General Question

luigirovatti's avatar

Which movies, books, TV series, ANYTHING, talk about a serial killer that ends up, well, killing ALL the human beings on this Earth one by one?

Asked by luigirovatti (3021points) November 10th, 2021

Yes, you heard me. They might take hundreds of years, or something like that. If you want rebut that they give birth to other individuals, then add the infertility trope of entertainment. In any case, use your imagination. The only thing that matters is the staple of a serial killer of the whole humanity.

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20 Answers

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chyna's avatar

None that I know of. But you are starting to worry me with this line of questions.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Dragonlance novels has the wizard Raistlin killing all the gods and turning the multiverse into green slime.

Spiderman the animated series has Peter Parker destroying all of reality.

zenvelo's avatar

The question has a major problem: ”...killing ALL the human beings on this Earth one by one?

No way can any entity kill 8 billion people “one by one”. Not in your wildest Marvel Comic Universe is that even conceivable. Given the world population grows 150 people per minute, a villain could never get ahead of teh current number of people.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The Satan Bug (Alistair McLean) has as its premise a botulinus derivative where a teaspoonful of powder will, within a month, kill every person on earth.

Written in 1965 (?) or so, but was made into a horrible movie.

ragingloli's avatar

Assuming that no new humans are born, and that everyone starts as a baby and lives to 100 years, this hypothetical serial killer would have to kill 220000 people every day to kill all humans on the planet, with none of them dying of old age, or any other causes.
At that point, you are no longer a serial killer, but an industrial mass murderer with a higher efficiency than the Nazi Regime.

Caravanfan's avatar

Read On the Beach.

Irukandji's avatar

@zenvelo “No way can any entity kill 8 billion people ‘one by one’. Not in your wildest Marvel Comic Universe is that even conceivable.”

Funny you should phrase it that way because Deadpool has actually done it three times: Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, Deadpool Killustrated, and Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again (collectively known as the “Deadpool Killogy”).

ragingloli's avatar

But did he not just kill the heroes and villains in those?

zenvelo's avatar

@Irukandji But that’s not “all the human beings on this Earth, one by one”

rebbel's avatar

That would be a mass murderer.
It can happen, in the way that you described, if a virus is let lose on the world population, that the perpetrator is resistant against.
Technically he kills them, one by one.

Zaku's avatar

Dr. Strangelove

janbb's avatar

It doesn’t make sense as a scenario. If someone is killing people one by one and hoping to exterminate all, surely someone is going to catch on and kill them?

filmfann's avatar

The problem is the “one by one” requirement.
If you never sleep, and kill one person every second, it will take 10 days to kill a million, and 32 years to kill a billion. If the World’s population is 8 billion, it would take several hundred years, but with reproduction you could never overtake it.

kritiper's avatar

It wouldn’t be very logical or practical.
For example, if you lined up the people of China and marched them 4 abreast into the sea, the line would never end. India might be the same since they have over 1 billion people.
It might work if the serial killer had a machine gun, enough bullets, a gun that would not overheat, and someplace bottomless for all of the bodies to pile up, then maybe. But it could never be done, one by one.

Solderon's avatar

I haven’t read them myself, but I think “Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe” and “Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again” count.

zenvelo's avatar

@Solderon They would not count, because that isn’t “Deadpool killing everyone on earth one by one”. That is Deadpool killing a subset of the human population.

Poseidon's avatar

It would be physically impossible to slay EVERY human being, even if this being was immortal.

There are 8 billion human beings living on the Earth at the moment and of course they inhabit the whole world.

If this individual decided to try to kill everyone in the world he/she/it would find it impossible, especially he they killed everyone one by one.

Once they started their killing it would take 1000s of years and all the time millions of other children would be born and grow up and have children of their own, ad infinitum.
It is also extremely likely that the perpetrator would be caught and would be caged up so it would not be possible for them to kill anyone else unless they escaped or somehow became free,

Irukandji's avatar

@ragingloli @zenvelo While the stories focus on Dreadpool (the alternate universe version Deadpool) killing various heroes and villains, he is murdering everyone else as well (including everyone in other alternate universes in between stories). It helps that he is effectively immortal.

@Poseidon Kill enough of the right people and the next generation will be smaller. That’s how long-term genocide works, for example. Also, we’re being asked about a work of fiction where the likelihood of capture in the real world doesn’t necessarily apply.

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