Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do you hold tightly to what harms you?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) November 5th, 2021

For instance a friend was concerned that I was suicidal and prayed that what ended up with me believing that I was trapped in a time loop. At first it was distribing then I found that I can cheat at life and became dependent on it for over 26,500+ years.

What are my alternatives to stop the time loop? Who can break the spell? I have tried psychologists, psychiatrists, priests and self help books. How do I take charge of of my condition, and learn how to Master my time traveling? To help me out more?

Am I normal? Or do you cling to your poison (kryptonite) too?

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8 Answers

LostInParadise's avatar

What does it mean to be stuck in a 26,500 year time loop? Does that mean that you are repeating what you did thousands of years ago, like the move Groundhog Day, only using 26,500 years instead of a day? How can that be? Society on this planet is much different than it was thousands of years ago,

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LostInParadise Time rolls back to summer of 2000. Where SHTF big time from my perspective. Every time I loop back in time I am able to see 2 weeks further into the story of my life. So the math should be summer 2000 + 2 weeks + 4 wees + 6 weeks, ect until today plus a bit (not sure how much).

It could be PTSD, or MPD , (multiple personality disorder), or actually rolling back time.

Basically I drew the line in the sand and stood my ground from family and friends and classmates. I refused to pay my student loans and said a big FU to those who made my life difficult. I started in university by refusing to speak to my sister who had gained access to my apartment by asking him, (the resident assistant) to let her in my dorm room.

For a time I became an asshole, and I am moving on from that.

I basically went on strike and stopped being a doormat, and refused to let go of my anger.

Things are mellowing out and I let some stuff go.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I was hoping that student loans would take me to court; So that I can make a scene, and encourage everyone screwed over by student loans to join in and refuse to pay their student loans. It never happened. I was put on pills that I couldn’t afford while working. They basically brushed me aside and didn’t give two shits to my pain. Or anyone’s else for that matter.

Time to let go and save to go back to school. I am a psychology/philosophy student and not a political science expert. I have been fighting for 20 years and am going nowhere fast.

I would still like to make a FU political party, but its not going to happen.

LostInParadise's avatar

I am sorry for how angry you have been, but I don’t understand it. What is your problem with student loans? If you borrow money then you are expected to pay it back, You may feel that the government should pay for higher education, but that is another issue. And I don’t see how any of this has anything to do with being in a time loop.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LostInParadise I made a deal that I would only pay my student loans if my mental health medications where paid for by student loans. I had the deal with student loans, and my university. They failed to keep there end of the bargain, so I refused to pay my student loans.
Had I had my medications I wouldn’t have become psychotic from the cold turkey form stopping suddenly.

Then they garnished my income tax without giving me a say. So I refused to file my income tax. Then I quit my job and applied for temp disability (welfare). The government refused to pay the full amount because I was living with my mom. They didn’t give two shits that I needed to pay my half of the rent. So I applied for permeant disability and stayed living with my mom into my late 20’s. The disability was too low to move out on my own so I started sleeping in and reading books from the book sharing corner in my museum.

I got lonely and wanted to have friends over and my roommate said no. So I asked for help moving into affordable housing and had no luck. I then punched a brick wall and broke my dominate hand and was put in an asylum’s for 6 months. My worker found me a home to live in at Red Deer and I’ve been living in different affordable housing for 9 years. I have my meds paid for and am living a fairly independent life. I will save up my money and will finish my psychology degree and see if I can still be a psychologist/career counselor.

LostInParadise's avatar

I never heard of medication expenses being covered by a student loan, but maybe your case was different. You seem to have had a pretty rough time. When do you plan to attend a university?

And I still don’t see what any of this has to do with being in a time loop.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LostInParadise The time loop is when I had enough. I drew a line in the sand and still tried to fit in. I was honest and too trusting. God protected my from the evil people in my life. So he answered a prayer from my best friend when I told her that I was applying for the military to remove, landmines, and explosives with a knife and that if I wanted I could just set one off and end it all. She closed her eyes and it must of been a great prayer! For them on whenever I did or thought of doing something stupid I woke up at to that moment.

For your other question I took and failed out of university of in 1999/2000 school year’s. I will save up and treat my IBS irritable bowel syndrome and see what I can improve.

IBS explains why I was in pain, praying for a fart. I might be able to turn my life around. I am on a low FODMAP diet and will see how far I can recover.

smudges's avatar

This seems to be a copy of a previous post because I recognize and remember certain things you’re saying, like the post here where you say you were hoping student loans would take you to court – I’ve read that whole post before, and possibly the next one.

As far as the ‘time loop’, you’ve mentioned it a number of times on fluther. The best thing would be for you to work on not believing in it. It’s not real, it’s not possible, it’s not healthy psychologically, it’s not a spell, it’s not the result of a prayer, you can’t learn how to master it.

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