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chyna's avatar

What is the best or most favorite gift you have ever received?

Asked by chyna (51731points) December 23rd, 2021

Back when I was trying my hand at stained glass, my brother surprised me with a gorgeous work table that he built. I think it was the nicest thing anyone has ever given me.
What is your favorite gift? Or even one that you have given?

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17 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

My mom gave me the best sweaters, very warm and comfortable.

anniereborn's avatar

Mine was from my husband last Christmas. There is a Christmas album by the Jackie Gleason Orchestra that I love. It was played in my household when I was growing up. I had it on cassette, but I wanted it so bad on CD. Well they didn’t make it on CD.
Jeff found the names of the songs and the order they are on the album. He bought each single off…somewhere…Amazon? And made me a CD. I will treasure it forever.

janbb's avatar

I think it was the weekend in NYC that my husband arranged for me and him to do alone when my kids were small. We stayed at the St Moritz, had tea at the Plaza – it was just a lovely and thoughtful gift.

YARNLADY's avatar

I only remember one thing from my early childhood, so it must have been the best, a toddler kitchen, with sink, counters, cupboards and toy dishes.

kritiper's avatar

The best gift was one I bought for myself: A toy Thompson machine gun cap gun. Was GREAT for playing war!!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all also the Atari and Nintendo where high on the list.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I’ve had a lot of nice gifts from my wife and kids over the years, even though I would really rather give than receive. But one of my favorites was a little stuffed panda bear my granddaughter gave me for my birthday a few years back. Bought it for me with her allowance money. Best dang present I ever got. Still sits on my computer desk to this day. I guess one of the best ones I ever gave was a Christmas present of Chanel # 5 perfume I gave to a girlfriend like a thousand years ago, when I was young and stupid, and money was no object. But I shot myself in the foot with that, she went overboard a tad. Acted like that was the same as slipping a ring on her finger. Uh, no. Live and learn.

JLeslie's avatar

My husband drove out of his way in the snow to surprise me with Krystal hamburgers on our Crystal anniversary.

One of his employees was horrified he wasn’t buying me anything for our anniversary, so she came up with this gag gift. Neither my husband nor I had had a Krystal burger before that.

It’s my favorite funny gift.

I could probably easily list a dozen gifts that are very special to me. Items that are very sentimental that I love and still have.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

My best ever non-Christmas gift was a cassette tape of my mom doing the voiceovers of a superman comic book. After a few years it got damaged. It is irreplaceable. Unless my mom wants to make another one with a CD or Blu-ray.

Forever_Free's avatar

One of my favorites was a Chemistry Set I got when I was about 10 years old.

SnipSnip's avatar

As a kid, a Little Red Spinning Wheel.
As an adult two things: a baby grand piano, a house

filmfann's avatar

My kids gave me a long black bathrobe with a Batman symbol on the back.
My Mom gave me a replica of the dingus from the Maltese Falcon.
Both these gifts are precious to me.

cookieman's avatar

As a kid, the Star Wars Millennium Falcon play set with a bunch of action figures. I loved that so much.

As an adult, my wife and daughter buy me the best clothes. My current faves are a couple Barefoot Dreams sweaters and AllBirds sneakers.

chyna's avatar

You guys are making me smile with all your answers!

canidmajor's avatar

About 30 years ago one of my closest friends gave me a cozy afghan. I had admired one that her grandmother had made, and always cuddled under it when I was at her house. She got her grandmother to teach her that crochet stitch, then she used my favorite shades of blue, it’s acrylic because I have a mild wool allergy, and the tassels run down the sides instead of on the ends because I hated having them tickle my face. Perfectly custom made.

My friend died a few years ago, but I always think of her when I am cuddled up warm on the couch with my afghan.

Thanks for reminding me of this, @chyna, it’s nice to remember the story.

Patty_Melt's avatar

A pebble my son gifted to me one day at a playground.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Easy question for me. The answer is Schwinn Continental 10-speed bicycle for Christmas when I was12 years old.

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