Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Have you ever turned any mysteries loose on the world?

Asked by Jeruba (56253points) October 30th, 2021

I have. For one thing, I write mysterious numbers in pink ink on the back of certain $20 bills. I have a good reason for doing it, one that I bet no one would guess.

They’re out there in the world somewhere. Maybe you’ll find one.

What have you done that would leave the finder or discoverer guessing forever?

Tags as I wrote them: mysterious acts, mysteries, puzzles, enigmas (no cap.), unanswerable questions

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12 Answers

filmfann's avatar

The husband (then) of a friend of mine helped create a mystery that made the national papers. They did this in 1980 or so, and the media found it years later, but it was never revealed who did it.
I will have to try and find a link…

filmfann's avatar

Found it
By the way, the above link is wrong in who did it.

omtatsat's avatar

The bills are not your property. You can be charged for defacement . But yes. I release a mystery on the world every day when I go outside for a walk.

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LuckyGuy's avatar

I occasionally release WheresGeorge dollar bills out into the wild.
I also have 2 geocaches hidden in 2 different countries.

I’ll think of others.

seawulf575's avatar

Not really on the world. I played a practical joke on a co-worker one time. He was fairly paranoid to start with so mysteries were not his thing. One day, while reading the newspaper, I got some scissors and cut out an article and put it into his mail slot. Someone asked me what the article was and I said I had no idea…it was a random article. When the guy came in he pulled it out and started asking “What is this? What does it mean? Who gave it to me?”. No one knew so he threw it in the trash. The next day there was the 5 day weather forecast from the paper with Wednesday highlighted in his mail slot.

It made me understand how little, meaningless things, can get under people’s skin.

Zaku's avatar

Yes. Many! It used to be a major pastime of mine. If an opportunity occurs to me, I will generally take it if I’m not to occupied with other things.

filmfann's avatar

I’d like to know who put those obelisks in the desert last year. That was amusing.

raum's avatar

Less full-fledge mystery.
More minor curiosities.

I used to carry a Braille label-maker with me and would go around labeling random items.

I’d also keep a sharpie to write messages on leaves and rocks.

And would leave miniature letters (complete with miniature envelopes) in random places. (I’m pretty good with a .005in rapidograph.)

Land art is also kind of meditative. Clearing a perfect circle in a leaf-filled field. :)

raum's avatar

Do children count?

Jeruba's avatar

@raum, those are lovely. I don’t know which is the most charming—maybe the miniature letters. I’m guessing that you admire the work of Andy Goldsworthy.

Brian1946's avatar


“Clearing a perfect circle in a leaf-filled field. :)”

Did that involve using a string, a stake, and a rake? :p

Am I correct in supposing that you’ve never used any mushroom media for your miniaturized messages? ;-o

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