I got a black cat. Will you help me name him?
Asked by
tinyfaery (
November 2nd, 2021
He came with the name Hickory but I’m not 100% sold on it.
He’s pitch black, with soft silky fur and gorgeous golden eyes. I got him on Halloween. He seems to be stealthier than most cats. He just pops up out of nowhere and startles me. He’s so affectionate and gentle. Just a sweet sweet boy.
He was sick when they found him and he had to have a feeding tube but he’s on the mend. He is skinny but I’ve been fattening him up.
I have considered Coal and Jett, but animals are more likely to respond to a name with a vowel sound at the end of their names. I don’t like people names for animals unless it’s odd or old-timey.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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141 Answers
Congrats, he sounds lovely.
I’ve always wanted to name a black cat “Indigo”. Not sure why.
If you want to name him for his color and his stealth style, it sounds like he’s courting the name Shadow.
People get names before they’ve displayed any traits, but a lot of us seem to want to call our pets something descriptive. We had a black cat named Luciano because he vocalized like one L. Pavarotti.
Or, since you got him on Halloween, Samhain. Sammy for short.
Charcoal (or Char or Coal)
My sister named one of her cats Michou. I always like that name. Pronounced mee-shoo. Japanese for beauty I think. I’m almost positive she chose the name because of the Japanese connection. Her other cat was Kiwi.
Also, Michou is a French nickname for Michele (male name in France). There was a French drag performer who called himself Michou.
I was thinking Sammy as well.
Bela as in the Hungarian male name
Vanta. After Vantablack. The darkest material known to humans it absorbs 98% of light. Or maybe more.
Shout out to the Jelly who suggested the name for our black kitten in 2014.
Just do not use the name that H.P. Lovecraft named his cat.
@ragingloli Uhhh… wow. I never knew that and I definitely will not be using that.
@JLeslie I like that! Now I’ll be singing all night!
Shammy ( M Night Shyamalan )
Knows ( The Shadow…knows )
I know a guy who named his cat Ow, Fuck! because he kept getting scratched.
Is he very vocal? I had a cat that talked loudly; I named him Bouche (Boosh), French for mouth. I like Onyx and Ebony. Soots/Sooty, Ashes. Pango is black in Maori. Whatever you choose, I just hope it’s nothing negative like Satan, etc. I’m so happy for you! I, myself am trying to get up the courage to adopt an older cat, or a couple if they’re bonded. My nickname here is after a cat who had individual gray and white toes, like he’d been playing in soot.
We had a female dog called Onyx and now have a male called Chert (black chert is flint).
I like Felix. I also like Pepper but it reminds me of Marvel. I’ve been thinking maybe Lazarus because I found out he died while he was under anesthesia. I’m still thinking Coal or Ash.
I had a black cat named Boo Boo (also known as “The Boo” or “My Black Boo”). I also had a black cat named Charlie. I think Boo Boo was a cute name because it was kind of Halloween-ish.
Mr. Mistoflees…the original conjuring cat. Especially since you got him on Halloween
Prince because you know he will eventually fit the name. Cats always do, or Topaz for the eyes. If kitty has a really rich color black coat that is silky, then name him Silky. Or name him something silly. Like BooBoo if he always looks skiddish.
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Boo boo or just Boo is cute. Makes me think of Yogi and Boo Boo, although the black cat and witches/Halloween thing, Boo goes with that too.
What about Beau? Or, Bear?
What’s his personality like? I named one cat Peri, short for perezoso, because that cat just laid around a lot. Lol.
Diabol, the black god. Bali for short.
Sagittarius A is the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. “His” gravity is so powerful that not even light can escape its hold.
If your cat is the center of your galaxy and bogarts all the light, then perhaps some variation of that name would fit.
Oscuro (Oski for short)
How about Dimples or Snallygaster? How about Murk?
You could always go with something cute, like Jinx or Chuckie or Wally.
If you pet is pitch black I would like to suggest the names Sable, Raven, Ebony or Jet.
@raum Oscar as a derivative of Oscuro I like.
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Lucky, to show that the superstition about crossing paths with a black cat does not apply in this case.
Please let us know when you decide.
Ooh. I like Oscar for Oscuro.
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I’ve narrowed it down to Coal or Pan but now I am considering Jinx. Thanks @jca2. I don’t have a great picture yet because it’s hard to photograph a black cat and he’s stuck to me like glue all of the time.
”...he’s stuck to me like glue all of the time…”
Glue Boy
Duct Tape
or be cool and make it Cole.
@kneesox Or Shadow. Since he’s always stuck to them. And also a nod to his coloring.
Or Armus, the Tar monster from the TNG episode “Skin of Evil”.
@raum, Shadow was suggested in the third post in this thread. Color and behavior.
@ragingloli Thumbs up for Armus as well.
@Jeruba Oh yes! I’d actually given you lurve for your answer, but had forgotten after reading so many answers. :P
A former Jelly has a cat in the UK named Shadow.
Jinx was the name of Robert de Niro’s cat in Meet The Fockers.
Just put it out there, since there might be a chance your family or friends will, if you go with that name.
Jinx makes me think of the rescue cat with the crazy eyes.
I read somewhere that pets you call for by name really only hear the vowel sounds, especially when shouted. So “Rover” would sound like “oh-eh.” (OP mentioned a vowel ending, too.) If that’s true, it seems like a name of more than one syllable would be helpful for recognition.
Isn’t that true for people too? If you call for Billy or Lisa to come in, do they hear more than “ih-ee” or “ee-uh”?
Out of many cats, I’ve only ever had one who responded to his name when I called him in, and maybe it wasn’t his name but my voice. Anyway, he came running.
Oh @kritiper! You disappoint me! Do you not know that “spook” and “tar baby” are derogatory names for our African American friends?! I don’t even like typing them!
I have a friend whose little Boston Terrier ‘sticks to her like glue’. His name is Nigel, but she sometimes calls him Velcro.
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Now I want to know how one conducts an experiment to determine what animals hear.
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So nu, @tinyfairy, what’s his name?
I went with Coal though I mostly call him baby boy. Thanks for all of your suggestions.
yayyyy Coal! He’s a good boy. I hope his health continues to improve.
I would totally be naughty, if I got a sweet black kitty in my stocking. :)
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Here are a few more. There is one other but it might offend, although I know not why, but some would recoil from it. I will PM you with the stand out.
Jet, Inky, Noir, Onyx, Ebony, Raven, Sable, Asphalt, Twilight, Midnight.
Why do so many people think the only basis for a pet’s name is its color?
^In this case, the OP seemed to be leaning that way by thinking of Coal and Jett originally. So my answer went in that direction.
“I have considered Coal and Jett, but animals are more likely to respond to a name with a vowel sound at the end of their names.”
“I went with Coal though I mostly call him baby boy.”
If he doesn’t respond to Coal, then how about Cola? ;p
I am definitely a person who gives their pets many nicknames so I am sure Coal will just be his official name. I’m already calling him my little night fury and cuddle bug.
Is “Little Asshole!” one of his names? It’s one of Vanta’s names.
NO! He is sooo sweet and gentle.
I am not clicking on that link Raggie!
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@tinyfaery How are you two doing? Is Coal continuing to get better? Have you adapted to having a pint-sized terror zooming around? You probably already know this, but have lots of toys – only let him have 5–6 of them, and after a week or so, take them away and give him 5–6 others. I’ve heard it keeps their interest better and am witnessing it first-hand with a friend’s two puppies. I’ve also heard to adopt cats in twos so they can keep each other company. Hope everything’s going well. :)
My grandkids are terrified of my black cat, @tinyfaery!
He is doing great. He had to have had a family before he was found on the street because he is so good, and sweet, and he listens when I tell him no.
Honestly, Coal really isn’t sticking as a name. I still just call him baby boy.
@tinyfaery How about the Yiddish for a little boy – Boychick? (Works in a gender bending way too.)
Glad to hear you two have become a real pair! Maybe you’ll feel like renaming babyboy. ohmigosh – what about Beau?
He does have a very sweet little meow, @janbb.
I said Beau above, and also Bear, but thought Boo boo was really cute too, someone else said Boo boo.
Maybe just stick with Baby boy. Why not if it feels right.
I said Boo Boo – i had a black cat that was Boo Boo aka The Boo.
I also used to have a cat named Baby. I loved him like a baby and he would lay in my arms like a baby.
I thought about Licorice but it doesn’t seem to flow.
I’ve been calling him Jasper now but I think his name wants to be Root Beer.
Lol. So many names.
What about Valentino?
Salomon and call him Salo or Moni for short. Or, the Italian Salomone.
Salvatore. Sal for short.
Giuseppe. Pepe.
Giovanni and Joe Joe for short.
Bibi pronounced Bee bee.
Chucho Chicho Chamo.
Yes, he seems like a Root Beer. Definitely! ;)
Root beer I’d nickname him Rooty.
^^Yeah, and if you’re like most animal lovers, you’ll come up with all sorts of nicknames. Rooty made me think of Rooty Tooty Poo-Pooty. lol
Ohhh! He’s a staunch one!
Oh my goodness – he is adorable! All Black, even his nose.
How about Rudi?
Awww…hi baby! sniff sniff…I want one
Is he chipped?
What name do you think you’ll use on his chip?
Okay. Last round. Which do you like best?
Asher (Ash)
Jasper. Because you can do a lot of nicknames off of Jasper.
Jazz, Jazzy, JJ, etc.
Definitely phantom. Look at him! He’s just looking for mischief.
Kingsford comes to mind.
Now that he is comfortable and feels safe his mischievous personality is coming out. I’d call him Loki but that name has become so well known because of the MCU.
I like Asher but that’s probably just because it reminds me of Ashton, which makes me think of Ashton Kutcher, who’s so effin’ hot!
Glad he’s comfortable enough to be feisty!
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He is officially Jasper Coal Root Beer. That’s his name at the vet and everything.
Thanks for your help, everyone.
Jasper is a great choice. I also like the long full name. Sort of like royalty.
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