Social Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What's the silliest present your received over the holiday?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31593points) January 3rd, 2022

I received a Planter’s Peanut fanny pack.

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8 Answers

chyna's avatar

Envisioning a Planters Peanut fanny pack on you. No, can’t imagine it.
How about one that I gave? My brother has an issue with squirrels. I really think he secretly likes them, but pretends they are his enemy. I found a hand carved squirrel at a craft show and got it for him for Christmas. He laughed about it, but kept picking it up and looking at it, so I think he liked it.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

My 8 year old niece gave me a ceramic turd she made. Painted it brown and everything. It’s on my bookshelf right now.

janbb's avatar

A chocolate penguin. i can’t decide whether to eat it or if that would be cannibalism. And do I start with the head or the feet first?

zenvelo's avatar

There were Mexican Jumping Beans in my stocking.

@janbb start with the torso.

Zaku's avatar

Um, there are several candidates, but I’m going to say the yellow safety helmet with spinning red light and siren . . .

At least it was not the SPOCK version .

Though it was actually the source of much silly fun, and of course no small amount of parental annoyance!

Other candidates include 2XL, the Buggs Bunny Alarm clock, and (only because I was into other sorts of things) the deluxe truck/RV camper family doll set. I notice those were all from the same wonderful humorous aunt, who got at least some of her gift idea inspiration from her kids.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

30 years ago I was given a Budget rent-a-car winter hat. I was embarrassed to wear it, but I was desperate, because it was so cold.

I was given a male grooming kit when I was 12. I gave it to my dad, and I was embarrassed. I should have kept it because I really smelled bad and had a thin mustache and beard. I didn’t realize that Old Spice was spice, like the kind that you cook with. My mistake.

I was given a children’s dictionary that was for little children’s when I was in grade six. I read the whole thing in an hour and moved on.

I was showing interest in magic and was given a magic set in grade 4. Most of the tricks where easy to see though and I was embarrassed.

Anonym8's avatar

Pink underpants with flamingos, and they are very big on me. Terrible.

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