Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

How often do you text, talk, or see your friends?

Asked by JLeslie (65974points) November 22nd, 2021 from iPhone

Social media like a Facebook feed or a fluther Q don’t count for this Q. Messaging through Facebook or PM can count since it’s often used like texting.

Text and messaging are the same for this Q.

Talk would be on the phone or FaceTime, that sort of thing.

In person is just that, in person.

I use friends with a broad definition. It doesn’t have to be friends who are best friends forever, but people you enjoy being around.

Do you have a couple of friends you are in communication with constantly? Do they live close by? Do you see them without much planning?

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8 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I have an old fraternity brother that, other than one day last month, I had not seen in 15 years. He lives in Kansas while I am in California. He and I text 3 or 4 times a week, and chat on the phone at least once every two weeks.

I have a number of friends that lie within 10 miles of me, but we rarely see each other in person, and our communication may be once a month. We do keep tabs on each other through social media, but not on a regular basis.

The only friends I see on a frequent regular basis are people who are in recovery.

filmfann's avatar

A friend of mine asked me, and another friend, to make lists of the best songs of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Each day he lists songs from each of our lists.
So, we have been in more contact during the last 2 years, tweaking the lists, and ragging on the others choices.

Forever_Free's avatar

Very often. Many texts or phone talks per day.
Many weekly face to face with friends.
No planning needed. Spontaneous and often

jca2's avatar

Lately, I am not usually reaching out to people as far as phone calls. They call me. I’d describe it as I have four good friends – one is a mom in the school system and two are from work and one is from my childhood. I’m also friends with a couple (parents) and my daughter is friends with their kids.

The mom might call me once a week and pm me once or twice a week, and we’ll see each other every week or two because our kids are friends.

The one from my childhood, I may see her every few months and we may talk on the phone once a month.

The two from work, I may see every few months and email once a week.

The couple, I’m more friendly with the wife and we’ll talk mostly when we’re getting together – getting the kids together to do something, like we go there to hang out or we go to a play or a fair. We’re very chummy in person but not too much on the phone except for planning purposes.

Texting with all is usually on an “as needed” basis or if something is interesting, like traffic or we’re meeting and running late or something like that.

Other friends that I’m less friendly with, I pm on FB or they pm me, as needed.

rebbel's avatar

Per day, week, month, year?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Rarely. At most, my sister, usually every two weeks.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Less than 10 texts total, a day. on MOST days

JLeslie's avatar

I have two friends who live close by who I call or text with 4–5 times a week each. I see them once or twice a week usually. It’s like college. We text saying where we are going to be and then if the other person wants to join they show up. Going to the pool, dancing, shopping, and before covid it was sometimes to grab a bite. Sometimes we drop by each other’s house to say hi or give each other something. Something we cooked or bought for the other person

I have another friend from social media who I message with fairly consistently. Maybe every other day sometimes more.

Other friends of mine it’s more sporadic. Many weeks or even months might pass, and then we might talk or text a lot for a week, and then it dies down again.

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