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filmfann's avatar

Do you enjoy Doctor Who?

Asked by filmfann (52572points) December 12th, 2021

I have watched Doctor Who off an on for years, and it always leaves me feeling the same way: I enjoy the fun and the conflict, but the science doesn’t make any sense.
How do feel about it?

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18 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I have seen maybe half an episode, all together.
One when I was around ten years old; the only thing I can remember from then (end of the seventies) is that it was exciting/thrilling, and that he had a big ass scarf.
And I few pieces from when Tennant was the Doctor, possibly beginning of 2000’s.
Cant call me a fan, I suppose.

ragingloli's avatar

I watched the modern iteration until the Capaldi stint, where it got really boring.
I reasonably enjoyed it on the whole, but overall it was just a bit too silly, and, honestly, in essence, meaningless.

cookieman's avatar

I have never seen it, which amazes people who know what a giant comic book and Star Wars geek I am. Just not my area of geekdom.

ragingloli's avatar

It also does not help, that the series never gave me the feeling, that it was set in a cohesive world. It always seemed, as if every episode was set in an alternate universe.

Zaku's avatar

I only partly like some of the newer Doctor Who series. They are too hyperactive and hand-wavy for my tastes, especially because I know and like the slower-paced original series.

And yes, not only is the science BS, but it’s also not very compatible with the pseudo-science-fantasy continuity from the original series. I think the original series’ version of made-up science was more interesting and/or charming, and had more to it, while the new version is far too often “wave a sonic screwdriver at the problem, and almost any problem the current writer wants to be solved will be solved in one second”.

I quite like the original series, particularly the ones with the third and fourth Doctors (Pertwee and Baker), as I think they had the best writing and humor to them, though I also like the first, second, and fifth doctors, and I’d take most of the 6th and 7th doctors’ episodes over the modern ones. I do enjoy much of the acting and many of the ideas in some of the new series, but the pacing and the reduced intelligence and continuity, are problems for me, and I only watched episodes with someone else who wanted to watch them (who also gave up wanting to watch them, because of the lack of intelligence and continuity).

canidmajor's avatar

I love it, unreservedly. I don’t care about it not making much scientific sense, it’s fun and campy and goofy, I like the characters and the premise. I tend not to need deep discussion around it, it’s a nice break from the world. I’m behind on my Doctors, I need to catch up.

Jeruba's avatar

I heard about it a lot during the sixties but didn’t have a TV back then. Eventually I caught up with an episode or two when Tom Baker was in the role. I had absolutely no idea what was going on, so I just figured I didn’t speak the language and never tried it again.

@filmfann, I guess you would say it was more fiction than science? Would you feel differently about it if it were just called fantasy? I’m not bothered about any weird constructs in a story or movie as long as they consistently obey the laws of their own world: a person can understand the speech of snakes, for example, or use a special word to levitate or to take possession of someone else’s wand.

YARNLADY's avatar

I used to like it for several years, but I quit watching three or four years ago. It got boring.

mazingerz88's avatar

I got into Doc Martin instead.

flutherother's avatar

I really liked it when I was young and the Daleks made their first appearance on our little black and white television. I keep giving more recent episodes a chance looking for the old magic but I am constantly disappointed apart from maybe one or two good episodes. The scriptwriters have come up with some good imaginative ideas but it seems the cast always end up running down endless corridors and shouting at each other.

janbb's avatar

I’ve never seen the show except for this clip which makes me want to cry and also to watch more episodes of the show. It is so touching:

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, @janbb, I haven’t seen that one in ages! Thanks for the reminder, it always makes me tear up.

JLeslie's avatar

Not a big fan. I used to watch the original now and then. The new one I tried twice and couldn’t get into it.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I started with nu-Who (the 2005 regeneration) a few years ago, and binge-watched til I was caught up Peter Capaldi and then Jodie Whittaker.

I was enthralled. The latest season is the first where my interest fell, but I think it’s because my work interferes. These days I watch almost no television.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I mostly stopped 30 years ago when I was a teen.

Last episode that I watched was with the plant monsters laying eggs in its victims all trapped together in a crippled space ship.

Scared the wits out of me.

Sometimes I will watch the first ten minutes of a new episode, then give up.

Bill1939's avatar

Frankly, I loved the original low-budget Doctor Who, but the current CGI-dominated evolution is hard to stay interested in. Love the actors, but wish the writers were more scientific and less silly.

filmfann's avatar

Silly is a good word for some of the plotting premise in the current season.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

No, not my kind of thing. I was much more intrigued by another British series, “The Prisoner”. More political and not sci-fi.

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