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Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you think the chances are that Trump could be elected in 2024?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 9th, 2022

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27 Answers

filmfann's avatar

There are several possibilities here.
If Trump is charged and convicted with crimes connected with planning the January 6th insurrection, he would be legally ineligible to run for any government position.
It is also possible he could be jailed for tax issues. I doubt this, because money.
If he is not charged and convicted, he could run. He could easily get 40% of the Republican vote, which is all he needs to gain the nomination. From there, the GOP will line up behind him, and we could have a close election.
Joe Biden could run for reelection, but I think he is simply too old. That is a hard job, and it takes a toll on anyone who cares about the job, plus he was old when he first got elected.
So the Dems need a younger candidate. Kamila Harris hasn’t made friends while acting as Veep, and I doubt she can win on her own. I could easily vote for Amy Klobuchar.

smudges's avatar

The chances are too scary to think about. In other words, he could, imo. If he does, I think I’ll be moving to Canada.

Kropotkin's avatar

He’s current ahead in polling, supposedly intends to run, and the bookies here make him a 3 to 1 favourite.

That’s not a price I’d take, and I’d guess he’s has more like a 10 to 20% chance. But then I wouldn’t take the much longer odds on Harris and Biden either.

kritiper's avatar

Zilch. He has destroyed any chance of being the Republican nominee with his past antics as president. He could run as an independent and that would serve to split the Republican party and give the election to the Democrats.

ragingloli's avatar

Pretty high. With Biden being a disappointment to progressives, and Republican’s continuing efforts to manipulate future elections, I think he has a substantial chance of winning, if he runs.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I think (or maybe it’s hope) he could not get elected.

But I expect he and his flying monkeys will make 2024 at best a circus and more likely a disaster. The majority of Republicans live in a fantasy world, where Biden must have cheated to overcome Trump’s righteous virtue.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Slim to nil. I hope.

flutherother's avatar

His chances aren’t zero, which is itself quite troubling. The only consolation is that if elected he won’t be able to serve a third term, if serve is the right word, which in the case of Trump it isn’t. Unless he tries to rewrite the constitution that is, and who’s to say he wouldn’t try.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Slim to none.

ragingloli's avatar

“slim to none” is what people said when he first ran. And look how that turned out.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Trump proved the (GOP)‘s after Ronald Reagan’s point that “the government is the problem” That’s why he can get elected again. The worse leader that he is the better the GOP is off; Because he is the problem, and he is in government.

Democrats tend to prefer academic leaders, grounded in science, and hope that when elected that they can fix all the ails the world through government; While GOP republican’s believe the exact opposite. The republican’s believe that government is the problem, and that rules on business and other plagues that trample the encouragement of self- sufficiency should be curtailed.

gondwanalon's avatar

Disclaimer: I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.
I think that if he ran for US President in 2024 that he would likely win. He’s very charismatic and has powerful communication skills that he uses very well to exaggerate and confuse.

I hope that he doesn’t run. I’m sick of him. Such an argonaut obnoxious old blow hard.

However he does support conservative ideas that I agree with.

If I have to pick between voting for Trump and a left leaning liberal in 2024 then I’ll hold my nose and vote for Trump. And let the pointless and baseless impeachments begin again.

Inspired_2write's avatar

He may try to bolster the ratings to look like he is the only viable leader to win but I really think in the end from out of the blue a “Female” will win the Election.
Trump pissed off so many female voters that he has little chance of getting in again.

kritiper's avatar

@ragingloli That is of no consequence since we’re not voting for him the first time again.

ragingloli's avatar

It absolutely is, because you are falling prey to the same thinking that allowed him to win in the first place: That he is so awful, that no one in their right mind would vote for him.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli Well let’s put it this way, many of us who voted for him the first time won’t do it again.

kritiper's avatar

@ragingloli Some us, at least, aren’t that stupid. SURELY it was an American that said “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
Some of us DO learn, even if it’s the hard way!!

longgone's avatar

Considering how the EC favours Republican votes and that insidious practices like gerrymandering or moving polling stations have been alllowed to continue, I think he has a good chance. I mean, it was way too close for comfort even in 2020.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@KNOWITALL, do you have friends and acquaintances who voted for trump but won’t vote for him again?

smudges's avatar

I believe that the vast majority of people who voted for him still believe in him and/or hate the ‘other side’ so much that they’d vote for him again. Politics has become a schoolyard battle to win King of the Hill, and many people are so stubborn that they’ll sacrifice the Hill itself and let it collapse before letting the other side win. Then the American way of life will die.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes. Hopefully Trump isn’t the only choice.

mazingerz88's avatar

Zero chance he’ll get re-elected. For the very simple reason majority of American voters at this point still would not want the biggest douchebag in the history of American politics back in the WH.

ragingloli's avatar

A small majority. Less then 5% difference.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The majority of Americans didn’t want him in 2016 either @mazingerz88.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Can you say: Putin?

flutherother's avatar

If only legal votes are counted (as defined by Trump) he will win by a massive majority.

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