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Dutchess_III's avatar

How many bank accounts do you have?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) December 10th, 2021

I have 5.

One is a joint account. It’s the one Rick uses. I never use it.

Another is the account I pay bills out of. It’s in my name only.

I have another joint account specifically to field the $100 a month payments the lady who bought our land pays into. I transfer that money the instant it hits.

Then I have 2 savings accounts that I set up when we sold the house. I hide one, even from myself.

I use the other to pay for the stuff we buy for the house. And now for Christmas.

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19 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

2. One normal account, and one savings account.

bob_'s avatar

Two in practice, technically three.

One is my main account, which is both a checking and savings account (i.e., I get paid interest at the end of the month on the average balance).

The second one is an account at the bank where I have my mortgage; I only use it for that purpose (I make a transfer from my main account every month, and the bank automatically takes the funds for the monthly installment on the 3rd of the month).

The third one is a savings account at the mortgage bank. I don’t ever use it, it was created automatically (at no cost) when I opened the other one.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

One, joint account. Mamma Bear can manage money better than I ever could anyway.

anniereborn's avatar

2. one check and one savings

cookieman's avatar

1. Checking
2. Emergency Fund
3. Kid’s College Tuition
4. Short Term Savings
5. My Wife’s Savings Account

Plus three retirement accounts (two for my wife, one for me)

None of which add up to much of anything.

Forever_Free's avatar

Not including and Investment accounts
3 Savings
5 checking (1 joint with daughter until she is off the payroll)
Diversified across 3 different institutions

KNOWITALL's avatar

I have four of my own and though my name is on his, he is not on any of mine except as beneficiary.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Smart girl ^^^^

rebbel's avatar

One account, on which I save (one main, and a few separate ones, with different goals), from which I pay stuff (mostly automatically).
I dislike everything connected to accounting and money.

jca2's avatar

In a traditional bank, four. One savings, one checking, one savings for my child and one in a totally separate credit union which has a free coin counter and I use it only to count the coins and deposit them. I don’t withdraw from it or do anything with it. I have other money in other funds but in traditional banks, four.

kritiper's avatar

At one bank, a savings account and a checking account that I don’t use
The other bank has my normal checking account and my business account.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Checking (joint) – - two + + + + (regional bank and second one is brokerage firm) both have debit cards also.
Three savings accounts – - General saving, emergency and car account (for repairs or replacement.)

Caravanfan's avatar

It depends on what you mean by a bank account. I have accounts in different places, some run by banks. My HELOC is run by a bank.

flutherother's avatar

I have three accounts all at the same bank; a current account, a savings account and a mortgage account.

tedibear's avatar

Two checking accounts for us personally. We would have only one, but I like having an account where I work in case I need five dollars for lunch. Two for my husband’s business. We don’t use traditional savings accounts. That money goes into our investment account that has a money market attached to it. We can use that if there’s a huge expense.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have no idea. Hubby does all our financial transactions. Sometimes he adds accounts because a bank offers free money for deposits. After the free money is deposited, he closes the account. We have multiple accounts for various purposes. He keeps all the information on a stick for me if anything happens to him.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

4–6. I have a main bank account and open a few new accounts each year to collect bank account bonuses for $200–500 each. They usually pay for a vacation each year.

@yarnlady does your husband happen to subscribe to the subreddit r/churning?

YARNLADY's avatar

@SquirrelEStuff No, he does all his own research.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

@YARNLADY Pass along the two links below. They pretty much hone in on bank account bonuses and gaining/using credit cards rewards efficiently.

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