Meta Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Are you fine with answers being removed due to writing standards?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23631points) January 10th, 2022

Flame bait I can totally understand, but to have an answer removed because you didn’t use a capital, or space a comma seems a little ridiculous.
What is your opinion?

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26 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

One of the reasons I like this site is the requirement that we write correctly.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Write in English sentences ! ! !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So your ok with little Grammer mistakes being removed?

longgone's avatar

[mod says] Just so there’s no confusion while this matter is debated: Our policy is to remove only posts with several errors. We wouldn’t moderate an answer for improper comma spacing, though we do send questions back if there’s spacing issues in the title.

JLoon's avatar

Yez ey thank sew. Itz impugnant to rite gud amurikan enklish.

Gawd blesh oar modereaters.

Caravanfan's avatar

Yes. Absolutely.

rebbel's avatar

Spelling mistakes, and grammar mistakes, annoy me (just a minute ago I read an answer I wrote a few days ago, in which I mistakenly wrote one instead of own; that bugs me to no end).
Yes, I am for pulling answers that have (too many) mistakes.
It helps keep the site remaining its standard, and it helps the member (that is, if they are willing, and able, to learn from it).
I know I did, whenever my questions and/or answers got pulled (or I got PM’s from helpful Jellies, that pointed me to errors).

janbb's avatar

Yup, I’m fine with it. We all make mistakes, and by the way @SQUEEKY2,, there is a grammatical error in your last comment and it has not been removed.

filmfann's avatar

I am fine with keeping the site neat and tidy, even when the mods remove something I say.
It isn’t always grammar. Sometimes it’s context. Like how to find an assassin for hire.

flutherother's avatar

“At a time when people were generally decrying the Japanese bombardment of Shanghai, I met Karl Kraus struggling over one of his famous comma problems. He said something like: ‘I know that everything is futile when the house is burning. But I have to do this, as long as it is at all possible; for if those who were supposed to look after commas had always made sure they were in the right place, Shanghai would not be burning’.”

– Czech composer Ernst Krenek describing a meeting with Karl Kraus in Vienna, in 1932 *

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t think it’s as simple as that, @SQUEEKY2. I can testify that I have seen hundreds of answers, or more likely thousands, left in place with egregious errors in them. I don’t believe any posts are simply and unilaterally deleted because they contain an error in punctuation or capitalization.

Please see moderator @SavoirFaire’s excellent explanation of Fluther’s writing standards here. This pertains to questions, not responding posts, but the applicable standards are the main thing.

And yes, I support maintaining high standards on this site. People who can’t live with that have lots of other places to go where no one cares.

smudges's avatar

I’m fine with it. Those little mistakes annoy the heck out of me. I know English and grammar aren’t everyone’s thing, but math isn’t my thing at all. Thank god there aren’t any math requirements here!

@janbb and by the way @SQUEEKY2,, there is a grammatical error in your last comment and it has not been removed.

There’s also a spelling error in “Grammer” and “Grammer” shouldn’t be capitalized. ;o)

Jeruba's avatar

@smudges, I think he did that on purpose to make a point. Also note “your.” And don’t even think about possessive with gerund.

We see a lot of instances of your / you’re and there / they’re / their errors around here, not to mention that perennial favorite, its / it’s. Most of them are permitted to stand.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Writing has never been my strong point so sorry to complain.
Just wish people were as freaking fussy about their driving as they are about their writing.

janbb's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 How do you know we’re not? :-)

smudges's avatar

@Jeruba I know there was an error with “your”. That’s why I commented to @janbb that, “There’s also a spelling error. . .” I was acknowledging her attention to the grammatical error and adding another two errors.

I guess we won’t know if it was done on purpose, but it looks like his routine writing to me. I’m not going to ask.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I feel you. There are times my memory is bad, and it has resulted in embarrassment for me. I try not to take it seriously and say my apologies for whatever the situation may be and move on.

This topic is a sore spot for you. You’ve mentioned it before on a few threads. I feel your hurt.

I’m not sure how to help. Fluther is only a website. It might be a little more important for some of us, because of the community we’ve built here. If it’s any consolation, I respect your contributions here. You’re always a voice of common sense, which is lacking in our modern world.

Besides, I respect truck drivers. My son is one.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@janbb Just being on the road with other drivers shows me driving is the furthest thing on their mind, running stop signs, not using turn signals, having one or more light out on the vehicle and not seeming to care about it, oh and let’s not forget not dimming your headlights to on coming traffic.
Those things don’t take any real skill, just a common sense to use them and keep them working.

Jeruba's avatar

And as @janbb noted, those of us who are careful with our words might also be among the careful drivers that you see.

Of course, that doesn’t work in reverse: being casual with language does not mean bad drivers. Only just that the offenders on the road might not necessarily be the English majors and librarians.

I, for one, am frequently exasperated with the horrible driving I see around me, and I try to keep my aging reflexes well tuned so I don’t freak out when someone suddenly makes a left turn from the right lane or blocks a freeway exit by slowing down without warning. I make mistakes too, but I try not to make any at a speed above 35 mph.(My worst one was at about 5 mph: the sun was in my eyes, and I took out a signal pole without even cracking my plastic license plate frame.) I’ve never had a moving violation, never mind a road accident.

raum's avatar

I have a total double standard.

While I appreciate holding the site to higher standards than most other sites, I’d actually rather that other user’s answers stay up. Removing comments breaks up the continuity of a thread and makes it hard to follow if too many comments have been removed. :/

On the other hand, I’m deeply grateful if my own comments are removed. Because seeing my own mistakes makes me cringe.

I’m hypocritical like that.

raum's avatar

I wish Fluther would allow users to edit questions and comments. With “view edit history” for accountability.

Jeruba's avatar

@raum, you don’t mean edit other users’ posts—? I might cheerfully go around fixing errors if it were asked for, but it isn’t, and I sure as hell don’t want anybody deciding for me that I meant something other than what I said.

In other words, nope, nope, nope. I didn’t even like it when someone used to edit my tags. I’d rather live with my own mistakes than have someone else’s foisted upon me.

No matter how much the sight of some errors bugs me, the same way a hair stylist will notice a bad haircut or a professional musician will know when someone is painfully off key, I’d rather know it’s the person’s honest, genuine post than see false perfection everywhere.

raum's avatar

@Jeruba No, I meant allowing users to edit their own comments. But also having an option to view previous iterations (for accountability).

Agree that I’d rather have a question or comment removed than have someone else edit. Also not a fan of edited tags.

longgone's avatar

“Writing has never been my strong point so sorry to complain.”

For what it’s worth, I hope you know that the vast majority of your posts are totally fine (and we don’t touch them)? I also think that your posts are often very thoughtful and add a lot to the discussion. Ultimately, that’s much more important than proper spacing. When we do remove a post of yours, it’s a shame. Whereas with teenage trolls who write in all lower-case, it’s honestly pretty satisfying.

“Just wish people were as freaking fussy about their driving as they are about their writing.”

I can’t even drive at all. Wish I could. If I ever learn, I already know I’ll be extremely respectful of trucks.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m ok with it because it’s a “private” website, meaning similar to someone’s business, they have certain rights to uphold their own standards.

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