Do you frequently have moments of synchronicity?
About a week or two ago, I got an urge to hear the title song from the play Man of La Mancha, and listened to it on YouTube. Over the weekend I heard on NPR an extended and informative review given by the BBC of the original work by Cervantes. A few weeks ago I posted a question on Fluther about the song Send in the Clowns. About two weeks later, the song’s writer, Steven Sondheim, passed away.
I am a strict materialist and do not attach any significance to any of this, but this kind of thing happens a few times every year. Do you have such experiences?
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13 Answers
I do, ALL THE TIME. Almost every single day. It happens so much that I can almost tell ahead of time it’s going to happen. When a thought or memory of something enters my thinking without much or any thought leading up to it I know it’ll be “one of those.” I don’t want to attach significance to it but it just happens too frequently for me not to so I mentally file it away as unexplained.
Yes, I can’t remember a specific instance right now but it does happen frequently to me.
Sure. It’s pretty dang cool, too. But, like you, I don’t attach any mystical significance to it.
While driving, I always notice when I arrive at the same time a song on my iPod ends.
I always think that it means I have arrived at the correct time.
Nope. Pretty mundane life. Don’t recall any “woo factor” stuff. Guess it happens though, judging from the O.P. and responses above.
I had one today. This week, I bought a whetstone to sharpen my knives, and by sheer coincidence, epicurious posts a video on how to sharpen your knives.
Yes, it happens to me, I’d say monthly, in some small or large way.
The biggest and most ‘woo-woo’ happened when I was 21 and my best friend was 20; we were in a town of only 25,000. We’d had a falling out – she had slept with my fiance – and I hadn’t spoken to or seen her for several years. One night I was at a bar I rarely went to, and suddenly, there she was. I was coolish but cordial. I had been taking speed which, as some of you may know, makes one feel very happy and extroverted and feeling all-is-right-with-the-world.
We made plans to get together the next day, which was a Saturday. We met at her house, talked about some things, cried, and I forgave her. We made plans to go shopping on Monday. On Monday morning I got a call from her mom saying she’d been in an accident that morning about 2am, and was in the hospital. I hurried to see her, but she was in a coma. She didn’t wake from it and passed away within several hours.
I believe that whatever power/s exist put our paths together to allow her to ask forgiveness and me to forgive. If I hadn’t been in that bar in such a receptive good mood, she would have died and I’d be stuck with a lot of unresolved feelings. Her funeral was on my birthday, and the minister read a poem I’d written about her.
Another time, I’d been home from the hospital and ICU for just a couple of days after an intentional overdose. The doctors said I shouldn’t have lived. Out of the blue I got a call from a friend I hadn’t communicated with in about 9 years who lived in VT (I was in TN). Said she just had the urge to call me. To this day I don’t know how she got my number. My parents said they had nothing to do with it. Anyway, I think something was intervening again to remind me that I had friends and was loved.
The first one that came to mind was something that happened in 1996 or so. My 10 year old son had caught a mess of fireflies and had them in a jar. As it got close to bedtime I told him he needed to release them.
We went out on the front porch and he shook the jar in a flinging motion toward the other side of the street. A split second later the across-the-street-neighbor’s bug zapper went crazy!
Chris turned to me with startled eyes! It startled me too!
Did we set those guys free only to throw them in the bug murdering machine??? :D
Another time Rick and I were watching One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest for the first time in decades. I don’t have that dialogue memorized.
The scene was the morning after the great orgy. Nurse Ratchett was glaring around at the mess.
Just then I got up to let the cat in. The cat was running in front of me trying to trip me so I’d fall and hit my head and die.
Nurse Rachett says “Where is my cap?”
I kind of nudged the cat and said “You can have this one.”
Nurse Ratchett yelled “My CAP! My CAP!!!”
We rolled!
Sometimes after taking an interest in a particular book or piece of music or a person I seem to come across it again and again whereas before I barely knew of its existence. I think this is a feature of human psychology rather than a feature of the universe but I don’t exclude the possibility of it being real.
Several times per week. I Just pay attention to everything in every detail.
I happened across a video of a theremin on Youtube about 2 weeks ago. I’d never heard of nor seen one, so I read up about it. Two nights ago I was watching a movie and the serial killer had hooked up a theremin to a person’s temples, then had him begin singing. Soon, the guy couldn’t stop singing louder and higher and then his head exploded. Hate when that happens.
I’ve had three trivial examples in the last week. The first was a joke on a British tv program about a Marathon now being called a Snickers which I wouldn’t have understood if candy names hadn’t been discussed here recently. The second one was about the use of ketamine in psycho-pharmacology in an article in the NY Times. It was a plot point in the Doc Martin program I had just watched. And the third was that I had just read recipe that used Montreal seasoning and now a Fluther post just mentioned it as an ingredient. Odd – but true!
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