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JLeslie's avatar

Do you wear a bra with your pajamas when staying at someone else’s house?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) December 25th, 2021 from iPhone

One thing that’s annoying while staying at a house with a man in it is having to wear a bra all the time.

Do you feel like you need to be all strapped in even if you are staying for quite a while?

Winter time it’s easier to cover up with heavier clothing, but warm weather is something else.

I don’t mean when sleeping, I mean walking around the house.

I wonder if men are uncomfortable if women are braless. Like what if a friend of your wife is visiting, 50 years old, D cup, sags a little, and she has on a t-shirt with no bra.

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30 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, I have a specific night time bra just for that.

kritiper's avatar

I would wear a bra all the time if it was of the proper size. It’s the bra that isn’t the correct size that makes them uncomfortable, or so my sister says…

gorillapaws's avatar

The only time I was ever uncomfortable about boobs was when my friend’s wife was breastfeeding and having a conversation with me. I ended up turning my head to give her privacy and continue the conversation. I just wasn’t sure what the proper etiquette was and didn’t want to make her feel weird, which, in turn, made me feel kinda weird. I would have been perfectly fine just holding eye contact with her and having a conversation, but I didn’t want to come across as a pervert.

Braless women are fine. I think you ladies know best when it comes to managing your breasts. I’ve never been offended by a nipple (everyone has 2 of them after all).

jca2's avatar

This reminds me of two things: it reminds me of when my mother met my stepfather, when I was around 14. I was used to wearing a tee shirt and underwear to bed, when it was just me and my mom, and all of a sudden, when my stepfather (who was not my stepfather yet) started sleeping over, my mom would tell me I had to wear a robe, I couldn’t just walk around in a tee shirt, etc. All of a sudden my body was something to hide, whereas it had not been that way before.

It also reminds me of why I try not to stay at people’s houses when I go visiting. It becomes a dilemma – do I put my clothes on to come to the breakfast table, how long can I wear my lounge wear and be appropriate in the house, do I have to wear a bra to the breakfast table or do I have some type of a jacket I can put on to cover up, and all this pain in the ass shit. If I stay in a hotel, I can do my thing, and have some privacy, and go visit the hosts later on. I realize some people really enjoy staying at other people’s houses, and there are times when you visit someone and a hotel is just not convenient to the house (like when we visit our relatives in rural Maine) but if there are a lot of hotels around, I don’t mind paying for one and having some privacy and not having to deal with these hassles like whether or not I’m inappropriate or offending someone or stuff like that.

JLoon's avatar

No. And I never worry about what anyone else thinks – that’s why I’m the perfect guest ;D

Seriously, if someone feels close enough to invite you to stay overnight and you feel comfortable enough to join them in you PJ’s, what’s the concern? Grown up boys and girls should act (and think) like grownups.

But if there’s some unforgivable boobage crisis that makes Jesus and Santa cry, there are lots of comfortable alternatives to conventional bras:

I have a 3 or 4 like the one above that I got at luluemon, and they actually feel good. And to me feeling good is more important than “modesty” in almost every situation. But it’s your slumber party.


Zaku's avatar

Lack of bras does not bother me.

nikipedia's avatar

I love tanks with built-in bras for situations like that. Or I have a few very comfy modal material bras that are good.

@gorillapaws I bet she wouldn’t have cared. Unless you are abnormally mammarily gifted, baby’s head usually covers the goods. And for those who are very modest, there are nursing covers.

gorillapaws's avatar

@nikipedia I’m sure you’re right, but my friend and girlfriend (now wife) were there there too, and either one might have had a problem. My friend and I weren’t close yet and I really wasn’t sure what the ettiequte was (I’m still not sure to be honest)—especially because he’s Italian and might have different cultural expectations.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The only bra wearing I have done in thirty years was late in my pregnancies, and until each baby was weaned.

Kropotkin's avatar

I’ve never worn a bra with my pyjamas, not even if there’s another man there.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Always. Sports bras are usually my go to.

JLeslie's avatar

I have a bra for this sort of situation when I think maybe I should wear a bra when staying overnight somewhere. The only time I think about it is around my FIL. I try to wear the bra or wear a sweat jacket that covers up better. There are times I’m just in a shirt (and pajama bottoms) and when I am, once in a while my husband will say “you’re hanging out.” My pajamas when visiting are more like loungewear and I could wear them to the supermarket and they pass.

I’ve never thought about it with girlfriends or even their husbands around, but now that I’m older maybe I would? My breasts are larger now then when I was 30.

It’s a pain in the neck to bother thinking about it. I’m with @jca2 on that.

It never occurred to me that some people get dressed before leaving their bedroom when staying overnight until my inlaws stayed at my house when I was in my early 30’s! I had no idea people do that. They came down to breakfast showered coiffed and dressed for the day. That is exhausting to me. I don’t even usually do that when I go to breakfast at a hotel.

It’s true when bras fit well they aren’t uncomfortable, I actually used to be the fitter, but it still feels better to be braless, especially as I get older.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes I would. I look sloppy without one.

LostInParadise's avatar

Do people still wear pajamas?

JLeslie's avatar

^^Just using the term for clothes you sleep in.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Lol! At this point in my life the clothes I wear through the day are the same ones I sleep in! So getting ready for bed consists of me taking off my bra just before I climb into bed.

anniereborn's avatar

I always wear a bra at anyone’s house but my own. Even when I am sleeping. I’m a 42 F! I don’t want those things swinging all over the place.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not that big but I still feel ya @anniereborn! So yuck.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Holy cow, @anniereborn! What did you feed those girls?!

jca2's avatar

When I’m home, the clothes I wear around the house are the same ones I sleep in (tee shirts, sweat shirts, sweat pants, yoga pants), but I wear jeans when I’m out, so I can’t wear those to sleep.

JLeslie's avatar

@anniereborn Even when you’re sleeping? Are the people you visit watching you sleep?

Dutchess_III's avatar

It just may be more comfortable for her, @JLeslie.
Of course the people she’s staying with aren’t watching her sleep.
1) That would be weird and
2) there would no movement to see if she’s sleeping. (I assume it’s the swinging movement that prompted you to ask this question.)

anniereborn's avatar

@JLeslie No, but really the only place I stay overnight is my sister’s house. We often get into our sleeping clothes and watch a movie before bed. She not only has a husband but adult son in the house. So yeh.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III She didn’t write she always wears a bra to sleep. I do know people who do that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She said she wears a bra to sleep at other people’s places.
What kind of question is that to ask her why?
“Are the people you’re staying with watching you sleep?” WTH?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Plus she said the only person’s house she stays overnight at is her sister’s, which includes her sisters husband and her sister’s son.
So who’s going to creep into her room to watch her sleep? Her brother in law? Her nephew? Her sister?

JLeslie's avatar

^^Why are you so bothered? The jelly didn’t seem upset by my question. It was said sarcastically. I don’t think anyone is staring at anyone.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Well, when people go to bed, we don’t always stay there the whole night. Sometimes we need a midnight sprinkle, or midnight snack, or emergencies happen.
It is good for a body to be ready.

kruger_d's avatar

To quote a Julia Roberts character, “They’re just breasts!”
Aside from exposing them (exception for breastfeeding) do what makes you comfortable, physically and emotionally.

jca2's avatar

@kruger: my goal is always not to offend anyone including the hosts.

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