What exactly is this website (details inside)
So these days I have been playing an Android game. I sometimes choose to watch ads to earn more money in the game. And among the mundane ads for mundane products, I came across an ad for this website. The ad is nothing but a bunch of flickering images and a bunch of people saying “what is this” again and again. The ad ends with the name of the website, along with the line “what is cool to you” but at first I didn’t realize that was the name of the website because it was just a strange name for a website. You can view the ad on the website.
I put the name on Google but there was absolutely no result. The only way I could see the website was to click on the ad. And the website is even stranger. It wants me to type in a form to talk about something that I “think is very cool”. There are spaces for my name, my country, my message, and some tags to choose from, and that’s it. They have a link for their FB page and Instagram page, but those pages are just as cryptic as the ad and the website. There is absolutely no information on what the website is really about and what they are trying to sell.
I’m really confused. The fact that it appears in my game over and over again means that they have put money into it to let the ad be visible. But what exactly are they trying to accomplish here? There is nothing to sell, and I don’t know what the website is about, and also the website is so obscure the only way to gain access to it is by clicking on an ad in a random video game. What do you think?
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9 Answers
I just checked back and realized that they changed their name from http to https. So there are really people actively working behind it.
Sounds like an invitation to get malware installed on your phone.
@zenvelo Yeah, I suspect something along the line of that too. But the ad looks fairly professionally made. And there are even FB and Instagram pages. And the website is recently updated. So there is some level of dedication here that not many fake websites bother to put effort into.
I also play my game on an Android emulator, so I’m fairy well-protected by my computer’s anti-virus.And also I didn’t fill in the form :P
I just found this on the FB page.
Our social channels provide an online platform for citizens all over the world to access and share information about Made in Italy, Italian culture, style, design, expertise, vision and other coolness.
So if the policy page is honest, it kind of explains the professional-looking ad and all the “woke” looking stuff on their sites. It looks to me like it’s a legit website, only really vague. It seems like some kind of corporate organization trying to sell things Italy-related, though it’s not clear what they plan to sell. My guess is that this is a new business just starting out and they are making it so cryptic because they are running some kind of ad campaign. But it doesn’t seem like they are having much success yet.
It is a promotion of Italian stuff run by the Italian advertising company Pomilio Blumm S.R.L. in Torino.
That company seems to be international, and their own web page is https://pomilioblumm.eu/en/ .
@Zaku Wow! How could you link this website to Pomilio Blumm? I can’t even see the connection.
And what does Pomilio Blumm sell, exactly? Their website is just as vague too.
I looked up the WHOIS information for the it-is.cool domain: https://www.whois.com/whois/it-is.cool
Then I searched for the company name on the web.
Pomilio and Blumm are surnames.
What they sell is intelligent and artful communication and promotional advertising campaigns, such as the one that you encountered. The effect they deliviered here, was to transform an ignorable click chore on an app game, into us having a conversation about their web site and finding out more about it.
Here is Franco Pomilio talking about what he does.
@Zaku So Pomilio Blumm isn’t really the one who sells the “it is cool” products, but more of an advertisement agency running an ad for another company?
I hate to admit it, but this is the first ad after so many years that makes me feel good. It doesn’t have that cynical corporate vibe to it like many other ads. I wish more ads could be like that. Though it does have a side effect of making itself look like a mailware bait :P
It seems to be an invitation to contribute ideas at this point. I think the campaign may have later (or earlier?) stages that aren’t visible at the moment. And/or maybe they express other ideas in other media too? I think the other company may be something like the Italian chamber of commerce, as it seems to be about Italy itself and/or all Italian products. I don’t see any way to buy anything from the web site.
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