Social Question

chyna's avatar

Can your vote be bought? How much?

Asked by chyna (51733points) November 2nd, 2021 from iPhone

This is firmly a tongue in cheek question.
Yes, I will vote for your candidate for a Chick-fil-A sandwich with fries and chick-Fil-A sauce!
How easy are you?

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13 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!! Actually, those just get me to the polls…

rebbel's avatar

Tree fiddy.

Mimishu1995's avatar

How about a lobster meal? My biggest dream in life is to try a lobster!

janbb's avatar

George Clooney? (And I’d still be voting the “right way.”)

ragingloli's avatar

No less than a million.
And only from those whom I would have voted for anyway.

zenvelo's avatar

An In-n-Out Burger. But it better be a Double Double or I’ll vote no. And fries.

kritiper's avatar

Not mine. I am a patriot!

zenvelo's avatar

^^^^Gives his away for free!

Dutchess_III's avatar

One burrito.

gorillapaws's avatar

It depends on the office. If someone wants to bribe me for my city trash manager position, I’d be willing to hear them out.

Forever_Free's avatar

a pallet of 2×4’s

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m easy, solve one major issue with a logical, bi-partisan vote without plundering my constitutional rights and I’m yours.
But I’ll settle for two taco’s.

gondwanalon's avatar

Why not? I’ll sell it to you cheap!

I type this response from my bunker somewhere behind the blue curtain in the woods of Washington State.

My conservative vote doesn’t count here.

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