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Why doesn't ANYONE who speaks on talk shows says the following thing I found of value related to the anti-vaxx protests happening in the USA and the world?
I’m talking about the following thing: getting the vaccine, simply, makes you asymptomatic ie, it saves your life, and you don’t suffer the symptoms, but you transmit the contagion anyways. It happens all the times with OTHER vaccines, make it poliomyelitis, measles, typhus, cholera, etc. In my country they continue to talk about herd immunity over and over when it’s evident that won’t happen for the reasons described. So, the anti-vaxx, in a way, have a point. I’m not anti-vaxx, by the way. I made the second dose, the third I will when the Green Pass expires where I live. That said, I believe what I said, so, I’m waiting to talk about it here.
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