Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is it worth trying to convince anti-vaxxers covid is real, and they really should get vaccinated?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) December 30th, 2021

No matter what the news says, these people seem to think the opposite on covid and are sure the vaccine will harm them in some way.
Is it worth even trying to get through to these idiots?

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30 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

No. Let evolution do it’s thing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes it is worth trying but they lack critical thinking skills . . . . ^^^^^^

They will help kill friends, relatives and leave people with “long COVID”.

rebbel's avatar

I’m not sure that (all) anti-vaxxers are convinced that Covid-19 is not real.
Actually, from what I have seen and read, a decent amount of them seem to believe, or know, it is real.
However, a lot of them do also believe that there wasn’t enough time to fabricate a working, and safe, vaccin.
Others think that “they” do bad stuff in/with the virus (and the people who took it).
But just as it is difficult to convince a New York Yankees fan that he better root for the Chicago White Socks, it is impossible to convince an anti-vaxxer to become a pro-vaxxer.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

^^ The ones that think it’s real, also think it’s safer to take horse wormer, or swimming pool cleaner ,rather than the vaccine.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I won’t bother. Let them do their thing, if they get sick, too bad so sad. And oddly not all of them are technically “Anti-Vax”, I know a few who have had the usual vaccines all their life, like all of us. But they draw the line at the Covid vax. Go figure.

kritiper's avatar

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. You can only do so much and then you have to leave it alone.

Some people learn.
Some people only learn the hard way.
Some people NEVER learn!

elbanditoroso's avatar

No, if they don’t get it by now, they never will. It has become a religious-political crusade.

Let them die.

SussyBaka's avatar

No. If they think putting others at risk is gonna help, so be it. If they get it, too bad. It was their choice. Soon (no offense), they're all gonna die and only pro-vaxxers will be left. And then Covid will go away. So just let them get it. Then if they don’t quarantine, they are just terrible people. Those people can go to jail.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Might as well try convincing Flat Earthers that the world is round. Just as well go butt your head against an oak tree.

Chestnut's avatar

I’m not anti Vax, just pro choice. I have a right to do with my body what I choose, and nobody else is allowed to make that decision for me. I’ve been hearing this for decades now.

seawulf575's avatar

I’m with @rebbel on many of his points. I don’t know anyone that believes Covid isn’t real. What they may believe is that it isn’t as dreadful as we have all been told it is. They may not believe in the safety of the vaccine or even the point behind the vaccine. Some may believe that the human immune system is just as good, if not better, than the vaccine. They may not believe the story that there are no long term effects. They may not understand how so many people can root for a vaccine that has shattered every record for adverse reactions….of every other vaccine combined. They may just be leery because the “official” story about the vaccines has changed almost weekly since they were first released. They may just be getting truculent because the vaccines (which are not actually licensed) are being forced onto them and they are being treated like second class citizens in the process.

But this question actually hints at the real problem in our society. The OP has asked a question with the assumption for what the “offending” party thinks. He obviously has not actually taken the time to talk to any “anti-vaxxers” but has plenty of time to make up a name for them. It shows that the lines of communication and understanding are shot from the start.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Chestnut so why are women not given the same autonomy when deciding whether or not to carry a child?

Inspired_2write's avatar

never mind argueing with them, just leave them alone and soon they will see that they are without friends etc

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie,you get all bent out of shape when one of us say you never did this or that,but you have no problem throwing it at us, how very fright wing of you.
I have some people close to us that are anti-vaxxers, so shock I have talked to anti-vaxxers, and I get answers from they just don’t think they need it, to we keep our social circle small so getting vaccinated doesn’t really apply to me type thing.
another I like hearing that is nano- techknowledge and that can get in your brain and the government can control you( yeah that is what they want a middle aged ,over weight truck driver with bad knees,I am a prize)
One thing I do know is ant-vaxxers do not care about others safety,you get vaccinated to protect yourself and others,not being vaccinated puts more than just you at risk.
You are right the omicron strain has milder effects, for THE VACCINATED, it’s kicking the shit out of the unvaccinated.
If you are so dedicated to being one of the unvaccinated then don’t go in public,use curb side pick up,take out and do all your shopping via the internet.
I am sure glad we are not fighting small pox, or Polio those were almost totally wiped out with SHOCK a vaccine that most of us got when we were in grade school.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh another answer I get ,is I don’t know whats in it.
These people don’t know whats in half the processed food they eat.

SnipSnip's avatar

Covid being real is not the issue for some. I’ve never even heard anyone say the COVID isn’t real. They just are not going to take the vaccine for a myriad of reasons, none of which are really anyone’s business but theirs. People have the right to control chemicals being shot into their body.

filmfann's avatar

I know several anti-vaxers. They have all caught Covid.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@filmfann Caught COVID-19 and catch it again and again and again and again until they die or kill all their relatives.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

The Government is trying to keep tabs on us folks, beware the vaccine! And if their top priority is keeping track of my old ass, to see how often I get up at night to pee, then it’s little wonder the country is going to hell in a handbasket, as my Old Pappy would have said. I mean, who cares about global warming, or space exploration, or Putin’s next move, when they can watch my every move? I might even stop at a convenience store and buy a Coke instead of coffee, and the CIA and NSA have to stay on top of that.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Why bother? They aren’t listening to experts so I doubt a Canadian truck driver could change their mind. :)

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Cain’t trust them Canuckian Lumberjack fellers no how. And they’s too busy trine to git my guns. That’s what Cletus and them nice Republican fellers tell me.

jca2's avatar

I don’t bother to try, because if they’re still doubting two years into it, with so many sick and dying (surely everyone must know at least one person who got it and possibly died from it), then I couldn’t possibly convince them. It’s become so politicized that it’s crazy. I still see people arguing on FB about the efficacy of masks. Some local County Executives are not enforcing the NY Governor’s mask mandate, which just gives fuel to the fire.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jca2 Is it true you have to ask for straws now in NY or they aren’t allowed to give you one? Just read about this week, seems odd.

jca2's avatar

Hahaha you’ll get straws whether you ask for them or not, in both NY and CT (I spend a lot of my shopping and eating time in CT since I’m right on the border), @KNOWITALL.

LuckyGuy's avatar

This the end of the second day and I am feeling pretty good – thanks to science and vaccines.
I did no end up in the hospital.
I won’t do this but I sure am tempted to hang around some of my anti-vax acquaintances and talk in their direction. Instead I will quarantine as recommended by CDC and try not to be part of the problem.
Bill Burr has a funny take on the situation.

jca2's avatar

@LuckyGuy: I love Bill Burr. Thanks to you, I learned about the incredible comedy of Sebastian Maniscalco. Bonus: Both Bill Burr and Sebastian Maniscalco are easy on the eyes, in a middle-aged kind of way. :)

jca2's avatar

@LuckyGuy: Hilarious bit!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@jca2 I’m glad you liked it. Bill Burr is quite bold and irreverent, but he says things many people think but hold in check.

jca2's avatar

@LuckyGuy Yes, I’ve seen all of his specials on Netflix and also those of Sebastian Maniscalco.

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