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filmfann's avatar

Have you gotten a Covid vaccine booster shot?

Asked by filmfann (52622points) November 12th, 2021 from iPhone

Did your booster manufacturer match your original vaccine?
Did you have any reactions?

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23 Answers

chyna's avatar

Yes I have. It was Pfizer, the same as my first 2 shots. I had no side effects or reactions. I did feel a sense of relief though. It had been 8 months since my last shot and I was a bit anxious that my shots were wearing off.

canidmajor's avatar

I got my Moderna booster a few weeks ago, I had one bad day after, kind of like the bad day after my second shot.

filmfann's avatar

Today we got the Moderna booster. We had the Pfizer last March.
So far, just a bit tired.

kritiper's avatar

Been there, done that. Last Saturday. Got my flu shot, too!
Some soreness in arm, same shot as the original.

janbb's avatar

Had a Moderna booster at the end of August. Sore arm for a day: I was sicker after the second Moderna shot.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Yes, Pfizer. Same as my first 2 shots. Only a sore arm.

Brian1946's avatar

I got my 2nd Pfizer on April 21.

I got my Pfizer booster on October 20, at Walgreen’s.

While I was there, I asked the shooter (the person who gave me the shot) how much vaccine she was giving me. She said the volume was 0.3 MLs.

I asked the pharmacists if the ingredients in the vaccine had changed, and they said they hadn’t.

Caravanfan's avatar

Yes, pfizer, no

rockfan's avatar

Got the J&J vaccine, and got the Pfizer booster two weeks ago. Only had a mild headache and chills the day afterwards. I had much worse side effects with the J&J vaccine

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

Got my Moderna booster shot at a shot clinic on Tuesday, same kind as before. Also got the flu shot while there. After the second Moderna shot I was sorta meh for a day but other than the usual sorta sore area where the shots were given in my arm this time, no reactions. I was a bit concerned, have to admit, given I got the booster and flu shot together. Each in a different arm. No difference

Demosthenes's avatar

No, I haven’t. At this moment I’m not planning on it. If this ends up being like the flu, I can see getting a yearly shot. Any more frequently than that I’m probably not going to bother with.

Jeruba's avatar

No, I’ ve been having trouble scheduling an appointment. They fill up really fast. I finally got one nearby, two weeks out. It’ll be Moderna, same as before. I wanted to cross-pollinate, but I took what I could get. I feel sure that more opportunities lie ahead.

Kardamom's avatar

Yes. I got Pfizer and the only thing I had was a sore arm for each of the three. No other reactions.

Brian1946's avatar


Do you remember when you got your second shot?

gondwanalon's avatar

I haven’t got the Pfizer booster yet. I’m due for it but I want to know what my blood SARS-CoV-2 antibody titer is before getting pumped up with another dose.

KNOWITALL's avatar

My Moderna booster is next weekend.

Jeruba's avatar

@Brian1946, yes, of course, and I do have the card.

1st: 2/14/2021
2nd: 3/14/2021

One office I visit is giving out plastic vaccine card holders with their name on the back.

flutherother's avatar

I got my booster shot on 23 October. My first jabs were with Pfizer vaccine and my booster shot was Moderna. I felt slightly fluey and tired for 24 hours after the booster shot but I only had a sore arm with Pfizer.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, I got my booster and my flu shot at the same time. I was very tired and sleepy the next day, but it was probably from the anticipation.

Forever_Free's avatar

Scheduled for this coming Thursday. I do not know what I will be getting. I have had 2 Pfizer’s already.

product's avatar

Scheduled for Pfizer booster early December.

Jeruba's avatar

I had my shot today, at a nearby CVS inside a Target store. Oddly, the process was less orderly and efficient than my original shots at another CVS last February and March, when they were new.

Anyway, it went in pretty smoothly, no worse than an ordinary shot. The arm is feeling sore now, but I’m hoping to get by without a train-wreck aftermath tomorrow.

Wishing everybody a good and merry vaccination this holiday season. Has anybody written any covid songs we can sing along to?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Got mine Saturday, all done.

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