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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Does anyone actually use the microwave popcorn setting?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25105points) November 15th, 2021

Does anyone have a microwave story?

Humor and real answers welcome.

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20 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes, it works great on my machine.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Awesome. Pre-bagged microwave bags or loose?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. 2.5 minutes on high.

Popcorn story. My hubs and I went out, so we got a babysitter. She decided to make popcorn but she didn’t keep an eye on it. It caught on fire.
Then she did it AGAIN!!!
Destroyed my microwave, not to mention someone could have been hurt.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Pre-bagged, we get Kirkland from Costco. It is one of the better brands. I’ve got an antique popcorn popper like this one for over the stove or fire for loose popcorn.

janbb's avatar

The popcorn I recently bought – microwavable bags – specifically tells you not to use the popcorn setting. They say it’s too much time and just to try for a few minutes and listen for the pops to stop.

Blackberry's avatar

No way. 1:25 seconds +/- 10 seconds is all you need.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I honestly don’t use any other settings.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

No, it never pops it fully. I set it on two minutes / two and a half tops, normally. Then it pops fine.

filmfann's avatar

My friend Neil came into work on a Saturday. He put a thing of popcorn in the microwave. Turned it on, and used the bathroom.
Came out, and there is black smoke everywhere. He thinks he set the microwave for 7 minutes, not 3. Anyway, he opens the windows, and then tries to open the bag. Flames shoot out from the super heated popcorn. He throws the bag into the dumpster outside the office. The dumpster catches fire. He gets a fire extinguisher, and puts it out.
He calls it a day, and goes home.
When he came to work, a manager tells him that a different manager (Neil’s boss) burned popcorn, and ruined the microwave. The whole building smells terrible.
My friend just looks at him and says “What an asshole!”

chyna's avatar

^Ha, love it!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Did he used to babysit in the 80s @filfann?

jca2's avatar

I made microwave popcorn once and the bag caught on fire. That was at home and it was pretty scary.

YARNLADY's avatar

We use the setting then standby to add 30 seconds at the end. Using Act ii butter lovers size 2.75. While reading this, I had to go pop up a bag, which I am now eating with a glass of wine.
I have a large plastic bowl I empty the bag into.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I make popcorn in a pot on the stove top.

Forever_Free's avatar

No, but a friend used it to reheat an Arby’s sandwich several years ago.
Arby’s had this nice touch of their wrapper having a thin layer of foil to help keep the the sandwich warm.
When he opened the door, the sandwich was on fire.

RocketGuy's avatar

Sandwiches from my favorite deli have a foil layer too. A few times I forgot about that while microwaving the second half the next day. Got a burn mark once.

SnipSnip's avatar

No. I can’t imagine eating microwave popcorn. I use an air popper.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Used too, but after a couple told me that her husband had eaten popcorn almost every night for years and had most of his digestive track taken out due to damages plus kidyproblems caused by popcorn kernals that will not be digested.
I then bought popped corn with out the kernals in them ( snack aisle)..they look puffed up and white oand or cheese flavoured.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Who the hell eats unpopped popcorn kernels?

Inspired_2write's avatar

Popped popcorn has kernels still atatched… and that is what caused that man’s digestive problems.
It cannot be digested fully and thus scrapes the fragile intestine.

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