What is this website even for?
What do I use this website for?
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18 Answers
@Libby1738, welcome! Look here.
Browse around. Look at the General, Social, and Meta tabs. Read the help pages.
Then answer a question. Or ask one! If you like someone else’s question, click the “Great Question” button beneath it. If you like an answer, click the “Great Answer” button.
The first five clicks in each category (GQ and GA) on a question page will increase that user’s lurve score, until you max out on them. More explanation is under the “What the?” button next to the Lurve heading on the right.
What ^@Jeruba said. It’s a question and answer site where you ask questions and the people here answer them to the best of their ability, or just for fun. Or you answer questions that you find interesting.
Welcome to Fluther and enjoy!
It is a “mild” question and answer site. It is basic. And, it is pretty much self explanatory. You can ask questions and choose a category like “general” where people must give serious answers.
Or, you can choose the “social” section, where people do not have to be serious in their answers and have fun. I am not sure about the “meta” part though. Because, I like to only participate in answering and making questions in the “social” category where I can have tons of fun. I am also new here. ;-)
Either possibly getting a question answered or killing time.
And aside from that, we are a little online family who cares about and support eachother.
Like family, we are closer to a few, we don’t get along with a few, and that’s okay.
There are some here with expertise in various areas. All have certain life experiences which help in many areas.
Some questions are asked in jest simply for fun, and it keeps things moving during slow times, but more than that, it helps us to get better aquainted.
You get to see who has a sense of humor, who shares some similar opinions and experiences. Social is sort of a hangout. General is when someone has a serious question, and wants answers to be streamlined to specifics.
Hang out. Look things over. Stay.
@Libby1738 May I ask what you hope Fluther is for? What would you like to use it for?
Flutter is for filling that dark and lonely void in all of us.
It’s not a question and answer site…anymore. It’s a web forum disguised that way. It’s a place trolls have not destroyed yet. It’s not Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. It’s not centered around hobbies, interests or stuff.
I think the use of the word “even” in the OP prevents me from wanting to answer.
@Blackwater_Park, you’re right, and I think we owe that in large measure to our team of mods armed with their canisters of heavy-duty Troll-B-Gone. And of course the concept and ground rules with which Ben and Andrew created Fluther.
@janbb, I reacted to that too, but decided to overlook it. I agree, it is rude. Apparently others do too. I hope the OP will come back here at some point and answer the question herself.
Fluthering helps me to make coherent insight into my thoughts. Also to improve my grammar and writing style. All of my friends are on Fluther. I don’t have any irl.
@RedDeerGuy1 It’s harder for all of us with Covid. Hopefully it will end soon and we can get out more. :)
@KNOWITALL meanwhile, my dear, we can make do with each other, n’est-ce pas? I think I’ve been out for coffee with real people about six times in the past year and a half. Mostly I see people on Zoom, and that’s not too satisfying, but it sure is better than nothing.
What an example Zoom is of being in the right place at the right time with the right stuff.
@Jeruba I asked my stockbroker near the beginning if I should buy stock in it and he dissuaded me. Epic fail!
@janbb, my husband’s investment broker wouldn’t let me buy Google at the time of its IPO. I just wanted 10 shares for the fun of it, and he said wait.
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