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jca2's avatar

What's your morning routine on days that you're off?

Asked by jca2 (17249points) January 2nd, 2022

What’s your morning routine on days that you don’t have to go to work? If you don’t work at all, then what’s your morning routine every day?

My morning routine is multiple cups of coffee, Fluther, Facebook and TV on in the background (weekends is Food Channel, week days is Today Show and Kelly and Ryan).

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16 Answers

Chestnut's avatar

Coffee, treadmill, breakfast.

janbb's avatar

Tea and toast in bathrobe in front of the fire with NY Times in winter. First upon getting up, check in with Fluther and Facebook and Gmail.

JLeslie's avatar

Check my calendar, fluther, Facebook, breakfast, zoom with a discussion group or go to a zumba class, or work (my work is done from home). I usually shower late morning. My schedule is very varied depending on the day of the week.

zenvelo's avatar

Coffee and toast ( have to have food with medications) while checking email, Facebook, Fluther. After second cup of coffee, dress to go for a three mile walk.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Retired here. Get up about 10, brush my teeth, take my meds, Facebook, Fluther, clean, do laundry.
Nova and such is on in the background. Or Judge Judy.
Eventually, after a few hours, I eat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Also I let the dog out to pee. On days like today, when there is snow on the ground, I just boot him out and I stay in. We have no fence to speak of. So glad he’s not a runner. He’s a good boi!

rebbel's avatar

Becoming a midday routine.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Socials with coffee for 1.5+/- hours, then breakfast or brunch. Regardless of work or plans, I gift myself that easy wake-up.

ragingloli's avatar

Sleep until 15:00

mazingerz88's avatar

Stay in bed until tired of staying in bed.

Coffee and fried eggs.


Working on a gig online.

Staring at my collectible statues and figures.

A movie.

Staying in bed.

More food.

Ask Alexa to play music and the latest Writer’s Almanac episode.

[ In between these routine activities doing a few house chores mindlessly ]

JLeslie's avatar

I forgot to mention I usually put on the TV either when I first wake up while lying in bed, or when I make breakfast.

I also have to take medicine every morning.

smudges's avatar

Take meds at 7 while still in bed. Get up 8–8:30. Turn on computer and TV, open curtains. Get coffee, check headlines on computer, check email, work on a Griddler. Wash up and begin daily to-dos. Will be adding sciatica/back stretches either before or after wash up.

JLoon's avatar

Days off vary week to week & month to month- But when I get one I sleep late (with or without company), do yoga/tai chi for 20 min., shower and do my hair and do my hair and do my hair, COFFEE!!, listen to music while I make/eat breakfast, check news either online or in a real paper, clear the kitchen, take 10 min to think about absolutely nothing, then get on with the day.

Sounds almost normal… but I’m leaving out what goes on in my head ;D

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Get up around ten (semi retired) have coffee, more coffee, then just run around with my wife if she has anything on the agenda. After we have breakfast that is. She always makes it, I’m not allowed in the kitchen. Although I can burn a mean blueberry muffin. Then after we get home from errands, if we have any, it’s Fluther for me or Facebook for us both. Check up on friends and relatives. Older grand kids and pics of great grand kids, or my sister’s and my plethora of cousins. Can’t get my wife to get any interest in Fluther, she says it’s too political. Oh well…that’s my thrilling life. On the bright side at least me and Beth still enjoy running around together. I don’t like going anywhere alone, too damn boring.

cookieman's avatar

Doesn’t matter if it’s a work day or day off, my morning routine is the same.

Get washed, dressed – take out the doggies – go get coffee and breakfast.

Works days I then get to work. Days off, I putter around house cleaning and doing laundry – unless we have plans, which is rare.

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m a homemaker, so I work on my own schedule. I sleep til noon or later, get dressed, take my blood glucose test, then eat breakfast. On weekdays, I make arrangements for my two homeschoolers to start work, either wake them up, or pick them up from their apartment.

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