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JLeslie's avatar

What do White Supremacists think will happen if they get rid of all of the Jewish people in the world?

Asked by JLeslie (65975points) January 13th, 2022 from iPhone

I realize they hate more groups than just Jews, but I was watching an episode of Trafficked about WS and a former WS talked about “the final solution” and that it meant to him the same as in the time of Hitler; getting rid of the Jews.

I just don’t understand what they think will change if they get rid of all the Jews? I know it’s irrational hate, but what I’m asking is what do THEY think will happen? How will life be better for them?

Here’s a clip from the episode.

I recommend watching the episode in its entirety if you can, not just the YouTube clip I provided. The show is on the National Geographic channel. It talks about what I’ve been saying that these groups are connected across the world now. It also mentioned something I had no idea about; that a lot of the supremacy is coming out of the Ukraine. That was new for me, although I knew there is plenty of WS in parts of Europe.

So scary.

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13 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

They would attack another group. Then eventually turn on themselves. Eventually there would be none left.

ragingloli's avatar

The major thing that White Supremacists believe, beside the regular racism, is that Jews™ are all embroiled in a global conspiracy, responsible for all ills that befell the world since the dawn of history.
They believe that Jews™ control the banking system, the media, and hollywood.
They believe that Jews™ are responsible for war, pestilence, and communism. Not to mention starting wild fires using their space lasers.
And a host of other things, too.

Forever_Free's avatar

I have no clue because my brain will not allow myself to go there. Why would anyone even entertain trying to understand something so barbaric like that, unless I was doing a psychiatric study to ensure it never happened again.

JLeslie's avatar

@ragingloli I know most of those things in your link. So, they think the world will become Eden? It’s not that they want to be in charge themselves, it’s that they imagine some sort of magic to happen and we will enter some sort of peaceful era?

ragingloli's avatar

Oh, they want to be in charge. All those conspiracies are just an excuse for violence, to achieve that goal. But I am sure that many of them do believe that nonsense.

jca2's avatar

I don’t think forethought is a trait that these people have, just like they don’t consider what the world would look like if certain animals were extinct or if the world’s weather patterns were such that the Earth was inhabitable, due to climate change. They see things through rose-colored glasses, and envision a Nirvana of no Jews, no Mexicans, no negroes (antiquated terms I’m using for effect), white women will be put on pedestals, you won’t have to press “one” for English, the South will rise again, we’ll go back to using words like “retard” freely and without repercussion and everyone who wants a gun will have one, no questions asked.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It would blow their “Christian” little minds if they could think intelligently enough to realize Jesus was a Jew.

ragingloli's avatar

They blame Jews for his death, too. Which is the basis for western antisemitism.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know. And it’s ridiculous. Christians believe that everything, including his death, was ordained by God.

JLeslie's avatar

Do you think they realize there are only 17 million Jews in the world? A speck of the world population? How much could it really change things?

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Can’t stomach those ass wipes. I’d rather pass on the video, and piss on them.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

We may have evolved physically over the eons, but mentally we aren’t showing a lot of progress.

Inspired_2write's avatar

What do they think…..insecure and because of that put down others in any way they can.
It stmes from inadequacy and while observing those that work long hours and hard for there money and can buget well do better.
They fail to observe the hard work that others do on a daily basis to get ahead.

Unfortunately White Supremacists in effect are showing there insecurity and thus are NOT supreme in any way.

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