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ragingloli's avatar

What is your opinion on the "Cobra Kai" series?

Asked by ragingloli (52409points) November 1st, 2021

I thought season 1 was pretty good, but it got progressively worse with each season.
Season 3 especially was insufferably shit.
I simply despise all this ridiculous teenage melodrama, love triangles, and conflicts that always result from people not talking to each other.

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11 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Meh. Like you I enjoyed Season 1, I watched about half of Season 2 and gave up.

Caravanfan's avatar

I agree with you. I’m going to stick with it but it got annoying.

gorillapaws's avatar

Season 1 was surprisingly fantastic. I agree with the consensus about season 2. I haven’t done 3 yet, and may not based on what I’m hearing here.

cookieman's avatar

Goofy fun. I agree that S1 was the best of the three.

flutherother's avatar

I thought it was very good. It didn’t take itself too seriously and I found season one very watchable but I lost interest somewhere during season two.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s clearly low budget and poorly written using every film plot cliche that ever was. It was still fun to watch though and I enjoyed it. I did appreciate the expansion of the “Daniel-son” was the bully meme. It teaches a valuable lesson in understanding the other perspective which is critically important right now considering how much people view those with a contrary opinion as the enemy.

omtatsat's avatar

I hate series.

Kropotkin's avatar

I liked S1 a lot. S2 was weaker, but fun enough.

It did feel like they were running out of ideas, and recycling the same plot devices over and over did get tiresome.

Caravanfan's avatar

@omtatsat Do you really? There have been some utterly fantastic TV series. This isn’t one of them, but there have been many.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Caravan Agreed!

@omstat Maybe you need different streaming options. There are a lot of good ones.

omtatsat's avatar

@KNOWITALL Here they are all translated into German. Which does not help much.

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