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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why was Aaron Rodgers surprised at the negative reaction to his lies about being vaccinated ?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47189points) November 9th, 2021

Did he think his anti vaxxer stance would be approved by the majority of Americans?

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33 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Merely a childish “Who, me?” put on.

chyna's avatar

He really messed up, IMO, by changing his story. First he said he didn’t want to take it because he was allergic to an ingredient in the vaccine, then later on he said he was afraid it would make him sterile.
I would have had more respect if he had just said he didn’t want to take it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m trying to understand why he was “surprised” at the negative reaction to his stance.

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III: I’m guessing he’s not really surprised but has to say something to save face.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was wondering if it’s a delusion that all antivaxxers share, that people are in awe of them.

ragingloli's avatar

People like this are under the delusion that they are part of what they call the “silent majority”.
They believe that the majority of people are on their side, and all the criticism and the people that are opposed to them are just a tiny minority amplified by a bolshevik main stream media conspiracy run by satan worshipping, child blood drinking liberals. And Jews.

So when coming out as being a deranged antivaxxer, they naturally assume that most people would actually cheer on them, not jeer on them.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Being an egotistical millionaire means you never have to say you’re sorry.

Forever_Free's avatar

A person who concisely lies about something like this and gets caught will do anything including crying.
It’s not about his being vax or anti-vax stance but all about the lie.
I didn’t respect him before and I now know that my gut was correct on his character.

Caravanfan's avatar

@ragingloli Hey! Jews drink children’s blood too!

janbb's avatar

@Caravanfan But it tastes so good!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He flunked Biology twice . . . .

His IQ is slightly higher than body temperature . . .

Someone else said it. He’s dumb ass millionaire !

rebbel's avatar

I know someone who freaking believes the guy/is with him on the “being surprised”.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Tropical_Willie “He flunked Biology twice . . . .”

Remember that’s before he received repeated blows to the head. I wouldn’t expect that would improve his intelligence (metallic eyesight? WTF?).

zenvelo's avatar

He’s a professional quarterback. He probably hasn’t been truly questionned on anythiing besides football since he was about 12.

rebbel's avatar

From The Onion:

“Defiant Aaron Rodgers Says He Can’t Get Vaccinated Because He Only 4 Years Old”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. That was a good one @rebbel.

JLeslie's avatar

He’s an idiot. He was deliberately deceptive. Carefully worded, yeah sure, to be deceptive.

I think he had to know a lot of people would take issue with him not being vaccinated and lying about it, but I think also he has enough people he talks to in his social circles who agree with his decision not to vaccinate that he believed mostly he would get tremendous support.

A Facebook friend of mine (I know him in real life, but barely) posted this morning a photo of Aaron Rodgers and I guess it was a quote of Rodgers saying he consulted with his doctors and was advised not to get vaccinated.

The majority of adults are vaccinated in America, especially if you look at adults that are vaccinated the number is really getting up there. He doesn’t know he’s truly in the minority. Plus, I personally know a Republican who didn’t tell friends she was vaccinated for 4 months! She let them believe she was still against the covid vaccine (she had preached against it initially). I’m betting she’s not the only one keeping her vaccination status a secret.

My issue with him besides lying, is he wasn’t following protocols for players who aren’t vaccinated.

SnipSnip's avatar

What is wrong with people? He should live as he sees fit and know he owes no one an explanation, much less an apology for it.

JLeslie's avatar

@SnipSnip He was purposefully deceptive and didn’t follow the rules for unvaccinated players.

We, who are at higher risk, rely on people being honest about their vaccination status and behaviors. He took the choice away from the people around him on how careful to be when near him. People like Rodgers are garbage. They are willing to kill others. I choose to distance far from unvaccinated friends. On the other extreme are my vaccinated friends who still mask indoors, I don’t worry about distancing as much. I get to choose where I take my risk based on their honesty.

People can be unvaccinated, that’s fine, no one is holding a gun to their head to get vaccinated, but they are like a gun to the heads of people who have a high risk of dying from covid. A lot of football players are at high risk. A lot of players are very overweight.

He didn’t have to lie, but he chose to. I guess because he knew he would be judged for not getting vaccinated. Actually, that’s the answer to the main Q. He knew most people expect and assume the players are vaccinated. My guess is most players readily told each other they were vaccinated, so happy to have it done, just like we did here where I live, and Rodgers was the odd man out.

jca2's avatar

NFL just hit him and the team for the lie, for Covid violations.

JLeslie's avatar

To clarify, I am not calling my unvaccinated friends garbage who are honest about their vaccine status. I have one dear friend who is not vaccinated, I see her quite a bit, because we are often in the same place at the same time. She knows my concern and always distances, she does take covid seriously.

@jca2 I saw an article that Rodgers was fined. I also saw he gave a half assed apology. Not really an apology. He said the media was on a witch hunt. Maybe so, but that doesn’t change that he was deceptive and did break the rules. I’d love to know which of his doctors told him not to get vaccinated and the ingredient he’s allergic to.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

As someone above posted, he probably doesn’t care. When you have millions of dollars, you can say and do what you want, and rarely suffer any consequences. And I’m sure there are folks out there who will have no qualms about his antics. Athlete / celebrity worshippers will always be with us.

JLeslie's avatar

He pays a fine and keeps his job and someone who kneels for equal rights endangering no one gets fired. It’s a crazy time in our history.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: A friend of mine told me last night that her bf (or casual dating or whatever he is) is considering losing his job because he doesn’t want the vaccine (it’s a bank and since they do business with the government, he can’t take the weekly testing option), and she has a work friend who was in a years- long relationship with a guy in another state, was considering moving to the other state to live with him (as she can now work remotely) and she told the guy she got the vaccine and he broke up with her over that. So crazy.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Wow. She’s better off knowing he thinks that way, but that has to be upsetting to feel ready to move in with someone and they break up with you. Are they young? Maybe he’s afraid his children would be unhealthy. I wonder if she was similar to him politically.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

As the wise guy said, politics make strange bed mates.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: I think they’re in their 40’s or 50’s.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SnipSnip “Living as he sees fit” is putting everyone around him, and their families in danger. That is not allowed. It’s why we have speed limits and rules and laws.
I hope they fire him.

jca2's avatar

There’s probably something in his contract about his medical status which is what they can get him on, if they want to fire him, so it will eliminate the arguments about the vaccine and whether it works or not, which is not the point here.

Jons_Blond's avatar

He probably lives in a bubble of antivaxx granola. He doesn’t know any better

Forever_Free's avatar

@jca2 Fines are a joke to these players making millions. Suspend them without pay.
Rodgers violates a rule that impacts public health and get a hand slap fine.
Brady has his boys suck the air out of his balls and gets 4 game suspension.
What a joke.

zenvelo's avatar

The NFL is more concerned about neat uniforms than about health and safety:

CeeDee Lamb was fined $20k for having his jersey untucked last week. Aaron Rodgers was fined $14k for ignoring COVID protocols all season.

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