Social Question

flutherother's avatar

What behaviour by family, friends or strangers can you not tolerate?

Asked by flutherother (35075points) January 4th, 2022

There are always things other people do that annoy us. What are your main bugbears.

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14 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Blind loyalty to a cause ,religion, political party, with out even a try to listen to what the other said has to say.

chyna's avatar

Spitting. Ugh. No.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@chyna You forgot nose picking.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Eating with their mouth open.

SnipSnip's avatar

I will not be around people who aren’t genuine and solid.

longgone's avatar

Physical violence, especially with children and pets. I immediately get loud and call it out. It’s not even a conscious decision, and it’s gotten me in trouble a few times. But that’s okay.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^ One time I was sitting on my front porch steps. Some lady was walking across a yard with a little kid when she suddenly slapped the ever loving shit out of the child.
Before I could react my daughter, who had just has a baby, came busting out of the house storming toward the lady.
I jumped up. Gotta have my kid’s back.
I said, loudly, “Did she just slap that poor child??”
Jen yelled “Yes she did!!”
I thought “There’s gonna be a fight!”
The lady glanced over at us marching down on her, and scurried away.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Same as @longgone, I suppose.

raum's avatar

It drives me nuts when my family members tell me about a problem, I present a solution, they don’t do it and continue to complain about the same problem.

kruger_d's avatar

Braggadocious people who never stop talking about themselves or their own concerns and constantly interrupt others. They also tend to be loud or close talkers who don’t understand boundaries.

JLeslie's avatar


Some good answers above.

I’m with @chyna on spitting. That’s disgusting. Growing up in NY I was told that was illegal.

I would not tolerate my husband being a liar, but I know there are liars in the family and I let it slide. They lie about things I’m able to ignore, and they don’t affect my every day life.

People who are disrespectful all of the time. Who use mean language or are dismissive. Who constantly put others down.

Physical violence is another one. Although, I know some men who were physically abusive to their wives in the past and I still talk to them when in their presence.

Force feeding children is up there with making me very uncomfortable. That’s physical abuse in my opinion.

Alcoholism I can’t be around for long. I wouldn’t disown someone, but I try to draw a line.

People who are very passive aggressive. They are impossible.

smudges's avatar

sheesh! I don’t think I have any to add. You guys got them all!

Oh…one more – bodily functions performed in a juvenile way (not an accident)

JLoon's avatar

I just hate gunfights in the parking lot after church.

That stuff belongs at home.

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