What can you be trusted with?
Also what can’t you be trusted with?
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24 Answers
Almost anything; I have secrets from over fifty years ago.
Anything with which I agree to be trusted.
I can be trusted with
– your tin of anchovies
– a package of Oreos
– a bag of peanut M&Ms
– your rare steak
I’ll also hold your martini or whiskey for you and give it back to you pristine and untouched.
However, you might not want to entrust your Cadbury’s bar to me, or your French vanilla cone. And I’ll swear I never even saw that platter of prawns. Was there one?
I do not lie
I cannot keep a secret.
I can keep secrets. I can be trusted with your wallet and if you gave me the keys to your house to feed your pets, I won’t snoop around.
I can’t be trusted to drive the speed limit.
If you gave me a wallet with lots of money in it, I’ll keep it till you want it back.
Then, you’ll get the wallet back.
I’m like @YARNLADY, in that I can’t lie.
So better not tell me a secret.
I always warn people before they want to tell me a secret/gossip that I “cannot relay”, that I can’t do that.
You can trust me with taking care of children, pets, and stuff.
I am quite good with secrets, keeping appointments and sealed jars of marmite. I am not to be trusted with an open packet of chocolate peppermint creams.
You can trust me to be helpful. I’m also trustworthy with kids and pets.
@cookieman You should see what I have in my freezer from last night’s cookie baking class! I would not trust you with them for a minute!
^ Goes without saying, same here. I may steal your dog or cat’s heart though. :)
My Life
my children’s wellbeing
making a great meal
being a great friend
being there when you need me
The keys to the kingdom
putting a roll of toilet paper on when it is needed and in the right orientation
Putting the seat down
Not driving like an idiot
Being well informed
@Patty_Melt Whatever. I’ve never met you but I’d trust you with anything. :)
These days, I can’t trust I will be breathing five minutes from now. I plug away, hoping, but recently my sps has gone into my chest several times, causing the muscles of my lungs to go rigid. I wait, with trepidation, hoping it will pass before I suffocate. I no longer trust myself. My own body lets me down.
But I appreciate the vote of confidence. <3
@Patty_Melt I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Can’t they get you an inhaler or something that helps? Geesh.
Naw, it is a muscle thing. I have two different inhalers, but they have no impact on what is a neurological condition. My muscles go rigid (think weightlifting your limit) at random times. I don’t know when they will happen, how long they will last, or what muscle groups will be involved. The most common are lower trunk and down for most people, but some have died when hit in heart or lungs for a deadly length of time.
Similar to how mine used to be.
Now they happen more often, but don’t usually last as long, or distort me quite so bad.
To people looking at me, they wouldn’t know about half of them, because my ability to twist, reach, or lean is temporarily stopped, but the muscle groups involved don’t cause any visible effects. All the more reason it is very lonely. It happens while I am shopping, and people walk by in all directions, completely unaware that I am trapped in a painful grip for a while. People only get a peek when I fall, or limbs fling, or my upper body jerks, and I can’t talk for a bit.
What would it say?
If this woman is dead, it’s because her condition is rare, and nobody around here knew how to treat it?
It would not be like a normal heart attack. The only way they could save me would be to wait for me to die, and then resuscitate me.
When other episodes take place, there is nothing to do except wait it out, just like a seizure.
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