In what ways are you a hypocrite?
Asked by
raum (
January 11th, 2022
from iPhone
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18 Answers
I think this question is just an attempt to manipulate me into having sex – but I’ll need to sleep with you to be sure.
Not sure if I’m up for that kind of activity. Might legit have a heart attack.
[pops an aspirin]
@raum – If that cures hypocrisy I’ll have one too ; )
I flag spam and trolls, while reading them and getting a chuckle. Until it targets me then I am hurt.
Also I want to be a small (g) god while being upset when someone tries to give me unsolicited religious advice and attonment.
I call myself a socialist but I am very happy I have a comfortable financial situation.
I have huge problems with how we keep our live stock, to produce dairy and meet, but occasionally I do eat it.
In every possible way. Like every other human.
@rebbel Yes, me too. (Or meat too?)
I find stubborn, opinionated people to be a pain in the ass to deal with, but no one is more stubborn and opinionated than me. I just like it when I’m the only one of that type around. :)
@janbb Yeah, I saw it to late….., again…..
Meat, meat, meat.
I am too honest with myself to be a hypocrite.
Same as @rebbel, I can’t stand the industrial farms but I eat it if it’s my only option.
I care about the planet but still buy some products I shouldn’t. I have not eliminated all trash from my life.
I expect others to admit they’re wrong and apologize but it’s not my strong suit.
I hate how divorced we are from the products we eat. But I’m a meat eater who definitely would not be able to stomach butchering my own dinner.
I try to reduce, reuse, recycle. But I’m a sucker for cute packaging.
When I shine the mirror on myself. I do it daily as a self betterment exercise.
We pay for recycling even though I know its end state is almost worse for most of it than if it just went to the landfill.
We have gas heat and appliances, drive gas cars but I’m concerned about climate.
I believe animals we raise for food are sentient and feel emotions, that we treat them horribly but I still eat them.
I know that the world would be better off without guns but as long as people have them and can use them against me I will own them and vote to keep them. I think hoarding is silly but we still have an extra jumbo pack of TP held back just in case we can’t get any later. (It was a close call here during the shortage)
I think of myself as accepting of other religious traditions, but have a pretty narrow view of how my own church should look, sound, act. Like I would be fine attending a Jewish service (I’m Lutheran) but if my own church replaced the organist with a praise band I would leave.
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