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Kraigmo's avatar

Does the existence of QAnon prove that Libertarianism is fatally flawed?

Asked by Kraigmo (9521points) January 4th, 2022

The purist/hardcore version of Libertarianism insist that by giving people maximum freedom, reason will prevail, since most people are rational.
The existence of QAnon seems to have blown this assumption out of the water.
Somewhere between 33 and 45% of the American public have fallen for QAnon theories, even if they don’t consider themselves knowledgeable about QAnon itself (such as mass organized rigging of vote machines including flipped votes and thousands of “dead” people voting.)
If this many people of the American public can have irrational beliefs over an election that affects our entire nation, doesn’t that prove that Libertarianism is fatally flawed? What happens if these cult-like thoughts and alliances start occuring with 55% to 70% of the American public? Do we allow them to trash the entire planet and destroy world relations and deny science until everything is destroyed? Even if they eventually become the legitimately elected Majority?

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