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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How long do you keep birthday, Christmas cards for?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) December 24th, 2021

Forever? Or into the pile after a while then into the trash or into a box?

For those who keep forever what do you do with the piles of cards?

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6 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

i use them as fire starters in my wood stove after Little Christmas

Dutchess_III's avatar

I used to cut them up and use then as gift tags. But I don’t get cards any more except from 1 person, my cousin Lance. He has cards made that show a snap shot of his year in pictures.
Those I’ll keep forever.

filmfann's avatar

Most cards get trashed.
The ones I am genuinely touched by are saved. Those are usually from family.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I usually put them on our tree then toss them after Christmas. I have enough art work and things from my kids and grand kids from years gone by, only have so much room in my scrapbook. But I am a sentimental schmuck.

JLoon's avatar

One month max – then into the shredder.

Because it’s in the Bible.


flutherother's avatar

I keep my Christmas cards for one year to remind me who to send mine to the following year. I keep my birthday cards for about a month.

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