General Question

canidmajor's avatar

Have you come across a successful etiquette for asking professional strangers to prove their vaccine status before engaging their services?

Asked by canidmajor (21778points) November 24th, 2021

A number of people I know are working on the premise that they can’t transmit a Covid infection if they have had Covid, and we all know a few that think Covid is not a real health threat. I don’t want to see a professional for a close consultation if they have not been vaccinated. Is there an etiquette in place that you know of to ask to see their vaccination cards without causing offense?

Please don’t say “Just ask.” It is a volatile topic, people often react emotionally, I would like to avoid that if possible.
Please don’t suggest other Covid avoidance strategies, this is a very specific question about inquiring about proof of vaccination status.

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21 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

A written document / policy surrounding this subject and your requirement should do.
This should list that they provide proof so you can validate. If they can’t meet it, then move on to someone who can.

rebbel's avatar

“Hi there, good day!
May I ask, what is your company’s policy regarding Covid-19 vaccination of your staff members (including the management)?”
Is how I would do it (in fact, I did so (worded slightly different) when a few weeks back new measures came into place again, in the Netherlands).
They (the yoga studio) are obliged to scan our QR codes, and ID, so think it’s only natural that they also be vaccinated (or have been sick, or have tested the 24hrs previous).

My cousin, who runs a gym, isn’t vaccinated, but is being active there…
So I think it’s not unthinkable at all that other professionals are likewise not vaccinated

Blackwater_Park's avatar

There isn’t one. If they don’t volunteer it in one way or another you’re going to have to ask somehow if you must know. If you have to ask preface it with your specific concerns like “we have an immune compromised family member, what is your policy on employee vaccinations?” That way people see a real reason and don’t think you’re just being political. They’re under no obligation to physically show you their cards though. If you can’t accept their word then you don’t trust them anyway and you should go elsewhere. If I’m a professional offering services I’m going to offer up that info first. If they don’t offer that upfront I’d assume they’re not vaccinated.

elbanditoroso's avatar

In your example, you’re the consumer. Just like you would ask an electricial for his journeyman license before you let him rewire your house, you have the right – as a consumer, to make seeing his vaccine card part of the requirement. Just ask. Don’t make a big thing of it.

If the person has half a brain, he will (a) be vaccinated, and (b) be willing to confiorm that to you.

chyna's avatar

Sometimes doctor offices or dental offices will state on their website or Facebook page that the office is fully vaccinated. You might check there.
I wonder how or if people in offices are handling this from their perspective. Are the doctors or others asking patients if they are vaccinated? It’s very valid on their end, also.

janbb's avatar

I’m not clear whether you are talking about going to them or having someone work in your house. In either case, I guess my answer would be the same. You could say, “Because I am immuno-compromised, I am being very careful around people. Can you show me proof of vaccination before I do business with you?”

It might be easiest for you if you make the request on the phone first before engaging with them.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Another thing about physically showing vaccination cards, they contain your full legal name and date of birth. That’s P.I.I. many just don’t want to be made public.

janbb's avatar

@Blackwater_Park IN NYC theaters and restaurants, you have to show your ID and vacc card to get in. I don’t think privacy is such a big issue here, especially if they want your business and you want to use theirs.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@janbb That’s not really different than showing your DL when framed like that. I would not want it out on the web though.

canidmajor's avatar

Thanks, guys. Small businesses don’t necessarily require or state that they require this information, which is why I ask. Some good ideas here.

@jca2 I did the Google search, I’m asking here because I’m interested in what jellies have to say.

@Blackwater_Park If I am hiring a professional for something, you can damn well bet I want to know their name, likely their credentials and education/training, and their age should be somewhat evident.
As far as trust goes, this whole situation is very different from normal practitioner/client interactions.

jca2's avatar

@canidmajor: My apologies. Your details requested “is there an etiquette in place that you know of” and didn’t specify situations that are personal only.

canidmajor's avatar

@jca2 Really, your Bing was different from my Google. I was just mentioning that I had already done that.

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snowberry's avatar

I’m following this question because I’d like a resolution to a similar problem I have. I’m allergic to fragrances (perfumes). Doesn’t matter what you call it, I’m still allergic, and I’d love to find a polite way to deal with contractors as well as the general public.

So far I haven’t found an adequate way to do this. Many people don’t even seem to know what fragrances are, let alone be able to have an intelligent conversation about it.

I get asinine reactions, everything from being told they aren’t wearing fragrances when they clearly are, to being told that “it’s the industry standard” (meaning I shouldn’t have a problem with it) to being told my problem is “weird” (I want to tell that person they are rude). It goes on and on. Febreeze is the worst, and once sprayed on a surface, ir CANNOT be removed. .

Anyway, good luck with your problem. I’ve yet to find a solution to mine.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I switched to another hair cutter. At the place i used toy go the stylist told me she was afraid of the vaccine and won’t get it.
The new place requires vaccine for employees. They are getting my business.

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Blondroots's avatar

I’d have no hesitancy at all about asking. My doctor’s office asks every time, and even takes my temperature before they let me in. It shouldn’t be a ‘delicate’ subject to tiptoe around.

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