillets, for my cat, and that wasn’t as pleasant as I hoped it would be (the angle was unwieldy; my wrist hurt because of it).
But these look promising.

Smashley's avatar

As a kitchen professional, I’m going to offer that these look like silly gimmicks. Sure it works for a few select ingredients, but it’s going to suck for any kind of cut you’d ever want besides an easy flat chop. The blade comes down like karate-chop action on a GI Joe, with all the power you can squeeze out of your thumb. It looks tedious, painful and short lived.

It’s basically just a kitchen shear with half the cutting edges. I don’t think it needs a category of it’s own, because it fits nicely in the “garbage” category of general kitchen tools.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Anvil cutting tools, use them for cutting clear Tyvek tubing.

SnipSnip's avatar

I have no trouble cutting chicken breasts into thin slices. I let them almost freeze flat on an inverted cookie pan. Then I put the pan on the counter and I put on gloves and place one palm on top of a breast and use a really sharp knife and slice sideways. I have to bend down to be able see well and be sure I don’t go off at an angle and cut myself. I keep a bunch of these slice in the frreezer separated by wax paper so they are ready to go when I want them. @rebbel

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