What are your thoughts on Dr. Oz running for senate?
Asked by
rockfan (
November 30th, 2021
from iPhone
Here’s his announcement video:
He says he wants to fix our broken healthcare system, yet he’s running as a Republican, and doesn’t support universal healthcare. So that makes just as much sense as someone wanting to becoming a farmer, but moving to New York City.
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54 Answers
Another media-manufactured, egomaniac, psuedo expert, “celebrity” hungry to feed on the political rot.
Somebody please just fucking shoot me.
~Did he ask Dr. Phil’s and Oprah’s for permission to run?
I would have preferred him to run for the Democratic parties presidential nomination, so that he can give his message out without having to win.
On another note I respect him and would vote for him If I was an American.
I think he’s a snake oil salesman but there are a lot of people out there who love him. Hopefully he loses and goes back to TV hucksterism, but we’ve seen other lunatics run for office and win, unbelievably, so anything’s possible.
He always had an ick factor for me. I do think he has helped some people though. I have seen his show about ten times. Most of it is dead boring, but once in a while he says something interesting or a guest does.
I wonder what his plan is to fix the healthcare system.
I had no clue he even lived in PA. I thought he was from New Jersey. for some reason. Shows how much attention I’ve not paid to him, I guess.
@AlaskaTundrea: Stephen Colbert was just joking that Oz is a resident of New Jersey, so I don’t know how he’s going to run for Senate in PA. I don’t know what the law is regarding running in another state, but even if it’s legal, how can he represent an area he probably doesn’t know too much about?
@jca2 Maybe they have a second home in PA, or in NJ, or who knows. I didn’t catch that on Colbert, so no clue where I picked up that tidbit though did watch him frequently a couple years ago while recovering from arm surgery at a friend’s home. Figured that was where I heard it, he had family on frequently and talked about their life, but no clue. I don’t like or dislike him, so no horse in this race.
When in doubt, Google is my friend. Says he does live in NJ but his wife is from somewhere just north of Philly in PA, so does have some sort of PA ties. That info from a Philly news station story. Another says he grew up in PA, also in the Philly area. Probably where he met his wife, I’m guessing, tho’ pretty sure he works and films his show in NY.
Hillary Clinton had never lived in NY prior to running for senate there. The Clinton’s moved to NY around the same time of her running. She was accused of carpetbagging at the time, even though that term historically is reserved for Northerners running for office in the South. If she hadn’t had her eyes set on the senate would the Clinton’s have wound up in NY? I don’t know.
I wonder if some of Oz’s questionable advice will be brought up. Link
Another unqualified populist running for office.
He’ll have to get some clothes to wear other than v-necked scrubs.
@zenvelo Lol. That’s part of his schtick.
I have never been a fan of media personalities running for office, it’s a bit icky to base a campaign on a crafted and false persona.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
He couldn’t fix a package of Ramen, let alone our healthcare system.
He’s one weird trick to disrupt democracy.
I would not vote for him.
Well, who knows how it will play out. After all, another New Jersey thug is now governor of Montana.
American politics attracts guys like this the way shit attracts flies.
Political power and celebrity are becoming the same thing.
And on a completely unrelated note, just because it must always be said, Fuck Dr. Oz.
@canidmajor Hey! We thugs from New Jersey resemble that remark!
@janbb, remember, I’m a Jersey Thug as well!!!
@janbb My hair is bigger than your hair!!!
Some of you might be surprised, but I think he is rinky dink.
I don’t believe he belongs in public office. He has proven he is for sale.
He is probably a DNC plant. His popularity with women gets him elected, he turns rino, votes turn out different from what Rs expect. Being an independent, I can look at this with no party loyalty in the way.
Oz is a punk.
Wasn’t he question one time in Congress for his scam diet plans? Unfortuately I feel he would win in PA. It seems Republicans love their reality tv stars even if they can’t do the job.They don’t vote for substance. But then again dems may have a chance of winning if they put out Oz’s whole name, Mehmet Cengiz Öz. If Republicans can’t pronounce it, then you are toast and they believe all middle eastern people are Isis.
The more I think about, the more I think he has a great chance. He can be the science candidate that Republicans like, and so they can feel like they are following the science. Much like how they embrace Rand Paul. I attribute some of this to a backfire effect Democrats pitting science against religion, which I have always felt was a bad way to go.
We also have Democrats saying Oz does not even live in PA and he has no experience in politics. I predict that will backfire also as being hypocritical in the minds of Republicans when as I mentioned above, Hillary had never lived in NY before her senate seat and she had never served in a political position except for First Lady of Arkansas and First lady of the US prior to being a senator. I realize she had done a tremendous amount of service in many capacities during her life prior to that, but Republicans will see Oz as having done the same.
@JLeslie Did you perhaps forget to put quotation marks around science, in your second sentence?
@rebbel The quotes would have been appropriate there.
Lots of comments here about him running…mostly negative. But most of them are not based in historical fact. “He has no experience in politics”. Neither did Ronald Reagan, neither did Sonny Bono. Neither did Arnold Schwarzenegger. Neither did any single politician in office today…until they ran for some office. And these days, with trust and support for career politicians at an all time low, NOT being a politician is a plus.
He is another celebrity trying to run into politics. I’m generally not in favor of that, but it has one thing going for it: the person generally has an actual interest in serving. They don’t need the office to give them power or money (which seems to be what career politicians seek) because they already have it. And in this case, Oz has a huge following and is well known and sought out on both conservative and liberal shows as a guest…not as a politician, but as a celebrity. His visibility and familiarity to voters is great.
Like Ben Carson, he is actually a doctor. His unfiltered input into what is wrong with the medical system in this country might be refreshing.
I think that no matter who his political opponent is, Republican or Democrat, they are likely worried. Remember, we have a population that tends to vote for who they have heard of. They don’t research stance on issues and make an informed decision. And if he is facing career politicians, he will get what I call the “Trump effect”. He will get a lot of votes because people will be voting against the establishment politicians, not because he is the better candidate. And because he has been on TV so much, and because he is also intelligent, he is comfortable in front of the camera and can present his views so they seem logical, whether they are or not.
@seawulf575 – I think you overstate people’s objections. They have a problem with Dr Oz in particular first, and celebrity in politics as a depressing second. Anyone but a fool who has spent any time looking into Oz, knows he’s a shill who uses his medical credentials to sell mediocre and useless medical products.
And ask Donald Trump if he ran for office because he had a genuine desire to serve. After all, he was rich and powerful already too. Getting more power doesn’t tend to moderate a misanthrope’s deviancies.
@seawulf575: If you learn about Ronald Reagan, he was President of the Screen Actors’ Guild for 20 years. That’s a political job, believe me. I worked for the President of the largest union in the County I worked for, for 10 years and it was very political. Just because the job doesn’t involve getting elected by the general public doesn’t mean it’s not political.
My problem with Dr Oz is he’s a quack. He is a legitimate doctor, yes, but if you look at the crap he has promoted and sold, it’s quackery. As I stated above, “snake oil salesman.”
Some of what Oz promoted he didn’t promote. His image was stolen and he has sued some companies.
I have watched his show maybe 20 times over the years and he does seem to go along with some unproven ideas, but I’m not sure he is actually a snake oil salesman. Does anyone have an example they can provide? It’s not that I doubt the people here, but I’m interested to know what he has promoted that was dangerous or BS.
His show promotes alternative medicine. It’s what persuades gullible people with back pain to go to a chiropractor instead of a real doctor, and then a couple years later, that back pain turns out to be cancer. I think alternative medicine should be used along with with scientifically proven methods. Oz rarely clarifies that on his show.
@rockfan I see. I actually never go to a chiropractor; they make me nervous; but I know more than one chiropractor and they use X-rays, so I’m surprised a cancer would go undiagnosed.
The shows I saw he gave some good advice, but it was overall too dumbed down and slow moving for me.
Two shows I saw that I liked:
One, he did a week “study” with several participants who did a veggie and fruit diet for one week. The average drop in cholesterol in one week was 25%. This is something I say ALL THE TIME to doctors; that they should test 2–3 weeks after a vegan diet so patients can see very quickly if they are over-absorbers of cholesterol instead of waiting 3 or 6 months for another test. So, I liked his method since he agreed with me. ~ Lol. He stated more than once it was not a scientific study, but that he was not surprised by the results.
Another show he featured people who knew something was wrong when doctors weren’t listening. One women had a mastectomy and was sure there was cancer left behind. She sounded “hysterical.” They finally scanned her to shut her up (calm her down) and she was right! I think that’s a good message he gave there also.
Another show a doctor was recommending 800 IU’s of D daily and Oz was very wary, like most doctors. He didn’t promote it. I was frustrated they didn’t emphasize getting your vitamin D tested so you can see what you need.
He did seem to like “natural” remedies though.
@Jleslie Of course one of the few shows you saw was about diets. That is what he is so well known for, pushing diets and diet pills. And he’s very convincing. I think that was one of the reasons he was in trouble and up before a senate sub committee to answer charges.
Also he was pushing hydroxychloroquine as a cure for Covid.
@chyna The diets don’t bother me if it was sound advice. Americans can use some more preventative advice. We have unhealthy diets.
I saw that he was lining up with the more extreme right wing regarding covid, and that does cause me a lot of concern.
He has an ick factor for me that I can’t put into words. It’s a feeling. The same feeling I get around cheating men.
@Smashley People on this site may have something against Oz specifically, but be honest…do you believe the people on this site represent America? How do you think Trump got elected? He had no political experience. He spoke out against career politicians and the swamp and people were drooling to hear him say “You’re Fired” to a few of them. Believe it or not, Dr. Oz is a very well known celebrity. People actually do like him. That, alone, is enough to give him an edge. To say he is against all the bullshit the politicians have shoveled over the past few years (in particular), hones that edge. And that is an edge against both Republican and Democratic candidates running for the same office.
@seawulf575 I didn’t get the impression that most jellies here think Oz can’t win. The only jelly I remember saying it without reading the thread again was Patty.
Actually, I said I think it would be a mistake.
I did comment on his popularity.
^^Thanks for correcting me. I didn’t want to misrepresent. :).
What will very likely happen to Dr. Oz is that his opponents will have an easy job of finding controversial things that he has said in the past, and stupid things that he has said in the past, and bad things that he has said in the past, and it will likely all be on video.
@jca2 Makes sense. When that happens, and I do think it’s when not if, it will be interesting to see if the PA voters care.
I wonder if I could run in PA. I actually did live there a long time ago.
I would publicly tickle him until he pukes green. That should seal the deal.
Don’t gang jump me. I’m just in a weird mood.
^^You would need to move back to PA and be living there at the time of your election. It’s not whether you have lived there before.
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