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Caravanfan's avatar

What is your favorite radio station for streaming?

Asked by Caravanfan (14179points) January 9th, 2022

I listen to KVHS, a local music station that in the afternoon does really great prog and rock that you don’t normally hear.

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9 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I like KOZT “The Coast” out of Mendocino.

filmfann's avatar

Sirius Radio’s 40’s Junction. It plays World War II big band music.

smudges's avatar

I admit it – I’m an idiot. I’ve never heard of ‘streaming’ a radio station. I’ve always called it ‘playing’, or ‘listening to’. I thought streaming was the ability to play tv shows one after another without waiting for them to ‘officially’ come out for viewing.

So what exactly is streaming?

Radio stations I like are 103.5 KISS FM and 94.5 FM Boomer

JLeslie's avatar

@smudges Streaming is through the internet rather than on your radio or through satellite. Here’s my local station. You can stream online or listen on the radio. Just scroll down the page and click on the radio station for live streaming.

smudges's avatar

^^ Man am I a dinosaur! So even if I watch a show that’s streaming through my tv, it’s because I have a ‘smart’ tv and it’s actually coming through the internet? And podcasts are like talk shows?

I don’t think I saw a place to click.

JLeslie's avatar

@smudges I don’t want to change the topic, but I now have YouTubeTV instead of cable. The YoutubeTV is a streaming service. I still say I’m “watching” TV, but the method is different. It’s so confusing to me too. I still don’t understand how my Amazon stick works to receive the TV service.

smudges's avatar

Thank you!

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