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luigirovatti's avatar

[NSFW] Which fiction books are like "Lolita" by Nabokov but with a happy ending?

Asked by luigirovatti (3024points) January 9th, 2022

I’ll take my own responsibility for this, and be banned from Fluther if need be. I just need to state that what I’m asking for is (technically) perfectly legal, and I’m absolutely against any type of child sexual abuse. Understood? That said, I’ll probably be banned for this.

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17 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I doubt you will find any – writing about sexual activity with kids is as close to verboten as any genre can be. A couple years ago Amazon was warned (or maybe sued, not sure) for selling fiction books that had Lolita-like plots in them.

I know that a while ago, one of the erotic story internet sites (no pictures, no audio, just text) was monitored by some government agency for including stories with minors as characters. They weren’t shut down, but at least one of the authors was contacted. (no, not me, but someone who I knew).

Summary -> highly unlikely you will find anything that meets your needs.

filmfann's avatar

A happy ending for who?
You’re certainly not looking for a happy ending for the sexually abused and exploited child.
The only one I can think of is Tess of the D’Urbervilles.

Jeruba's avatar

I honestly don’t think there are any other novels like Lolita, happy ending or not.

The closest thing you might find (and it wouldn’t be close at all, because not even other genuine, well crafted, brilliant novels are like Lolita) might be a paperback in a plain cover, sold in a sketchy-looking store along with “adult toys” and other specialty items.

If you’re just looking for a storyline, you can make that up yourself.

ragingloli's avatar

There is plenty of hentai to fulfill your needs.

JLoon's avatar

You’re not gonna get banned because it’s actually an interesting question. But you may be misunderstood.

Enjoy it.

Nabokov was brilliant and Lolita was one of a kind – As @Jeruba said, there’s really nothing “like” it anywhere. And given the very difficult subject matter it’s not likely anyone writing on the same theme could ever turn out something with a happy ending.

BUT, there are a few other novels & stories that explore the same strange mix of taboo erotic obbsession :
The Lover
– Marguerite Duras

– Sofka Ziovieff

Ada, or Ador: A Family Chronicle
– Vladimir Nabokov (of course)

Check out similar stuff here:

Jeruba's avatar

I’ve read nearly all of Nabokov. Not even he could write something “like” Lolita.

Ada weighed in at nearly 600 pages and was one of those books that simply captivated me. I wanted it never to end. But only Lolita is Lolita.

By the way, the alternate title of Ada is Ardor. With an r.

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tinyfaery's avatar

Again, not a happy ending but Anne Rice wrote a novel called Belinda under one of her pseudonyms. It explores the same themes as Lolita and adds questions about art and morality.

Smashley's avatar

The last chapter of “The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect” deals with incest and child-adult sex in a garden of eden kind of way. Like they’re just two people trying to repopulate an uninhabited planet, and the kids are raised only knowing that way of life. It’s about as happy and non-judgmental as anything you’ll find outside of erotica.

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