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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do you have Christmas meal on the 24th or the 25th?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25166points) December 22nd, 2021

Or both?
I am alone on Christmas and bought a rack of pork ribs to and don’t know when to cook it.

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26 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

We do our not very fancy traditional meal on Christmas Day.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Christmas day will be at daughter’s house, I think it will be ham. We will probability have scallops and fancy rice dish for Christmas Eve at our house.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

On Christmas day. This year, I’m eating twice. I’m meeting a group in the park for a BBQ for lunch, and then I’m going to a friend’s house for dinner with them. I’m going to be so full.

filmfann's avatar

Normally we have a huge breakfast, then snack through out the day.
This year we are having Christmas at home, but we are having a large family meal at my sister’s house on Christmas Eve.

chyna's avatar

We generally have our meal on Christmas eve, but this year, due to my SIL’s dad having dialysis 3 times a week, we will have it on Christmas day.

@RedDeerGuy1 Hugs for Christmas!

Demosthenes's avatar

We have always had Christmas dinner on the 25th. I know some families who have Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. I don’t think there’s a wrong time to do it. :)

jca2's avatar

We always did it on the 25th and didn’t have any particular traditions on Christmas eve. In the past ten years, roughly, we’d go to church on Christmas eve and then out to dinner. This year, no particular plans on either Christmas eve or Christmas day. Christmas day I’m cooking dinner, but we’re staying home, just the two of us, so it should be very relaxing.

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snowberry's avatar

Whatever works with everyone’s work schedules. One year we had Christmas dinner a week early because of those schedules.

JLeslie's avatar

Growing up my family had no tradition with this because we don’t celebrate Christmas.

For me, because of whom I have spent the most time with regarding Christmas (exboyfriend from high school and my husband) the 24th is the day for Christmas Dinner. My husband doesn’t even understand calling the 25th Christmas, it’s confusing to him.

A couple of times I had dinner on the 25th when staying with friends.

Also, I’ve had Christmas dinner several days before Christmas many times, because our niece and nephew were going to Europe for Christmas so here in the US we celebrated with the family early.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Depends on the kiddie / DIL situation. If the grands go with their Mom to the other Grammas house on Christmas Eve, then we will do the big meal here on Christmas Day. Probably the latter. We have never really had that set in stone. Either or, we have to stay flexible.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It gets complicated with overlapping families. We end up going to at least two. This year three: 23rd, 24th and 25th.

zenvelo's avatar

My kids will be at their mom’s this Christams eve, and they will be home for a Christasm dinner on teh 25th. They will have turkey on Christams eve, and a standing rib roast with stove taddies on Saturday.

Like many thousands of people in the San Francisco Bay Area, I will have the traditional fresh cracked Dungeness crab with avocado and salad accompanied by sourdough french bread on Christmas Eve.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^What’s a stove taddy?

zenvelo's avatar

^^^ @Hawaii_Jake A stove taddy is a peeled potato set in the roasting pan with the roating beef, It crisps up from the juices from the roast. My father learned how to make them from his Scottish mother.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How do you rotate beef?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^On a spit roast skewer.

jca2's avatar

@zenvelo: My grandmother used to make them. We just called them roasted potatoes. When I have roasted potatoes now, they’re good but they’re not crispy on the outside like my grandmother’s and like your father’s.

flutherother's avatar

My daughter managed to get a train in the end, despite many being cancelled and so she has been able to join me for Christmas this year. She is a vegetarian and so we will share a vegetarian Christmas dinner on 25 December and I am looking forward to it.

YARNLADY's avatar

We have a fun meal on Christmas eve, popcorn, oranges (from our own tree), bacon and nuts with some cookies on the side. Then a big meal on Christmas day. I’m cooking turkey this year, but we have had barbecue ribs or ham in the past.

zenvelo's avatar

I just got back from the store. The deliveryman was dropping off newly baked bread, so I got the freshest possible sourdough baguettes, there won’t be any new until Monday….

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

My chicken wings turned out ok. Was perfect and delicious.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Ribs where nice and covered in lemon BBQ sauce. Making thinly sliced mini potatoes with olive oil and cheddar cheese now.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Eat drink and make merry!

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