General Question

ragingloli's avatar

If a child falls into a coma, and wakes up decades later as an adult, will it still have the same childish personality?

Asked by ragingloli (52329points) November 12th, 2021

Or will there be a sudden shift in personality caused by the physiological changes in the brain?
Will it notice its own changed personality?

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10 Answers

JLoon's avatar

You don’t need a coma for that – I manage it every day.

But if you lack my gifts, consider this :

“Individuals with post-traumatic amnesia often struggle with memory, so they may not be able to recognize familiar faces and may appear confused or disoriented. However, individuals with post-traumatic amnesia should be responsive and able to demonstrate purposeful action.

Nearly every coma patient who reaches the state of post-traumatic amnesia will make a functional recovery. In fact, patients who transition from a coma to a minimally conscious state within 8 weeks are most likely to transition to post-traumatic amnesia and regain higher functions.”

Basically every coma is caused by some form of brain injury, but the degree of coma (as rated by the Glasgow Coma Scale) and length of unconsciousness are the key in determining recovery outcomes. So in your example it’s likely the patient would “wake up” as a child, with some limited chance of developing adult abilities & awareness.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes because they wouldn’t have had the experiences to form the necessary new neurons to mature. I think.

Jeruba's avatar

This is sort of like what can happen to alcoholics when they start young with the heavy drinking: it’s as if they stopped developing when they were 18 and alcohol-dependent, and they have to restart there (although much more awkwardly and without the usual social supports) when they sober up at 38. So I would think the answer is yes.

Caravanfan's avatar

My daughter calls me a child all the time. Usualy after a fart joke.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Name a solid, a liquid and a gas @Caravanfan…..

Caravanfan's avatar

@Dutchess_III Tell me what is a solid, liquid and a gas

Jeruba's avatar

Men never outgrow their inner nine-year-olds, do they? No matter how old they get, they still think bathroom humor is funny.

And they don’t have to have been in a coma at all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Caravanfan…. poop, pee, farts.

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