Do you personally know anyone with Covid conspiracy theories?
Okay, I am hoping this does get out of hand, but I am asking for a reason important to me.
A friend of mine only wears a mask when forced to. She won’t wear them anywhere, even in mandated public places, unless someone says she HAS to put one on.
She is vaccinated. Although now I am wondering if she really is.
I didn’t worry about it too much before, but now with Omicron and how easily it is spread it is worrying me to be around her.
Also, I didn’t know she actually had conspiracy theories about what Covid is and WHY it is.
Any of you going through this?
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43 Answers
This is a hard one. Remember when saying Covid came from a lab was a conspiracy theory? But now more and more experts are leaning towards that as an answer to the question of where it came from. My personal feeling is that it really doesn’t matter where it came from other that stopping a potential repeat performance in a few years.
“Conspiracy theories” are those beliefs that seem very far removed from reality, even unreasonable or illogical. But sometimes they ARE true. Cigarettes DO cause cancer. That was initially viewed as a conspiracy theory…people couldn’t believe it was true. The international elite DO gather together regularly to figure out how to rule the world. Again, initially was viewed as paranoia…until the group set up their own website. Please remember that while you are branding your friend as a conspiracy theorist, she might actually be onto something. Talk with her. See if she has actual reasons for her beliefs.
It’s no secret I tend towards being with your friend on many of her views. We have talked about them repeatedly on these pages and there is no sense in regurgitating all those arguments. But let me leave you with one other thought: it could be you that is the conspiracy theorist. Remember when the vaccines were first coming out? It was common knowledge that they kept you from catching the disease. It kept you from spreading the disease. But then they didn’t do any of those things. Think about that. The vaccines being a panacea is something that was thought to be true that wasn’t. And yet people continue to act like it is.
Yes, of course. I just keep quiet and move on becauae I respect their personal health decision.
One of my best friends refused the vaccine and recently almost died from Covid. Her recovery is very difficult. It’s unfortunate but it was her decision.
@KNOWITALL Yes, but do you stay away from them for fear they may transmit it to you?
A man at my church believes that they are putting microchips in the vaccines and refuses to get vaccinated. He had a very bad case of Covid, but that didn’t change his mind. Sad really, because he is generally an intelligent man.
I have only one friend who was very reluctant to get vaccinated. I wouldn’t call her a conspiracy theorist but perhaps a doubter. She eventually got a J&J shot last winter but will not get a booster even though her boyfriend and best friend got Covid. I walked with her last Friday and will try to confine our get togethers to outside but not sure if I’ll make a big issue out of it. I don’t want to get Covid but am less panicked about its possible severity since being vaxxed and boostered. And because Omicron is less severe.
@janbb Yeh I was thinking all those things. But then I worry about somehow transmitting it to my sister who has a ton of underlying conditions.
@anniereborn Then I would probably not want to be around that person. I know my friends who have grandchildren nearby who are not vaccinated are being super careful so they don’t transmit anything.
A lot of the truck drivers I work with are unvaccinated and believe some conspiracy theories. I just ignore them.
We have longtime friends whom we discovered (since the 2016 election) are Trump supporters, pretty extreme right wingers, racist, homophobic, lifelong anti-vaxers who lie about their religion to avoid school vax requirements, and yes…conspiracy theorists.
They’ve always felt these ways apparently, but after Trump was elected have felt more emboldened to share these views on social media and in person.
It’s been really disappointing to realize that people you thought you knew are not entirely those people they portrayed.
We just saw them at a mutual friend’s birthday party where they were discussing microchips and government control at the table. At one point, one of them referred to the transgender daughter of another friend as an “it”.
I got in his face about it and he backed down, but I thought “WTF?! Who are you?”
No. Except my husband. He is concerned about the potential for blood clots because he already has deep vein thrombosis, and clots run in his family.
5 years ago he had a 42 year old nephew drop dead when a clot hit his heart,while he was jogging. The guy was in perfect shape. Didn’t drink, didn’t smoke. Just dropped dead.
So…I’ll leave Rick alone.
@cookieman that’s horrible. Thank you for getting in his face.
@Dutchess_III I don’t think that’s a conspiracy theory. I think that is a medical situation that has been documented.
@cookieman How sad and disappointing. I’m glad you got in his face too!
Exactly @anniereborn. Which is why I leave him alone. It’s still kind of frustrating tho. The chances of a blood clot are so minute.
He does wear a a mask, tho. Religiously.
@anniereborn No we love them and we are all fully vaxxed and boosted. We don’t even discuss it anymore, we mask up in front of them and just do our thing.
Pretty much pointless in Texas. So many people are on board with the “It’s no more than a bad cold, microchips in the vaccine, Mark of the Beast” horseshit. Nothing to gain from arguing with these people. And our brilliant Governor and Legislature have mandated that any business forcing people to wear a mask, can be hit with a big fine. All they can do is post a sign that wearing of masks are appreciated, but not mandatory. We still wear them in public. I don’t wear one at work, because the workers are all gone when I get there, and I am alone all night on a deserted construction site. And they have wash stations with water and hand cleanser all over the place, which I take advantage of every time I make rounds. So far so good.
I have a friend who worked for the phone company for 36 years (as I did). He was sure Covid was caused by 5G cell phone signals.
It isn’t. If 5G signal caused anything, it would be cancer.
I don’t know anyone in real life who believes the Covid conspiracy theories and all are fully vaccinated except for one who is breastfeeding.
I have one friend who is completely absorbed in the conspiracy theories. She posts on Facebook regularly that there will be Nuremberg like trials when people finally figure out the truth. She is not vaccinated and doesn’t wear a mask. Maybe she wears one when there is absolutely no choice like on a plane? I would guess in that situation she would.
She is completely brainwashed and preaches her delusion. I stopped associating with her, but I have run into her twice. Sad really. She did distance from me, so she’s not obnoxious in person to anyone I don’t think, but she’s extremely outspoken online. She did say online how she says to unmasked people it’s nice to see your smile, back when everyone should have had masks on indoors. She reinforced defiant behavior.
I have other people I know, but who aren’t close friends, who believe their bodies are strong enough and that covid is overblown and a few of those people also think the government is trying to take over and control us. They also are not vaccinated and only mask when they have to.
I have a friend who firmly believes in the China lab conspiracy theory for no reason. Her reason for believing in it changes whenever it fits her. One day she says China spreads the virus to gain political advantages on the South China sea, then the next day she says they want to push masks and medical supplies to the world, then she would say they tries to kill off opposing people in their own country. I had a conversation with her and tried to debunk all theories, and finally she settled down to “it’s still too early to say anything”.
@chyna the gentleman in your church that believes they are putting microchips in the vaccine isn’t really that far off base. He has the vehicle for the microchips wrong, but there microchips being injected into people that track their vaccination records. So while they aren’t in the vaccines, he may have heard of this story and just got the ties wrong. Microchips and vaccine were both in the story.
And just a side note, if he is particularly religious, getting the microchip implanted into their right hand could be construed as the mark of the beast:
“16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” Revelations 13:16–18
@seawulf575 Are you being serious? Or, just screwing with us?
From my experience of being a born again Christian for years, and hanging out with rabid Christians, he’s dead serious.
He is. My DIL and her parents are into that stuff. Texas, what can I say.
I guess it’s like a magic band. You don’t have to have one at Disney, but if you have one you don’t need to carry your wallet with you.
I won’t get the jab. I know it to be more risk than help. I had covid.
All my VA contacts, for medical or other reasons are mandates to wear masks, so around them I do too. There are no public mandates in my area, but VA is government employ.
I don’t believe there are microchips in the jab. I don’t know anyone who does, or so far as what they say. If the government wanted to microchip me, they have had plenty of other opportunities.
I have no idea how racist inclination has anything to do with the jab or covid. I am seeing lots of people lumping several personal beliefs and political leanings together and insisting that if one fits you, the whole grouping fits you.
I am a Trump supporter, but he was the one who put a rush on availability of a vaccine. I felt that was a bad move. However, given the mass hysteria over the pandemic, I thought it might be a solution to that, but it didn’t change my opinion of a rushed vaccine.
I have heard of people thinking the vaccine had been already developed, and the pandemic was the means to mass test it in humans. If that turned out to be true, I would hate the human race, and welcome it’s extinction.
Several issues have come to light about various aspects of the pandemic which put a lot of doubt on the whole thing. I’m at the point of doubting everyone.
Covid is real. That is the one thing we can believe.
@Patty_Melt It’s not that all people who refuse the shot are racist, but it is likely in the reverse. The racist people in the country are likely to be against the covid vaccine. They are all listening to the same stuff about Blacks, government, and covid.
Trump didn’t create an anti-vax movement, he just plays to those people, because he knows they love him. He plays to racism and religiousity too, and then walks off stage and says to himself “it’s so easy.”
Hard to believe that so many people are afraid of a 21st Century vaccine, based on the rantings of some mad man that were written 2,000 years ago.
Regarding The Book of Revelations, from which this stuff is derived: According to Wikipedia, a lot of Christian denominations, derived from the Eastern Church, reject it as Canon to this day. So even some Christians don’t buy in to this swipe. “The Council of Laodicea (AD 363) omits it as a canonical book”. (Wikipedia) So even some early Christians knew.
@JLeslie screwing with you how? Suggesting the implants of microchips? I gave a citation for that. Suggesting a religious person might view those microchips as the mark of the Devil? Look at the biblical description. What did I say that was a jest?
@Nomore_lockout just a point: the “rantings” of the mad man sound amazingly like other religious viewpoints from many other religions. Buddha and Jesus have a lot in common.
@seawulf575 I agree but I was referring to John the Revelator, not Jesus. Much of what Jesus says makes good sense, if only we would practice it. But I think John was on some heavy drugs.
Trump has nothing to do with people not wanting the jab.
Trump rushed the mass use availability. Trump got the jab, and a booster.
As I said before, people are trying to make broad generalizations which simply don’t fit many people. My choice has nothing to do with religion or politics, or race.
Lots of others are the same.
@Patty I have to agree with you. You are correct.
@seawulf575 Just to be perfectly clear, he never said anything about a mark of the devil. He was very specific that he was afraid of a microchip being implanted in him.
@Patty_Melt If you’re talking to me, I basically agreed with you. We are all still influenced by what we listen too and the perspectives we come from.
They already have access to that stuff @SquirrelEStuff.
They have.all the access to everything they could want through our cell phones.
I don’t disagree and was merely pointing out that RFID chips are not nearly as far fetched as most people like to think.
Just like weather modification. Most people think weather modification is a conspiracy theory, meanwhile a few states have weather modification programs to make it rain and snow.
Just a thought @SquirrelEStuff if they’re using weather modification right now they need to stop. We all need a break!
@JLeslie my statements were not assigned to anyone in particular, rather everyone who makes those generalizations.
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