Meta Question

Jeruba's avatar

Do you consider yourself one of the Fluther regulars?

Asked by Jeruba (56255points) December 18th, 2021

When people ask about the number of jellies who are active these days, I usually see someone respond, “about 40.” That always seems too low to me.

So let’s count ourselves. If you think you’re in that number, please say “aye” below.

Even if you’re new or newish, as long as you do come around every day or so, please count yourself in.

And if you know someone who you think ought to be counted but hasn’t posted yet, please PM them as a jog.

I suggest doing it this way so no one has to feel forgotten or overlooked. There’s nothing braggy about it, nothing immodest—just if you’re a regular, raise your hand.

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224 Answers

rebbel's avatar


One can use the “Share Question” link, as provided in the yellow question field above.
Maybe think of Jellies that usually don’t come to Meta, and of (relatively) newbies.

janbb's avatar

Yuppers (or “Aye”)

jca2's avatar

Sitting here drinking coffee and looking to kill time, I took a look at some recent popular questions to get a rough count. I came up with the following (including this thread) (some names are abbreviated):

J Leslie
jca (me)

There are two names that I wrote where I can’t read my writing and also this is probably not 100% inclusive but it’s a start. I didn’t count the names on the list.

jca2's avatar

Add to my list Gondwanalon

Hawaii_Jake's avatar


When asked this question, I usually answer between 40 and 60.

kritiper's avatar

Well! I guess I don’t! rate. But my fans love me!

jca2's avatar

I’m curious to see how many more there are other than who’s on my list.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 i don’t see zenvelo or longgone on your list unless I missed them. And kritper as he said above.

jca2's avatar

@janbb: Zen is 4th from the bottom (written as “Zen”). Longgone is probably one of the two that I referred to when I said I couldn’t read my writing on the paper.

Like I said in my post, “this is probably not 100% inclusive but it’s a start.” That’s why I am curious to see how many others are still active that are not on my list (list has about 50 I think from a rough count).

jca2's avatar

Add snowberry to the list too.

rebbel's avatar

I might be wrong, and I don’t know whether it’s very disturbing, but I thought that @Jeruba was looking more for a ‘presence list’ (as in, raise your hand).

janbb's avatar

@rebbel I thought she was trying to get a more accurate count of active users. I may be wrong. See details.

rebbel's avatar

Yeah, that’s the ultimate goal, I can imagine, and I don’t think, indeed, that’s its not that disturbing, but if we all mention names, while saying “aye”, we might forget people that might feel overlooked.
And that’s not very nice (to experience), I could imagine.

jca2's avatar

My apologies if my list offended anyone. I tried to be as accurate as possible.

Many Jellies don’t look at Meta that often, so it may be weeks until they all check in.

rebbel's avatar

@jca2 Absolutely no need to apologise, certainly not to me.
If anything I think it was a sweet idea to list Jellies, it’s just that I thought that Jellies that don’t (immediately) get listed might have felt a bit redundant/overlooked.
But I could be totally wrong… <3

filmfann's avatar

Aye, however I consider myself a fluther irregular.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes, since sometime around 2009 or 2010. I login at least 1X per day.

Jeruba's avatar

@rebbel, that’s exactly the reason I suggested just listing yourself. (Also I didn’t want to get bounced by a mod.) @jca2‘s list is a big help, though. I’ll alphabetize it in Word (expanding the abbreviations) and add the others, and then we’ll have a count that lets us say “We have at least nn regulars.”

jca2's avatar

@Jeruba: Add King Galasius too, in addition to who’s here.

Jeruba's avatar

I currently have a rough count of 55. I know there are missing ones; @jonsblond, for one. In a bit, I’ll post my alphabetized list with usernames spelled as they spell them. In the meantime, please add anyone else you think of or prompt them with a PM.

Brian1946's avatar


One regular who I think @jca2 has omitted from her list, is She who possesses apocalyptic powers. ;-)

chyna's avatar

Sergeant Queen, Aster, Yarnlady. DENI

Brian1946's avatar


jca2's avatar

Good catch, @Brian1946 and @chyna.

Jeruba's avatar

Ok, here’s what I’ve got so far. I count 64:


I feel sure we’re missing some, and I hope we hear from them. But anyway, at this point we can say “at least 64.”

Brian1946's avatar

Perhaps JLoon, JeSuisRickSpringfield, and Austin could be included.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, and Ben and muppetish, the other mod, who seldom posts but I assume is busy here anyway.

@Brian1946, it’s not about being included or excluded. That’s why I asked for self-nomination. Austin is brand new but is welcome to say “aye” if s/he feels like being a regular.

Jeruba's avatar

Adding @tinyfaery and @bob_. That’s 70. And surely there’s a few more to be found.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Jeruba Dog should be on the list.

Jeruba's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1, Dog hasn’t been active in some years. If she comes around and says aye, though, I will certainly count her. She’s one of many former regulars that I still miss a lot.

Jeruba's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1, I think if we were to add in people like Dog whom we see now and then (and there are quite a few of those), we would easily top 100. Her profile says she was last here in February, so that’s really not recent.

The question I set out to answer, though, is what the number of “active” (or “regular”) jellies is, just because I’ve questioned that low count of 40 every time I see it come up.

In our heyday, of course, it was hundreds. But it was never a huge number. That’s always been one of the pluses for me.

snowberry's avatar

Thanks for adding me.

Jeruba's avatar

Glad to!

bob_'s avatar

* walks in like this is a saloon in a western *

Howdy, y’all.

Austin_'s avatar

Aye :wave:

Jeruba's avatar


I’ll wait a few days and then post an update.

Jeruba's avatar

I can think of six more. I sent them PMs and will wait to see if they want to give us a wave.

AstroChuck's avatar

Fluther was once my home. I really did live here. Not so much anymore, sadly. But I still will dip my 6½ year old toe in the tide pool every so often.

rebbel's avatar

I have sent this question to half a dozen or so Jellies, three of whom have announced themselves.

kritiper's avatar

@bob_ Bob! Look everybody, it’s Bob! Hey Bob! ‘Sup?

smudges's avatar

Aye… and JLoon! Hasn’t posted in over a week so her name wouldn’t have shown up if you were browsing recent posts.

Strauss's avatar


Not as regular as I once was. Not sure if it’s age or diet.

filmfann's avatar

@AstroChuck You are missed, sir!

Jeruba's avatar

@AstroChuck, where’s the reindeer horns and the shiny red nose?

cookieman's avatar

Aye. I check in at least once a day.

tinyfaery's avatar


Even if I don’t respond I am always, always lurking.

cookieman's avatar

@tinyfaery: Which is exactly what keeps us in line.

Jeruba's avatar

73 and counting.

Strauss's avatar

How’d you know my age?

Brian1946's avatar


A lot of us know your age, because your profile says you were born in ‘48. :p

You might be flirting with 80 when this thread goes dormant. ;-o

Jeruba's avatar

I’ll repost when we get to 75.

JLeslie's avatar

Good amount of jellies for a party.

JLoon's avatar

Irregular, uncounted, inexcusable, non-standard, unreliable, out of bounds, freaking deviant FunGurl.


LuckyGuy's avatar

I was out of town – in the Big Easy – and just returned to home base about an hour ago. 1:30 am.
When we left I turned the heat way down. Now it’s freezing in here.

Cupcake's avatar

I come and go in short waves… but I’ll raise my hand to participate since I’ve been here for over 12.5 years.

Jeruba's avatar


1. anniereborn
2. Aster
3. AstroChuck
4. Austin_
5. ben
6. bob_
7. Blackwater_Park
8. Brian1946
9. canidmajor
10. Caravanfan
11. chyna
12. cookieman
13. Cupcake
14. Demosthenes
15. deni
16. Dutchess_III
17. elbanditoroso
18. filmfann
19. flutherother
20. Forever_Free
21. gondwanalon
22. gorillapaws
23. Hawaii_Jake
24. Inspired_2write
25. janbb
26. Jaxk
27. jca2
28. Jeruba
29. JeSuisRickSpringfield
30. JLeslie
31. JLoon
32. Kardamom
33. King_Galaxius
34. kneesox
36. KRD
37. kritiper
38. kruger_d
39. longgone
40. LostInParadise
41. Love_my_doggie
42. Ltryptophan
43. LuckyGuy
44. luigirovatti
45. mazingerz88
46. Mimishu1995
47. MrGrimm888
48. muppetish
49. nightwolf5
50. Nomore_lockout
51. Pandora
52. Patty_Melt
53. Poseidon
54. product
55. ragingloli
56. raum
57. rebbel
58. RedDeerGuy1
59. rockfan
60. SavoirFaire
61. seawulf575
62. SergeantQueen
63. si3tech
64. Smashley
65. smudges
66. SnipSnip
67. snowberry
69. Strauss
70. tedibear
71. tinyfaery
72. Tropical_Willie
74. Zaku
75. zenvolo

And I’m sure there are still more to gather.

LuckyGuy's avatar

If @johnpowell were here, he’d write a “greasemonkey script” to scan the responses and activity on every Q during the past few months and would provide a printout with a ranking.

I sure do miss him.

Forever_Free's avatar

present and account for.

cookieman's avatar

I kind of like being sandwiched between @chyna and @Cupcake.

smudges's avatar

hehehe Put a cookie on the chyna next to the cupcake and you’ll have a right bloody tea!

janbb's avatar

^^ Just be careful you get no smudges on the tablecloth!

chyna's avatar

Snuggles up to @cookieman and @Cupcake

smudges's avatar

@janbb Ohhh too funny! Touche’

chyna's avatar

@smudges No, you were funny!

Jeruba's avatar

This dull question is turning out to be more fun than I expected. In classic Fluther fashion, it even digressed onto food.

cookieman's avatar

@chyna: Oh good. It is pretty cold tonight.

Jeruba's avatar

Adding @Jonsblond. (Sorry, I didn’t catch that meow.)

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba Thank you for all your hard work on this!

cookieman's avatar

@Jeruba: Indeed. Thank you!!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Jeruba Thank you. Now I know my answer was an underestimation. We’re still small, but not as small as assumed. This has been a valuable exercise.

Now. Can we please have pancakes?

jca2's avatar

I see this person checks in often, if not daily:

tinyfaery's avatar

Holy shit, it’s @AstroChuck. That’s an old face, er… name.

@cookieman I like to think that the threat of me coming to a thread is enough to keep people in line. ;)

cookieman's avatar

@tinyfaery: yes, mistress.

janbb's avatar

@tinyfaery I think I heard that Auggie passed her whip on to you!

Jeruba's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake, 7 dozen pancakes coming up. Or maybe we should go for the 9 dozen special.

Going to ask TF and RL to help me serve them, in Auggie’s honor, and always a tip of the cap to Ben and Andrew. Who wants to pour the syrup?

smudges's avatar

Do you have Boysenberry?? yummm

Jeruba's avatar

@smudges, I think you mean do we have it? Because if one of us has it, we all have it, or it’s at least available. So do you?

smudges's avatar

LOL Then yes, I magically have oodles of Boysenberry! I originally said you because you ordered the pancakes. ;o)

cookieman's avatar

Now I really want blueberry pancakes.

Jeruba's avatar

I was thinking of holding out for huckleberry syrup, but the truth is that I want some genuine grade A light amber Vermont maple syrup, a lifetime’s supply and enough to share.

Let’s start with the pancakes, though. For those who have forgotten or never knew, pancakes are a fluther meme that began here. It has become sacred to the identity of jellies, along with the frizzer and a few others.

jca2's avatar

@Jeruba: Wonderful walk down Memory Lane, looking at all those Jellies on that post.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Was there a party here?

snowberry's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Here, have some cake from the frizzer underneath the pool.

Pancakes are on the griddle for you.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Thank you @snowberry. I’m so glad I didn’t eat anything at home :D

smudges's avatar

@Jeruba I just thought of flo. She was last here in October.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Good heavens yes! Flo must be on the list.

I also remembered Blackberry.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@snowberry Only naked pancakes are allowed.

chyna's avatar

I love nekked pancakes!

cookieman's avatar

I mean, fully clothed pancakes can get a bit messy.

canidmajor's avatar

^ My fully clothed pancakes are always impeccable. :-p

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Oh! Are the pancakes nekkid now? Well, alrighty then.

Jeruba's avatar

@flo doesn’t come up on a search. She was around almost daily, and then she stopped. She did not sound well at all. Does anyone know anything?

I’ll add @Blackberry.

JLeslie's avatar

Remember blueberry? I miss that jelly.

Jeruba's avatar

I found @flo’s profile page by scrolling some old threads. She was last here on October 3.

Brian1946's avatar


“Remember blueberry? I miss that jelly.”

Same here.
According to bob_, a plain peanut butter sandwich can be orally desiccating. ;-)
However, Blackberry jelly might be just as yummy! :p

smudges's avatar

@Jeruba @flo doesn’t come up on a search. She was around almost daily, and then she stopped.

I found her on a search. I typed in “flo” and when her name didn’t come up, I hit return and she was among a few others. I remember this happening before, and I even asked about her in meta quite some time ago. Then she popped back in for a bit. I’m not particularly worried, but I do hope she’s well.

JLeslie's avatar

I messaged Blackberry. I hope he appears.

janbb's avatar

I saw an answer from Zissou today. They sometimes are here.

rebbel's avatar

Just saw Nikipedia post an answer.

janbb's avatar

^^ Yes!

smudges's avatar

Call_Me_Jay is around.

Jeruba's avatar


Ordering more pancakes. You guys who want them nekkid can get busy peeling them.

janbb's avatar

^^ Not sure it’s the pancakes that are supposed to be nekkid!

JLoon's avatar

Pancakes, mancakes, ho’cakes, MORECAKES!! ;P

JLeslie's avatar

I just saw nikipedia on another Q! Did we miss counting her?

tedibear's avatar

#70 on the latest list would like some blueberry pancakes, please.

@rebbel, Thank you for the heads-up.

@AstroChuck – Wow… a blast from the past! We just need @Wundayatta to show up.

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Demosthenes's avatar

I never remember that the Meta section exists, but yes, I’m a regular and have been on-and-off since 2009. Looks like I’m on the list so all’s well. :)

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Jeruba's avatar

You’re on the list, all right, @Demosthenes: #11 of 83 as of now.

AstroChuck's avatar

@tinyfaery Who are you calling old?

Mimishu1995's avatar

83 is an impressive number. I thought there were fewer.

tinyfaery's avatar

@AstroChuck Not you. Look at that baby face.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Bill1939 just answered a question in General.

chyna's avatar

Lonelyheart807 just commented on a couple of questions.

Jeruba's avatar

Thanks. Want to send those folks ^^ PMs and ask if they consider themselves regulars? Or you could just point them here.

rebbel's avatar

I wonder if that whizz kid XOXO (or letters in a different order) is still around.
Last time he or she was back they said they would stay around a bit, I think.

Jeruba's avatar

@rebbel , yeah. Wasn’t it something like TX11010? I almost remember. Haven’t seen them around lately, though.

chyna's avatar

Sent to @lonelyheart807

Brian1946's avatar

XOIIO hasn’t posted anything since April 11, 2021.

During that brief appearance he posted 1 question and 1 answer, after being absent for over 1½ years.

I’d LMAO if he came here and declared that he was a regular. ;-D

Jeruba's avatar

@Brian1946, I see your point. But we’re not checking anyone’s credentials. If he came by and said he considers himself a regular, I’d add him to the list.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 I haven’t seen a certain person you and I know on the list. Should that be a good thing?

Brian1946's avatar


I didn’t think you were checking anyone’s credentials and I’m not saying they should be checked.
Whoever declares that they’re a regular, that’s also honky dorky with me.

I really like him, partly because he’s a fellow Canuck.
I’d love it if he came by and proclaimed his regularity, but I’d still LMAO. That’s partly because I’d be very happy to see him again.

I can simultaneously entertain my own nebulous notions of regularity and yet respect those of others.

You’re the List Mistress and I have no intention of trying impose my parameters on its formation. ;-)

I’m mostly here for the fun of it.

Brian1946's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Because he crashed my meetup with LookyGuy and for the accuracy of the list, I’d say that’s a good thing. ;-)

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, goodness, @Brian1946, I certainly didn’t intend to cast you as hall monitor! I meant only to assure someone who’s been absent lately but still wants to identify as a regular that the door is open.

raum's avatar


I usually pop in every day or so. Though terrible at checking Meta!

Brian1946's avatar

Here are some others:


Jeruba's avatar

Thank you, @Brian1946! Three more. (I’d already added AshlynM.) I alphabetized 2David under the first alpha character.

So we have here (below) the list I’ve compiled, with many helpers, as of today, January 1, 2022. And now I would confidently answer the question by saying “We have between 80 and 100 active members.”

Happy New Year to all, and may we all meet again here a year hence.

Jeruba's avatar

Census of Fluther Regulars as of January 1, 2022

1. anniereborn
2. AshlynM
3. Aster
4. AstroChuck
5. Austin_
6. ben
7. Blackberry
8. Blackwater_Park
9. bob_
10. Brian1946
11. Call_Me_Jay
12. canidmajor
13. Caravanfan
14. chyna
15. cookieman
16. Cupcake
17. 2davidc8
18. Demosthenes
19. deni
20. Dutchess_III
21. dxs
22. elbanditoroso
23. filmfann
24. flutherother
25. Forever_Free
26. gondwanalon
27. gorillapaws
28. Hawaii_Jake
29. Inspired_2write
30. janbb
31. Jaxk
32. jca2
33. Jeruba
34. JeSuisRickSpringfield
35. JLeslie
36. JLoon
37. jonsblond
38. Kardamom
39. King_Galaxius
40. kneesox
42. KRD
43. kritiper
44. kruger_d
45. longgone
46. LostInParadise
47. Love_my_doggie
48. Ltryptophan
49. LuckyGuy
50. luigirovatti
51. mazingerz88
52. Mimishu1995
53. MrGrimm888
54. muppetish
55. nightwolf5
56. Nikipedia
57. Nomore_lockout
58. Pandora
59. Patty_Melt
60. Pied_Pfeffer
61. Poseidon
62. product
63. ragingloli
64. raum
65. rebbel
66. RedDeerGuy1
67. rockfan
69. SavoirFaire
70. Seaofclouds
71. seawulf575
72. SergeantQueen
73. si3tech
74. Smashley
75. smudges
76. SnipSnip
77. snowberry
78. SquirrelEStuff
80. Strauss
81. tedibear
82. tinyfaery
83. Tropical_Willie
85. Zaku
86. zenvolo
87. Zissou

The door is still open.

Brian1946's avatar


jca2's avatar

@Brian1946: Nef hasn’t been here in almost a year (under that name).

Brian1946's avatar

Hence the ?: at the top.

jca2's avatar

@Brian1946: Gotcha.

I’ve been looking at the others and some have been here five or six months ago. I didn’t mean to single Nef out. Not sure what the criteria is that @Jeruba is using for a “regular.”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What about Andrew?

janbb's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Andrew hasn’t been involved here for years.

@Brian1946 Perhaps @Jeruba can clarify what she means by active regulars but most of the people on your list are not around here any more. I believe I’ve seen Stache and I know I’ve seen LightlySeared recently but not most of the others.

cookieman's avatar

Once we get a handle on this list of Fluther “regulars”, could we draw up the list of Fluther elite? The ‘Illumijelly’ if you will. ~

janbb's avatar

^^ And lo, @cookieman led all the rest!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@cookieman just as long as we exclude the reptilians.

JLoon's avatar


Sorry folks – That’s where I get off. Don’t we already have enough awards, lurve, followers, points, etc etc etc, to know who’s who?

Jeruba's avatar

I can’t say much more than I said in my original details: if you consider yourself a regular, say aye (or some other affirmative). It’s not a list of honors or recognition or status, much less eliteness. Its whole purpose is to have a more representative figure when somebody asks how many people are actually participating around here.

I think we’ve learned something (i.e., there are quite a few more than the common wisdom had it), and there’s no need to push it, but if anyone else wants to be added and counted in, great.

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cookieman's avatar

@janbb: No, no. I just want to be fed peeled grapes.

@Hawaii_Jake: Absolutely. The discarded scales clog the jacuzzi drain anyway.

@JLoon: Note the tilde ~

@Jonsblond: You are always on point my dear.

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janbb's avatar

^^ But that one was not off-topic?

Anyway, I came here to say that Alaska_tundra is here infrequently but with some regularity.

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Lonelyheart807's avatar

Aye… don’t know?

I used to be on here all the time, but then life happened and now not so much, but when I do think to get on, then I usually go through a good many questions and answer any that I find interesting. So, depending on what day you look to see what fluthers are answering, you may or may not see me.

Jeruba's avatar

If you say aye, @Lonelyheart807, you’re on my list. It’s that simple. There’s no test to pass, no credentials to show.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

On again and off again. Semi regular I suppose.

Demosthenes's avatar

Glad you’re back, Nomore. :)

Bill1939's avatar

Add my name to the list. I have been a member since July 7, 2014. Sorry that I had not responded to your question till now, but my computer died and it was months before I could regularly reach Fluther on my new one.

chyna's avatar


Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m glad to see Bill here! I told you way up the thread that he was back.

Jeruba's avatar

Hurray for Bill! Glad to see you.

And that puts us at 90.

(I believed you, @Hawaii_Jake, but I hoped Bill would check in himself.)

As for TantrumsNoMore, I’ll just change your name on the list, okay?

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@Jeruba LOL Well sure, whatever you want to do. I don’t care what they call me, just call me when the bar opens.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Nomore_Tantrums what.. I didn’t notice you are here. Sorry :(

Jeruba's avatar

Weird: On my screen, @Nomore_Tantrums’ name and the rest of that line are smaller than everyone else’s and even his own post. Do you see that too?

jca2's avatar

@Jeruba: No. It’s regular size font for me.

Kraigmo's avatar

I’ve never been daily. I check in every couple months. Been doing that for years.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m adding you, @Kraigmo. You’re regular enough.

@jca2, it’s normal for me now, but lately I’ve seen that occur on other threads: one username and the rest of that line all appearing in a distinctly smaller size. Odd little bug.

smudges's avatar

How about @Kropotkin?

Forever_Free's avatar

<——-Still here.

Jeruba's avatar

As of 1 /22/22, we’re seven short of a hundred.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Is real eyes gone, or reimagined?

janbb's avatar

@Patty_Melt I think they posted a question or answer in the last few months but certainly not a regular any more.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m here I think, I just shy away from posting sometimes.

jca2's avatar

Has anybody heard from Mr. Grimmm?

rebbel's avatar

Yeah, some weeks ago he was around.
If I’m correct he was getting back up again, after a difficult period (I believe that he wrote he almost was gone).
He was around for a few days, but after that I have not seen his name pop up again.

jca2's avatar

@rebbel: His last login here was December 30, which, as you know, was over a month ago.

rebbel's avatar

That could be worrying.
There might be a Jelly that has contact (possibility) with him?

LadyMarissa's avatar


I had to take a break during the pandemic as my children were locked at home with the parents that drive them crazy & we weren’t allowed to open our doors. So, I spent a lot of time on the phone trying to calm an emotionally distraught, irrational child!!! I did pop in from time to time to see what was up & didn’t see many Q’s that required my attention at the time.

rebbel's avatar

Welcome back.

janbb's avatar

LadyMarissa needs to go on the list!!!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I believe I have tried contacting Mr. Grimm, but I don’t know if they are going through (since sometimes my messages don’t), but I haven’t heard anything from him.

SEKA's avatar

Yes, I consider myself a regular. After Covid hit, my home was overrun with hubby working from home and our daughter not able to go to school. The laptop that had pretty much been mine to control was being fought over and I suddenly became the computer police in my own home. Now hubby is back at work and our daughter is at school more often than at home, things are beginning to be somewhat normal again. I’m trying to regain some of my online “me time” and should be visiting a bit more regular fingers crossed

Jeruba's avatar

Got ‘em. Thanks!

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smudges's avatar

Mr. Grimm is ok.

rebbel's avatar

That’s good to hear.

smudges's avatar

yeah, whew!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

And StanleyBManly???

canidmajor's avatar

@Nomore_Tantrums stan.ey has a new account.

cookieman's avatar


anniereborn's avatar

I do. And I do want to mention that my dear Darth_Algar was before he passed away.

anniereborn's avatar

@Brian1946 and everyone else who is curious: Downtide is a very good friend of mine. I don’t think he comes on at all anymore. But, I just wanted everyone to know that he is alive and well.

canidmajor's avatar

@anniereborn, thanks for that, I had wondered.

Bill1939's avatar

I believe I am.

flutherother's avatar

I remember Downtide and I’m sorry he left. I’m glad to hear he is doing OK.

Jeruba's avatar

@anniereborn, please relay my greetings to Downtide and say I used to really enjoy his presence here.

Austin_'s avatar

I’m back @Jeruba! After a year and a half, time goes by so fast lately.

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